They are changing the business model.

Changing it to one where there's income from used sales
No-one's forced to buy anything they offer, so no-one is paying for their stupid business decisions except the companies. They will try different strategies. If they don't work, they'll try others. This gen they tried 2nd hand revenue generation through the introduction of a fee to play online. At the moment they are lokoing to try something new regards 2nd sales revenues. If that doesn't work and the market responds by giving them less money, they'll change strategy again. That's free market economics for you.
The ethics of copyright and 2nd hand sales control belong in another thread. I'm sick of saying this over and over every time the mention of second hand controls are raised, and I'll start administering heavy-handed injustice against people rights as posters if I catch more political and ethical discussion here. Whether you think it's immoral or not is immaterial to this discussion in this forum. The business outcomes are relevant, whether you like it personally or not is relevant, and whether consumers shy away from it or not is relevant, but one's rights as a consumer is a whole other debate that doesn't belong here.