News & Rumors: Xbox One (codename Durango)

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that part amazes me... how will MS handle tournaments and such? EA's Madden tournament has been all about 360 for 7 years now

Also can't LAN party people just be sure they are online when they leave and then they can take the machine and play for 24 hours at a LAN party?
It's almost as if the LAN party wouldn't have wifi, who the hell would work like that? Also, to play multiplayer on the 360, you generally have to be signed into live, as far as I know, I thought system link was abandoned with the original Xbox. Not much of a multiplayer person myself, so I could be wrong.
It's almost as if the LAN party wouldn't have wifi, who the hell would work like that? Also, to play multiplayer on the 360, you generally have to be signed into live, as far as I know, I thought system link was abandoned with the original Xbox. Not much of a multiplayer person myself, so I could be wrong.

ahh yes you could be right... much ado about nothing there I guess
ahh yes you could be right... much ado about nothing there I guess

I distinctly remember Gears of War 3 Offline LAN parties.

And a lot of them are coming here creating new could easily tell by their low post count and emotional instability not to mention the constant mention of GAF...;)

Some people are generally pissed. The GAF witch hunt mentality on shills is embarrassing though. They can ban till the cows come home, if the console is a success to the mainstream I see dark times ahead on the gaming side for that website.

But that's worst case scenario here.
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MS constantly banned consoles that were hacked from live. IT was hugely expensive for them i'd imagine and it would still hit some games software sales.

I imagine that ms can offer them better deals than sony. But who knows

I'm specifically addressing his over reaching; he is claiming that XB1 will never be hacked and because of this the XB1 could/should be the lead platform for developers. I think you and I both know that is extremely faulty logic on many levels.

I simply pointed out one problem with this conclusion; namely that the 360 was the lead for many third parties in spite of being hacked much earlier than the PS3 therefore hacking didn't change the lead platform for developers.

Its far more reasonable to assume that developers will choose to lead with the platform that has the best tools.

Nevermind how one infers that a 3 OS platform will never be hacked....
What if a gamer was given the option through Live to register their game as a no-share installation, which would allow a player to extend the call-home window for those specific games?

Is there a fear of people doing a disk image of the custom, proprietary, probably encrypted, HDD so that even cutting a disc off permanently is insufficient?
As we move into this new generation of games and entertainment, from time to time, Microsoft may change its policies, terms, products and services to reflect modifications and improvements to our services, feedback from customers and our business partners or changes in our business priorities and business models or for other reasons. We may also cease to offer certain services or products for similar reasons.

That are the things that I don't like from games with DRM and services.
he's absolutely right.

trivial crap about a console, that is one of but many choices among even consoles, is just stunningly irrelevant.
Please look up the PS2 sales in secondary markets. What's going on right now is an industry movement. The only way to ague this is a first world issue would be to make art irrelevant, and it never was, in any culture, for any income class. The current path will make interactive art inaccessible to the lower income class, it will also make it ephemeral, so accessible only to the middle class and above. The lower class were the ones buying used games and renting games, and being about a generation late because of the income issue. This is what's being purged. Even in America.
Gone for day & a half & look at the shit storm. OMG

I think I'm being consistent with my previous posts(I'm sure somebody will let me know if I'm not), that I still don't have a problem with the way Microsoft is going with online & DRM. 24 hour checks is no big deal for me. Neither is the 1 hour check if using somebody else's console, but that was a big surprise, wasn't expecting that.

I like that disc & digital is day 1. If I buy the disc I get digital too & never need the disc again after I install it(as long as I have an Internet connection).

Kind of surprised nobody is talking about the minimum speed recommendation of 1.5Mbps. Not an issue for me though. Microsoft are definitely targeting a certain kind of customer. But at least they mention you can use a mobile broadband connection. So it seems the check is non-obtrusive.

Sharing your entire game library with your "family" of 10 users is a win for me. Rancid get ready to be considered to be my "brother". :)

Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One. Just like today, a family member can play your copy of Forza Motorsport at a friend’s house. Only now, they will see not just Forza, but all of your shared games. You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time.

Emphasis on "shared games/libary" is mine. Seems that you pick & choose your own shared library. Sounds like you go to your Friends List & along with GamerScore, Achievements & Game History you'll be able to see what games your "family" member is sharing with you.

As for Used Games, it looks like they are not going away, but it's becoming more restricted. One good sign is it's not dying. Another good sign is MS are not charging any fees to do it. But one bad sign is they are leaving it to the publishers & they can choose to charge a fee & that's if they even allow it. MGS didn't say they wouldn't charge a fee, just that they would allow trade-ins.

Anyway, I assume here in the States, the bigger retailers like GameStop & Amazon will still be dealing in used games. But it puts the kibosh on eBay & Craigslist buying/selling. I probably did that like once. Most of my trades/sales were done with Game X Change. Not a huge retailer, but they have 50 stores across 9 states. Hopefully they will be one of "participating retailers". If not, I guess I'm going exclusively to GameStop.

BTW, I got an email from GameStop on the latest details within a couple of hours of it going live. It had a lot of the info in a FAQ format & had some of the answers word-for-word from the Xbox site.


Can't really tell if they feel good, bad or indifferent about it. I'm sure they had a lot of feedback into the system.

Lastly, no loaning or renting at launch, leaves it open for the future. And the disclaimer that they are still listening to feedback & if they get enough backlash then things can still change. Sounds like it's all in the hands of the publishers which to me means that Sony will probably have a similar business plan for PS4 games.

One thing I would have liked to hear is about trials & demos. The great thing about XBLA & XBLIG was that the trial & full version were one & the same. You just had to pay to unlock the full version. I'm hoping this works the same way with all digital games. So I can download the digital version of a AAA disc game & it automatically has a trial version. If I like it enough, then I can pay to unlock the full version.

You also can't lug the box, the Kinect and the power brick to your holiday house while you're on vacation, or to lan parties.

I don't have a holiday house or go to lan parties so no problem for me!

Can't lug it? When I first got Kinect I did exactly that with my original fat 360, power brick & Kinect. It doesn't look like the size will be so big you can't still do that.

Tommy McClain
It's almost as if the LAN party wouldn't have wifi, who the hell would work like that? Also, to play multiplayer on the 360, you generally have to be signed into live, as far as I know, I thought system link was abandoned with the original Xbox. Not much of a multiplayer person myself, so I could be wrong.

No you could play system link without being signed into live on 360.

We used to do it with Halo 3, ODST and Reach all the time.
See, the problem is, by your own reasoning, if CBOAT does know it's probably because the downclocking part is also true. Yields alone wouldn't be disclosed to third parties, but spec changes would have to be disseminated.
Exactly! I would have been much more likely to believe CBOAT if he had said the system had been downclocked by X MHz than for him to wave the magic "ooh, yield problems!" wand around. Developers would have received a whitepaper on a lowered clock rate, along with implications of that and mitigations.

Of course yields are not going to be great, have you _seen_ the size of that die? It's a no-brainer to "leak" that.
Exactly! I would have been much more likely to believe CBOAT if he had said the system had been downclocked by X MHz than for him to wave the magic "ooh, yield problems!" wand around. Developers would have received a whitepaper on a lowered clock rate, along with implications of that and mitigations.

Of course yields are not going to be great, have you _seen_ the size of that die? It's a no-brainer to "leak" that.

Well, I guess maybe he thought he was confirming the downclock. This all came up when Thruway said he heard the downclock was bringing the system down to 8-900 GFlops. Proleriate said he heard the same thing. BruceLeeRoy said he heard what Thruway heard, and GopherD agreed with BLR. Plus Matt drove by to say "It's true!" and CBOAT swooped in to say the chip was a nightmare. But by that time the discussion had been partitioned off into a "Xbox One ESRAM yields suck" thread, so a lot of people started splitting hairs about who was confirming what. But the chain of events could easily be read as everyone confirming Thruway's original claim that they were going to have to reduce the clock speed.
Exactly! I would have been much more likely to believe CBOAT if he had said the system had been downclocked by X MHz than for him to wave the magic "ooh, yield problems!" wand around. Developers would have received a whitepaper on a lowered clock rate, along with implications of that and mitigations.

Of course yields are not going to be great, have you _seen_ the size of that die? It's a no-brainer to "leak" that.

I think Crazy Butt Train said there are issues with the ESRAM, Major Nelson refuted a down-clock so both could be correct. I've been saying for 2 days now that its likely MS will simply take the hit to yields rather than take a hit to performance.

Further more based on everything that has been coming out about the complexity of the design its perfectly reasonable to assume the chip is having issues with yields.
Why are you assuming that when the info officially released clearly says there is no fee? :???: Are you implying the publisher will charge that, because it sure isn't Microsoft.

"Microsoft does not charge a platform fee to retailers, publishers, or consumers for enabling transfer of these games.

Third party publishers may opt in or out of supporting game resale and may set up business terms or transfer fees with retailers. Microsoft does not receive any compensation as part of this. In addition, third party publishers can enable you to give games to friends. Loaning or renting games won’t be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with our partners."
Oh I didnt see that comment. But it doesnt say that a "fee" is out of the question.

Words like "may opt in or out" , "may set up", "third party can enable", "we are exploring" and the fact that loaning and renting games wont be available, at launch raises questions about what will happen in case "they opt out" and they "dont enable". They talk about "transferring fees with retailers" without specifying if that involves fees the consumer will have to pay to the publisher or the retailer.
This comment also suggests an effort to do some damage control and a sudden change of plans after the backlash they received from their previous comments and so they are trying to find alternative solutions
Wow. GAF is like TNT, they know drama.

Anyway, I've been wondering. Has anyone ventured that this whole thing is a smoke out? With all the problematic messaging MS has had there's probably been a concerted effort to control the message as much as possible, and getting rid of informants certainly helps in that regard. It syncs with the circling of the wagons we've seen from them lately (cancelling a number of Q&As and 1-on-1s) as well.
Exactly! I would have been much more likely to believe CBOAT if he had said the system had been downclocked by X MHz than for him to wave the magic "ooh, yield problems!" wand around. Developers would have received a whitepaper on a lowered clock rate, along with implications of that and mitigations.

Of course yields are not going to be great, have you _seen_ the size of that die? It's a no-brainer to "leak" that.

Well, Cboat could very well know someone from TSMC.
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Well, I guess maybe he thought he was confirming the downclock. This all came up when Thruway said he heard the downclock was bringing the system down to 8-900 GFlops. Proleriate said he heard the same thing. BruceLeeRoy said he heard what Thruway heard, and GopherD agreed with BLR. Plus Matt drove by to say "It's true!" and CBOAT swooped in to say the chip was a nightmare. But by that time the discussion had been partitioned off into a "Xbox One ESRAM yields suck" thread, so a lot of people started splitting hairs about who was confirming what. But the chain of events could easily be read as everyone confirming Thruway's original claim that they were going to have to reduce the clock speed.

I read it from the beginning past where cboat chimed in and he was very specifically not confirming anyone else. he made his own statement clearly only identifying issues in ESRAM

now if he posts Monday, that may change
I think Crazy Butt Train said there are issues with the ESRAM, Major Nelson refuted a down-clock so both could be correct.
No he didn't he responded to the esram question and didnt respond to the question after about the down clock.
Simple fact: at some point, making a console that won't have Internet access is idiotic. The question is whether that is today, tomorrow, 5 years or 2 decades from now.

Everyone knows of the howling that came from the first Xbox only supporting broadband. We all know how that turned out.
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