No, then his response would have been the standard "We don't comment on rumors". The fact that he did not break out the standard response is quite telling.
As to CBOAT, from his previous posts, he's an industry insider, probably at EA. I call bull on him knowing anything about XB1 yields. Yield info would not even have been widely shared in the xbox org, someone from outside it would not be hearing anything about it. Heck, I was working on a low level hardware component, and I would not even be able to tell you the process of that component, never mind the yields.
Good post. Always good to pull things out of the GAF negativity quagmire towards Xbox for a minute sometimes. Good grief they are rabid.
That said, again it may fit with their agenda, but I saw some people surmising CBOAT is an insider with Microsoft. I'm not sure what evidence is for or against that, since he talked of "a big EA exclusive to MS" a lot recently, it would point to EA. But another rumor related to him was Dead Rising 3, which is not EA?
CBOAT apparently said DR3 would be Xbo exclusive or something, and was wrong, but GAF is excusing him because "he wasn't wrong, it was just old info" (insert world's biggest rolleyes here).
Oh, the funny thing is I saw you mentioned (with a couple other names I didn't know) as part of "MS insider program" which CBOAT was "clearly working outside of".
If I'm getting it at all correct, I think the poster was basically saying MS has people including you, that are purposefully planted as insiders, that say what MS wants them to say. And CBOAT is some kind of rogue outside this system
At the end of the day, we factually know very little. We dont even actually know there are any ESRAM issues at all once you really look at it.