I hope game journalists man up and ask Microsoft why their policies are the way they are. Why am I only allowed to lend a game to a friend of mine for 30 days? Why can I only play offline for up to 24 hours before the console needs to reconnect? And most importantly, why can't I privately sell my own damn game? Why through "selected retailers".
I admit that I'm a cheap ass gamer and from the 18 games I own, probably 15 are bought used. All the others I bought in store and I've played lots of other games I borrowed from friends.
I'm not liking this. Especially the 24 hour check in. Usually when my ISP craps out and I have no internet, I pass time by gaming. What if the X1 won't allow me to play anymore because I have been playiing offlike for too long? I guess I could connect the X1 to my phone through WiFi tethering to reset the clock.. but damn I'm not comfortable with all these restrictions.