News & Rumors: Xbox One (codename Durango)

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What exactly was corroborated? Is it just the fact that a down clocking happened, or is it the actual amount?

only thing confirmed so far is that there are yield problems in manufacturing... NObody has confirmed a downclock yet at all

But wasn't that video was taken down by MS?

here is the architecture video not sure when he says 768 but I believe about 25-30 minutes in and yes it was very casual, fell out of his mouth
Best thing they could do is offer a premium $699 SKU with 5 TFLOPS of power...remember forwards compatibility is key.;)

should just put two together just in case.

Anyway I can believe the yield rumors , we've been hearing them from Charlie for at least 6 months as I said before. But I doubt the down clocks . If forza is running at 1080p 60 fps when would this change have happened ? It seems it would have scrwed with that game greatly if your loosing 40% of your performance.
should just put two together just in case.

Anyway I can believe the yield rumors , we've been hearing them from Charlie for at least 6 months as I said before. But I doubt the down clocks . If forza is running at 1080p 60 fps when would this change have happened ? It seems it would have scrwed with that game greatly if your loosing 40% of your performance.

GT5 does it on the PS3, or kind a does it :) Just a question of definition of 60fps, 1080p and assets.
Actually yes...

Ok, that is just a test chip. Your point is very valid. That is a BIG SRAM. And it is Intel at 22nm. (2009)

This tells us very little. It is 22nm. It doesn't say what frequency the chip ran at. There is nothing on the chip but SRAM and test logic so there is nothing like a hot GPU or CPU to place thermal stress on the design. It was just an early production test of Intel's 22nm fabrication capabilities as far as I can tell. It can't be compared meaningfully to a huge, hot 28nm APU in the Xbox One.
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Okay. I thought this thread would be ended by now, but the rumours won't stop for this console. I guess it's the topic that keeps on giving!
there's some tweets where he (gamespot journo) said native.

let's hope it's true. Although I think next-gen car games like Forza or GT will be the best examples of disminishing returns.
let's hope it's true. Although I think next-gen car games like Forza or GT will be the best examples of disminishing returns.

I do not think there is any doubt Forza 3 and Forza 4 run at 60 fps rock solid and 720p on the 360​​.
The xbox one is definitely not a powerhouse but it is still more powerful than the 360 so the 1080p is an easy goal to reach for a first party of great talent like the Turn 10.Turn 10 are wasted on a console so underpowered.
there's some tweets where he (gamespot journo) said native.
Are they sure? i imagine that conversation going something like this:

Jounro: So forza 5 will run @ 60fps and native 1080p?
MS: (thinking "wtf does he mean by native? screw it, it probably doesn't mean anything important") Yes it will.

I hope someone who knows there shit at Turn 10 can reconfirm it, normally i wouldn't doubt them but considering how MS has been these last few weeks....
If the 360 could run Forza at 720p at 60fps native, then why wouldn't the Xbox One be able to do 60fps at 1080p? GT5 was already half-way there, running at 1280x1080 and these days mostly at 60fps as well ;) Something like WipeOut even managed Full 1080p at 60fps (with some dynamic resolution for when things got really busy)
Are they sure? i imagine that conversation going something like this:

Jounro: So forza 5 will run @ 60fps and native 1080p?
MS: (thinking "wtf does he mean by native? screw it, it probably doesn't mean anything important") Yes it will.

I hope someone who knows there shit at Turn 10 can reconfirm it, normally i wouldn't doubt them but considering how MS has been these last few weeks....

Turn 10 Studios' content director John Wendel said, "I believe we're uniquely positioned to deliver on that challenge. We're a huge epic game that's going to be running at 1080p, 60fps on the next-gen console, so it's an incredible opportunity on one hand, but you have to be incredibly flexible and agile and self-aware on the other hand." ;)
The difference betwen 8Gb GDDR5 and 8GB DDr3 in cost is HUGE. Probably $100.

Hell even NVidia's $400 cards only include 2Gb GDDR5 standard. They would not even go to 4Gb with the newly released GTX 770. The Titan with 6GB is $999. GTX 780 with 5Gb is $650. 2Gb on the 7970/680 runs $60 premium In think (2GB 680=400, 4G 680~460 IIRC)

Now we have all this talk of huge APU's, problems, in XB1 to counteract that, but at worst those will be temporary. Yields never stay bad.

Some have estimated the APU at ~420 mm, size alone should not make that unmanageable. GK110 is 550mm^2, and 7970 is 365mm^2

I'll eat my hat if PS4 is priced less than Xbone.

Please dont bring Nvidia retail prices into talk about consoles. They have long standing tradition of creating cards for cheap and then selling them for massive profits [they are following Intel's logic of pricing]
This whole thing is starting to read like a case in bad project management. It sounds like a couple of groups at MS were all pulling in different directions, the whole TV integration seems to have got the majority of push, then the hardware guys have tried to build kit that supports this and then panicked about Sony's spec, the os team have got squeezed in the middle. And then to top it all the massive negative pr from the reveal has stymied a lot of the fundamental design features of the box. And now Sony are running with used game support and a on demand internet connection.

I would sure hate to be on the Xbox team right now it must be a nightmare.
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