10 million consoles sold in the first year?
They aren't selling a standalone chip for $500. Even in a non-loss scenario, why would they not want to make more money?
I think 10m is reasonable for the first year.
And yes, I know they aren't selling a standalone chip for $500. I think it is fairly safe to assume the entire BOM (including 250mm2 GPU and 150mm2 CPU, BRD, MB, RAM, kinect2 (as we know it from the leaks), controller, packaging) would not exceed $500.
Why would they not want to make money? Fair question. Like I said, if their analysis/research led them to believe that they stand to lose more money by going with the rumored spec (and assumed losses in xbl + ad + game revenue) than they stand to gain by saving X dollars per console, then the spec will change.
If not, then we get the spec everyone expects.
Of course, this is assuming that MS has done this research in the first place. For a company as large as they are and with the xbox business as large as it is, I have to assume that is the case.