New Virtua Fighter 5 Pics!

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Guys, some of us want to talk about Virtua Fighter as a game, not as part of a, I repeat, useless comparison with other next-gen games.

In other words, please refrain the DOA4 references in this thread.

BTW, thoses new videos look great. Really great.
Very nice

rosman said:
Gameplay Streaming vids.

A 720p gamplay vid like doa4 ones would really set the difference between both games. Shadowing and lightning is insane here ( and thats the main thing next gen should give at first graphically )

I love when ppl say the game is graphiqually equivalent to Doa4, there is much more difference between a vf5 and doa4 than doa3 ultimate and doa4.

Thank you my friend for this link. Very nice graphics. This is Sega Lindbergh no? Only thing I cannot be sure is how good is snow surface physics and water physics.
Griffith said:
I don't like it
the pg seems made of plastic, look to FN3 for realistic players

I would wait untill we have good videos from a PS3 version. Still FN3 and VF5 guys shouldnt have the same of that cause they are so different.
overclocked said:
I would wait untill we have good videos from a PS3 version. Still FN3 and VF5 guys shouldnt have the same of that cause they are so different.

I know that there's not conversion for home console, only a rumor for 360, where do you get the ps3 thing?

just for curiosity, because I don't like the look of the game, a lot of games have self shadowing, and the fighter seems to me as plastic Mattel doll as like "big jim" series
overclocked said:
I would wait untill we have good videos from a PS3 version. Still FN3 and VF5 guys shouldnt have the same of that cause they are so different.

But aren't they both humans though? Why should their skin look so different?
mckmas8808 said:
But aren't they both humans though? Why should their skin look so different?

I really don't like the plastic skin in a game, I hate this in pdz, and I hate this in VF5 even worse

take this pic with a grain of humor, but look the comparison on the right fighter

I like the lightining, a lot less the envirorment showed in the last videos, there are a lot of bad thing to fix in the look, I don't understand who say "fantastic" or "awesome" or "whoa self shadowing"

out of there there are a lot of games that uses SS, the VF5 SS is too extreme, the shadows are too dark
Listen, when people are active, especially in fighting - you SWEAT. Under lots of lighting, you look even shinier. They don't look plasticy.
beanlove said:
Listen, when people are active, especially in fighting - you SWEAT. Under lots of lighting, you look even shinier. They don't look plasticy.

there're not plastic skin, even with a lot of lightining

this is plastic 100%, even WITHOUT a lot of lightining


the fighters looks like doll, really you can't spot the difference?

the human skin have a lot of detail:


in VF5 there're no detail, seems flat plastic

take a look at this gallery, here you can find some high res shots that shows how a good skin can be texturized on a actual 3d game

this is one of the important key, with hdr and good lightining, that make a game looking realish or 'false'

my 2 cents
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I can see FN3 is trying to look more (photo)realistic but I think VF5 is still very impressive, especially the environments.
You should compare the whole picture, not just the character models.
Moonblade said:
I can see FN3 is trying to look more (photo)realistic but I think VF5 is still very impressive, especially the environments.
You should compare the whole picture, not just the character models.

I don't get your point

I'm talking of the plastic skin, why I have to compare the whole picture to talk of the skin?

And I don't like the envirorments, I find this very empty, only the arena is nice, the others no, in my opinion

there're other beat em up with envirorments full of detail and life, monkeys,dinosaur, envirorment that you can broke or can be explored while fighting
MS should have some of those Sega games exclusive on the 360. That would be a nice start of E3...

Looks great.
The overall aspect of the game is really impressive.
Many CG movies have a plastic aspect on their character, and dont really see what is so disturbing having a little "plasticy" skin. Its seems that today a game needs to be as realistic as possible to look good.
Nevertheless i just wait for a high quality footage...
Griffith said:
I don't get your point

I'm talking of the plastic skin, why I have to compare the whole picture to talk of the skin?
It seems you like comparing apples and oranges (like tomb raider character model vs. PGR3 car model). NF3 is trying to be photorealistic, DOA4 and VF5 aren't.
Like rosman said, the overall aspect of the game is impressive. Sure you can find games with higher polygon counts, more detailed textures, etc... but it's definitely a beautiful next-gen game.
Now please, stop making these comparisons (read page 6 -> Vysez).

If VF5 plays only half as good as it looks, I'll be more than happy. I hope they improve the customization system and include online play. Jacky Bryant is my man. :cool:
czekon said:
VF5 on X360 please SEGA just PLEASEEEEEEE

I don't think it will happen for 2 reasons.

1) VF is strongly associated with the playstation brand.
2) Weak 360 sales in Japan where the VF games are huge.
rosman said:
Many CG movies have a plastic aspect on their character, and dont really see what is so disturbing having a little "plasticy" skin. Its seems that today a game needs to be as realistic as possible to look good. Nevertheless i just wait for a high quality footage...

Seriously. Its like stylization is frowned upon just for the sake of it. Its redundant. ALL "realistic" human characters in games have the "plastic" look. FN3's boxers actually look like they're sorta made of styrofoam now that I look at it. Until stuff like sub-surface scattering becomes common place all human skin in games are going to remain a bit "surreal" looking when its lit. So until then how its portrayed by the artists is what really matters (skin shader, lighting, shadow etc). And VF5's characters look amazing. The phenomonal detail on the outfits, the animation, the cloth movement, the self shadowing. They look like CG characters come to life in real-time.
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