Motorstorm: Apocalypse

Wow, 1280 x 1080 with MLAA is more than a dream for console games, especially with the level of detail and actions on screen a game such as MS A has. Wish I have a 3d TV though.
Gah. Just release it over here already. Earthquakes are a force of nature ... . I can see why you wouldn't release it in Japan at the moment, but don't delay it in Europe.
I wasn't blown away - maybe it's just a bad demo . The track was horrible .... i appreciate the 16 cars on tracks and the higher resolution but the level of destruction and effects is nowhere near the level of Split/Second .
Hopefully the demo isn't representative of the full game - the same happened to me with Rift , hated the demo but loved the game .
Yes, I had the same reaction to the demo to some extent, but did you watch the first 15 mins on Eurogamer? That gave me back my faith ...
Based on the following videos, I strongly disagree. I just didn't see anything, in Split/Second, on the scale of half a mile of bridge road dropping or a massive tornado throwing hundreds of objects around.

Have to agree, played SS a great deal, really enjoyed it, but it's doing considerably less than this, and then some! There's always things happening on screen, and in great detail. But hey, each to their own.
Based on the following videos, I strongly disagree. I just didn't see anything, in Split/Second, on the scale of half a mile of bridge road dropping or a massive tornado throwing hundreds of objects around.

You're posting two videos (with bad quality) from the demo level :-? ? Come on , S/S has way , way more destruction than that , trust me .
I'm not downplaying Apocalypse , i'll buy the game but i give credit where credit is due.
You're posting two videos (with bad quality) from the demo level :-? ? Come on , S/S has way , way more destruction than that , trust me .
I'm not downplaying Apocalypse , i'll buy the game but i give credit where credit is due.

Feel free to provide links.
Got the game today.
I like it :)
The career mode is most different from previous MS games, you must drive with the vehicle the game has chosen you, and that's a bit odd after the more choice of MS1 and 2. Also it's more linear the way you adwance, actually it's as linear as can be. I don't mean the tracks, but you don't seem to get to choose what track to play next, as in MS1 and 2.
On the other hand, getting to a race is more immediate and you don't need to worry if you've chosen the wrong type of vehicle.
In MS1 and 2, there was only a couple of vehicle classes to choose from, but inside them there was more to choose. In MS3 there's only the one that the game has chosen.
The loading time before you get to the race is a bit long, though. Nothing to ruin the game, but long enough that you wil notice how long it is... :)
I'm not sure if it changes the further you play, though.
The graphics are indeed amazing! The race on top of collapsing skyscraper rooftops is mad!! Also like the variety of graphics, there's a bit of lush green of MS2, some good looking city tracks and apocalytic tracks.
The whole game is definitely much better than the impression the limited demo left me. I rate this better than MS1 and 2 bu guite a margin.

One thing I dislike is the cheesy animated cartoons inbetween the races. The style is so much different from MS1 and 2 it's a bit jarring, and they really are not very good. Good thing you can skip them.

I can totally understand why the game was pulled from Japan release, and many place else too. Especially in one of the motion comics, there's a scene and a line which I'm sure will at least be removed until it's released in Japan (a character says something along the lies of: "...well, there goes Tokyo!" after a demolishing of a 'miniature' city)
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I caved today and not only got the game, but got the 320GB PS3 bundle with the game ... I was always going to get a second PS3 for in the study so that instead of spending to much time on beyond3d and work, I could spend more time with Gran Turismo 5 and have a wheel on easy standby (too much work in the livingroom to set up), and spend more time maybe building levels in LBP as well as play other online games more (not always possible in the livingroom). Still I probably should have waited until that tax-money was actually on my account ... oh well *blush*

Haven't tried MS3 yet, just setup the system (easy enough as I set it up before for my old fat PS3, but then discovered I'm still short of one HDMI cable ... ), so will try now.

EDIT: 201MB update right away. :D (already done before I was done with this post though)

EDIT2: WOW! In my study I have a 1680x1050 screen that accepts 1080p and crap does the game look much better. The track from the demo is the third you race on, and I hardly recognise it back - some of the textures are just stunningly sharp and detailed.

Game is fantastic so far. I like the story mode much better - it's a bit cheasy, but it's fun. Also, every single race shows leaderboards straight away once you've finished, which gives this a lot more depth.

Oh and motion controls are back. I love them as usual, maybe even more now (plays much better for me, I played the demo with analog sticks). They also give you a trophy ;) just like driving in first person mode by the way (which is also awesome as usual).

Physics are also great as usual. I crashed sideways into two poles, and both of them left a convincing dent. Also interaction with geometry is incredibly detailed.

EDIT3: that rooftop level is indeed amazing, with an incredibly many paths to go through, crashing through stuff, etc. Also I just noticed that for online, you can have a friend join you in a split-screen online race.
Enough with the edits, I think I deserve a new post. ;)

Anyway, I managed to get through Rookie mode in almost one sitting (though it was a couple of hours worth), and although I managed to win most Day One races first try, the Day Two races were already a lot more difficult. The ending came faster than I thought, but is pretty cool, by the way (not going to spoil it). What is also nice is that the next two difficulty levels have stories from a different perspective (e.g. a regular and a veteran driver instead of a rookie).

The most important thing that stands out though is that you go through the whole campaign without having a single track repeated (perhaps maybe one, but you barely recognise it back). Also, they use their different time of day effects from the previous game to set the lighting of the track in accordance to the two day event's timeline, which is a nice touch. Night races are also in here with proper head-lights and such, and looks pretty neat.

It's a shame that they haven't turned on the online servers yet (because of the events in Japan I presume), as I think the friends list integration makes this already awesome arcade racer a bit more awesome still.

This game is very exciting both as a great arcade racer and from a technical standpoint. It deservers a lot more attention.

Some highlights for me:

- there are often very many paths even without 'events' and again they are more or less useful for different car types
- the driving physics of each car type is great and convincing
- sound is great as always
- the collision physics are spectacular and also very realistic for all type of cars (except maybe bikes ;) )
- controlling bikes with motion controls is now much more doable
- variation throughout is superb
- image quality is crazy high (1280x1080p with MLAA apparently)
- lots of fun 'gamey' stuff to do (like finding collectable cards in the levels, a bit similar to Burnout Paradise)
- 2 player split-screen online racing, with a choice of horizontal or vertical split
- 4 player split-screen offline

Some areas for improvement:

- a few bits (powerlines in some levels) of geometry aren't optimised for MLAA
- I know it is going to be difficult (the type of physics happening here makes it pretty much impossible to do an input recording type replay, so it would have to be a framebuffer / mpeg type, which is expensive), but I would still love a replay, even if it is just a small one to upload to youtube.

Actually this game could be in many ways the Burnout that some people wanted instead of Burnout Paradise, I think.

Look forward to everything coming online and hopefully this game will still get the attention it deserves.

Also would like to see a lot of technical discussion on this game.
Whoah, they really ramp up the action now, it's getting pretty crazy! And I just did that twister level, that is just awesome, something you have to have played.

Also did some online racing and that seems fun too.
I flat out hate you. Hopefully the official release isn't too far away. Sony will know when the times right.
I'm not good at these fast racers, have gotten to put about four hour into the game..
Managed to qualify on first tries on allmost all tracks so far, but currently struggling abit with the rooftop-level on skyscrapers, rookie-mode (says I'm 20% in story mode).
The game is really great..
Havn't really gotten all that much into the previous Motorstorms, but this one I highly reccomend. :)
Been playing this sweet little game for a while now and I agree with Arwin 100%. So far it's been a total blast and the destruction made me go wow more than a few times. The Skyline level was particularly impressive with so many things and effects going on all at a 1280 x 1080 res with MLAA. Sometimes it feels like I'm driving in a Killzone level with them particles flying around.
Just wow, just wow...what a game! Everything I was hoping for :D


am now playing the veteran stuff in campaign mode...getting a little bit tough :D
Oh my, the hurricane level really looks and sounds unbelievable :oops: It's rare my jaw literally drops when playing a game, but at that level I found myself playing with awe. The amount of stuff going on, and all with a smooth stable framerate, unbelievable! Can't wait to see what further levels have in stock, but I find it hard to believe that level can be topped in visuals.
I've grown to like the linear story mode better than the points based progression of previous Motorstorm games.
The rubberband AI does get a little annoying when you get to the higher difficulty levels, but at least I'm not forced to try get silver or gold medals on tracks I've already raced, just to get enough points to advance. I'm stuck at that one level and to get further I have to beat it... I've kind of missed that 'back to the basics' style of advancement in arcade racers.

I love this game. Arcade racing at it's best, most fun and most technically impressive. Well done Evolution Studios!
Wheel is supported! Just did my first race with it, coming off GT5 and thinking wth ...

Patsu, you've got green ... (if you're still into the setting of this game of course)