Motorstorm 2

I just spent about 2 hours online with a buddy and some other random people. Crazy game, nothing like a monster truck landing on your buggy to ruin your day. Not one hint of lag and hosting has lots of options. I also love the R1/L1 to bump people as they pass you.

There was a bit of a pile-up in a section where only one or two cars could pass, and as the cars were realigning to get through it, a Monster Truck backed up over the hood of my car crushing it :LOL:
Yeah, everyone here who has the game should meet up ... this game allows you to pick any server (out of the five regions) to play from, which is great. I can choose to play a ranked match game on the U.S. or whatever. Party features are pretty good apparently also. I'll be able to play most nights after 20:00 GMT, just give me a heads-up.
Well, if you guy's are still playing in about 30 days, I'm game! I won't be picking the game up until the 1st week of December, but can't wait to pick it up!
Yeah, everyone here who has the game should meet up ... this game allows you to pick any server (out of the five regions) to play from, which is great. I can choose to play a ranked match game on the U.S. or whatever. Party features are pretty good apparently also. I'll be able to play most nights after 20:00 GMT, just give me a heads-up.

That was a great tip, I presume we europeans can order a game from US net stores (yes, currency rate is good this way). Game should not be a content region locked althought Store add-ons and patches are to be seen how it works.
Yeah, currently store downloads, but particularly payed DLC add-ons are the only thing in the way of buying discs from another region. What helps is that you can buy those cards now in the U.S. and use them to load up your U.S. account, but it's still cumbersome - but probably worth it. Although that said, the exchange rate has been dropping somewhat. ;)
Those shots are veary early ones, I wonder how it looks in the retail build.
Motion blur made the demo look so much better when it's in motion than the demo in stills.

Can you take shots with motion blur in them using in game photo mode?
No, I can't right now - there are a bunch of effects I think while playing (hard to focus on them though :D) but when you stop moving they're not active. Since there is really as far as I can tell no difference whatsoever between the rendering engine when you've stopped moving your vehicle, and the pause / photo mode option with the free moving camera, you don't have any of these effects right now in any shots you take. I may try to take a photo while playing, and see if that turns up something, one regular, one with boost.

The game's XMB music issue (sometimes the game would crash when the next song came up) has been fixed by firmware 2.52, I can confirm this as I tested it yesterday.

By the way, can anyone else playing this (deepbrown is I know ;) ) give me some tips on how to drive those darn quads? I keep falling over with them ... >_> Darn physics. Maybe I should switch to analog sticks for them? Everything else including motorbikes drives fine, and generally the physics of the cars while driving is awesome.
No, I can't right now - there are a bunch of effects I think while playing (hard to focus on them though :D) but when you stop moving they're not active. Since there is really as far as I can tell no difference whatsoever between the rendering engine when you've stopped moving your vehicle, and the pause / photo mode option with the free moving camera, you don't have any of these effects right now in any shots you take. I may try to take a photo while playing, and see if that turns up something, one regular, one with boost.

The game's XMB music issue (sometimes the game would crash when the next song came up) has been fixed by firmware 2.52, I can confirm this as I tested it yesterday.

By the way, can anyone else playing this (deepbrown is I know ;) ) give me some tips on how to drive those darn quads? I keep falling over with them ... >_> Darn physics. Maybe I should switch to analog sticks for them? Everything else including motorbikes drives fine, and generally the physics of the cars while driving is awesome.

I dunno. Just use analogue sticks. It's easier. And remember to steady yourself with boost. If you're about to fall over, that usually rights you.

I think it's too hard to go up levels towards the higher ranks. You have 1200 points to gain, and you're given only 8 new races to do it with...though you can unlock the eliminator and speed races. But still, you have to go back and get golds in all your earlier races. Which is alright in principle and is fine for getting to level 4, but when you have to play earlier racs even more for rank 5 and then 6 and then 7 etc. It gets a bit tedious.
Just picked the game up and i must say im hugely impressed! From a gfx standpoint its absolutely top drawer! Seen 4 tracks so far and the amount of detail and diversity in any given track is simply wonderful. The lighting model for me is just the best ive seen this gen, simply sensational. Tremendous water, smoke, fire/lava. Sparkling general ambient fx, exellent texture work throughout, very consitent. Best of all the framerate is just rock solid! Full marks to Evolution. Gameplay is still pure Motorstorm so im delighted. The best off road racer ever. Pure played its hand but MS2 just trumps it in every department. Do i sound excited? lol. Begining to think some of the reviews are a little ....harsh to say the least. But its my review that counts of course and the game totally rocks!

Edit-: Still wating to race the track from the demo to see the improvements. I also notice (maybe its just me) but i dont think the screen res is true 720p? Maybe Quaz has worked his magic already?
Edit-: Still wating to race the track from the demo to see the improvements. I also notice (maybe its just me) but i dont think the screen res is true 720p? Maybe Quaz has worked his magic already?

Why do you think it's not 720p? I'm fairly sure it is.
On my 26" monitor it looks just a tad bit..blockier than things i know run native 720. Like i say its no biggie. Ill just sit further back from my monitor ;)