Mortal Kombat X [Multiplatform]

I dont see why current gen shouldn't be able to reach that CG trailer!

And even if it cant, it proves we have along way to go in even the supposedly graphically maxed out genres like fighting games!

But since it's cross gen, I'd worry they wont reach that trailer.

Cross-gen definitely doesn't help.

The gameplay clearly demonstrates my point about the animation speed of the CGI trailer, by the way. ;)
Graphics are looking pretty decent, especially some of the backdrops look ncie. Definitely another game that's let down by animation though imho.
I intensely dislike the art direction of this game, and the way the characters stand and move looks so damned weird. Gameplay looks fast and fluid though. Looks like it'll be great on the gameplay side.
It's only a cross-gen game as far as there'll be a port for the old systems, though. Netherealm said their only concerns are the PS4 and the One. So it's kinda like Watch_Dogs and Shadow of Mordor in that regard. Neither of those are really cross-gen games. Both were clearly developed for the new machines, and then some poor schmuck had to hammer a square peg into a round hole to get them up and running on the old systems. In other words: there's really no excuse for the ugly-ass faces in that game.
I'll probably pick this one up (might even pre-order to get the Goro DLC).
I enjoyed the story in Injustice and MK9 and it looks like MKX will continue the recent trend of a strong story mode.

I was never really a fan of MK gameplay outside of MK3.
Pre-ordered for X1...couldn't resist although I preorder very few games nowadays.

Weirdly enough, I did it for the story first. I'm really hoping the game play holds up as their games are near the bottom for me when it comes to fighting games.
Faces still look kinda terribad. Oh well. Cross-gen shenanigans.

Sacrifice kasuaties of 1080p 60fps and maybe playing it safe to show or display a lot of action and animation...

Still these new current generation consoles have their 8GB of ram...wonder if they just chose to fill the screen with more near 2d in a 3d polygon world...
GGXRD looks tons better than this at 1080p 60fps. I think the faces of people like cassie cage just look plain weird, and they are on the same engine. The art direction is just strange
Why is this game covered in a brown filter? Haven't seen this much brown since maybe Resistance series. Really bothersome, MK is supposed to be about color. Look at this ish

Never have really been feeling this game...dont feel like it's a true next (current) gen step up either...from what some gaffer who works at Best Buy or something was saying though apparently it's going to sell really well which isn't that surprising I guess.