Microsoft announces external HD-DVD drive for Xbox 360

c0_re said:
Comparing the PS3 to the PS2 as far as DVD capabuilities and selling points and why the PS2 sold so many in the begining is not an apples to apples comparison not even close.....

.....As much as I hate to say it high def DVD player adoption will be VERY VERY slow for the first year or maybe 2 or 3. People are happy with DVD's the way they are now and are not willing to pay more for somthing that to them buys them nothing. DVD were great becasue they were convienent and they didn't loose quality over time like VHS making them an OK entertainmetn investment.

I have to agree with this.

Neither HDDVD nor Blu Ray will be making the same impact anytime soon that DVD did when the PS2 was released.

Completely different timeline in the technology development and adoption cycle.
You guys are giving me a headache with your arguing. All the stuff you've been saying over 16 pages has been said 10 times at least just in this thread alone, and then repeated in the past 10-15 times in previous threads discussing the exact same thing.


I don't understand the point of fighting over a god damn optical disc format. It's just a round piece of plastic for god's sakes, who the fuck CARES really which format becomes dominant? Idiot people... *sigh*

If we'd all just stuck to the actual topic of the thread, this discussion would have petered out at the very least ten pages ago.
Guden Oden said:
You guys are giving me a headache with your arguing. All the stuff you've been saying over 16 pages has been said 10 times at least just in this thread alone, and then repeated in the past 10-15 times in previous threads discussing the exact same thing.


I don't understand the point of fighting over a god damn optical disc format. It's just a round piece of plastic for god's sakes, who the fuck CARES really which format becomes dominant? Idiot people... *sigh*

If we'd all just stuck to the actual topic of the thread, this discussion would have petered out at the very least ten pages ago.

Guden you act as if we're crazier to write it than you are to read it. ;)

If it's upsetting you so much, I mean just stop reading the thread. There's no actual info on this external HD-DVD player, so it's going to be a long while before anyone has anything *on* topic to say about it.
If they sandhwich this thing between the HDD and the console, jesus that's going to look stupid. Is it going to be a double-concave design? or a big ugly 5" block sitting on the end?

lol...I can just picture it now...well I hope I'm not picturing it cause jesus it's ugly
To be honest, the whole expansion thing leaves me a bit puzzled. I don't see how a solution could be "elegant" at all. It could definitely fill a niche, especially if priced right though. The whole idea of two optical drives for one box doesn't sit right with me in the first place.

Here's my theory:

I'm starting to think it might be in preparation for a new XBox 360 with a built-in HD-DVD drive, that will go on sale about the same time that PS3 does in the U.S. (my guess...for X-Mas 2006 season).

The expansion drive will end up being only to "placate" the existing user base / early adopters (and future buyers of a low-cost base SKU that will still only be sold with base DVD drive), so they know they could "upgrade" to High-Def video player if they wanted to.

Because you know, even though early adopters knew their machine would not play any HD DVD media when they bought it, they will bitch and moan and feel "cheated" if later versions of the machine do.
So honestly what's the problem in MS adding HD-DVD as an OPTION? I think options and choice are a good thing and ma glad they are thinking about future technologies instead of stacking the 360 one one format or the other.
hmm so what if HDDVD loses the format war to BR. that addon will become like the Sega CD and 32x. LOL and will anything that MS does matter? I doubt releasing this addon will do much to help the HDDVD format.
I have no problem at all with MS offering it as an option. It's just a strange option....

I would have thought it made more sense to just come out with a new SKU that had a built-in HD-DVD drive and be done with it. This still gives people the option...though a little bit more hassle for current owners who would want the "DVD version" and would have to sell their current one.
Joe DeFuria said:
To be honest, the whole expansion thing leaves me a bit puzzled. I don't see how a solution could be "elegant" at all. It could definitely fill a niche, especially if priced right though. The whole idea of two optical drives for one box doesn't sit right with me in the first place.

Here's my theory:

I'm starting to think it might be in preparation for a new XBox 360 with a built-in HD-DVD drive, that will go on sale about the same time that PS3 does in the U.S. (my guess...for X-Mas 2006 season).

The expansion drive will end up being only to "placate" the existing user base / early adopters (and future buyers of a low-cost base SKU that will still only be sold with base DVD drive), so they know they could "upgrade" to High-Def video player if they wanted to.

Because you know, even though early adopters knew their machine would not play any HD DVD media when they bought it, they will bitch and moan and feel "cheated" if later versions of the machine do.


The only way they could add something imo without it looking halfassed is to add a full sidewall (if assume vertical, top if horizontal) to the unit, but I just don't see how it would 'snap' on, unless it would snap to the hdd bay, add a pass through for the hdd and extend down the side of the unit.
Belmontvedere said:
I doubt releasing this addon will do much to help the HDDVD format.

I think it's the other way around: the add-on announcement might help XBox360 adoption.

There is quite a bit of psychological "comfort" when making purchasing decisions in knowing that you could upgrade if you wanted to. Just like "checkbox features". A consumer may not know what they are or even understand them...or ever use them. But knowing they could if they wanted to, makes them feel better about their decision.
I give to you XBOX-HD-DVD v. 1.0:


Joe - you hit the nail on te head i think. By offering the external upgrade they are confirming that their console WILL support a HD movie format, easing fears about not being futureproof. They are also taking care of the early adopter by allowing them to upgrade, easing their fears about being stuck with a lame piece of hardware.

In a couple of years they will simply integrate the unit.

It's actually very very smart, and they manage to take away PS3's main advantage, while still allowing huge cost reductions on the Core package. The only downside is the inabilitiy for games to use the capacity, but we'll have to see how much of a problem that really becomes.
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Belmontvedere said:
hmm so what if HDDVD loses the format war to BR. that addon will become like the Sega CD and 32x. LOL and will anything that MS does matter? I doubt releasing this addon will do much to help the HDDVD format.
The same thing that happens to Blu-ray adopters if Blu-ray fails: they get an expensive door stop.

Personally I haven't seen anything that convinces me that the drive will mount physically to the actual Xbox 360 case. None of the mounting possibilities make much sense from aesthetic or technical point-of-view. Anyway, I sure would like to know how that rumor got started and who their source is.

I'm also not even sure the add-on will require an Xbox 360. It's totally possible it's a Microsoft/Xbox branded standalone HD-DVD player made by an OEM that connects via USB, ethernet, and/or Wi-Fi.

Tommy McClain
Joe DeFuria said:
I'm starting to think it might be in preparation for a new XBox 360 with a built-in HD-DVD drive, that will go on sale about the same time that PS3 does in the U.S. (my guess...for X-Mas 2006 season).

In that case, wouldn't releasing an external drive cause even more heartburn among those who buy this external drive? Buy-back would be a better option.
AzBat said:
I'm also not even sure the add-on will require an Xbox 360. It's totally possible it's a Microsoft/Xbox branded standalone HD-DVD player made by an OEM that connects via USB, ethernet, and/or Wi-Fi.

Tommy McClain

That's what I'm expecting honestly, not any sort of 'merged' form-factor with the 360.
scooby_dooby said:
I give to you XBOX-HD-DVD v. 1.0:


Joe - you hit the nail on te head i think. By offering the external upgrade they are confirming that their console WILL support a HD movie format, easing fears about not being futureproof. They are also taking care of the early adopter by allowing them to upgrade, easing their fears about being stuck with a lame piece of hardware.

In a couple of years they will simply integrate the unit.

It's actually very very smart, and they manage to take away PS3's main advantage, while still allowing huge cost reductions on the Core package. The only downside is the inabilitiy for games to use the capacity, but we'll have to see how much of a problem that really becomes.

No. If they integrate it in future versions of the unit it will look just like a regular Xbox 360. Our current Xbox 360 uses a regular PC DVD drive for a reason. It'll be easy to swap out with a HD-DVD drive.
this isn't integrated, it just looks like it is. It's my rendition of the the external drive with the new faceplate that comes bundled.
Deepak said:
In that case, wouldn't releasing an external drive cause even more heartburn among those who buy this external drive? Buy-back would be a better option.

Sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Here's my guess:

1) Release the add-on at about the same time you release the new SKU: say Fall '06.
2) Now there are two SKUs: "old" premium is gone. "New" premium is the integrated HD-DVD model with hard drive. Still $400.
3) "Base" SKU is the same, HDD less, DVD based XBox...prolly $250.

Now, if you already own an XBox360 and you want HD playback "cheaply", you can either buy the external HD DVD drive, or sell your machine and pick up a new premium

If you're buying your first 360, you can buy the HD-DVD premium, OR buy the base. Note, there is still a "full upgrade path" from the base to the premium.