MGS4 possibility on 360 tidbit?

Alright! a handful of replies for my comment :LOL:

Just felt like saying that. It doesnt bother me. I have an X360 and im getting a PS3 next year so as long as it doesnt end up on the Wii :LOL: im covered ;)
I simply replied to DJ12 comment, about how if he was Kojima he would just leave and do it alone.

And i pointed out that if Kojima were to leave, he wouldn't be able to create any more MGS games, because he doesn't own the rights to it.
Maybe he'd just call it Titainium Gear Solid and change a few of the names.
Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Halo, Gear of Wars and MGS see the pattern here - these are some of the most revolutionary games ever created that inspire a generations of gamers and more importantly they are all exclusive to a specific platform.

If MGS is to became a mulitplatform game then its status would be jeopardies because we all know that a mulitplatform game dont have the resources and quality of an exclusive game, therefore it is wise in the long term for Konami and its shareholders to keep MGS as an exclusive to whichever platform they desire.
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Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Halo, Gear of Wars and MGS see the pattern here - these are some of the most revolutionary games ever created that inspire a generations of gamers and more importantly they are all exclusive to a specific platform.

If MGS is to became a mulitplatform game then its status would be jeopardies because we all know that a mulitplatform game dont have the resources and quality of an exclusive game, therefore it is wise in the long term for Konami and its shareholders to keep MGS as an exclusive to whichever platform they desire.

Going mp could likely raise its rescources as the extra potential sales could result in considerably more money reserved for development issues. As far as "quality" associated with multiplatform releases this is primarily opinion as many of the major selling and impressive titles have traditionally been available on more than one platform. Where development costs and time may rise due to releasing on more than one console the potential gain is considerably higher (particularly when the console suggested has a much larger install base in the area where the MGS series sells the best). Many of the series you have mentioned have seen either ports to other platforms (FF, Halo, MGS, potentially Gears,), changed platform exclusivety (FF), or have had titles released on other platforms with their name (Zelda, MGS). I also wouldnt doubt that it isnt the console exclusivety that results in the "quality" of these titles but the initial concept and budget associated with them (well maybe not the nostalgic one like Mario and Zelda).

Share holders are considerably more interested in potential sales and investment return than they ever would be through the "quality" of the title. Quality is typically reserved for people on message boards boasting that their console is the best due to game x and game y. Gaming much like anything else in the software/hardware market is a business.

I seriously cant see Sony letting a flagship title like this go when they need the standard bearer on their console. MGS4 has been been uttered parallel with the PS3 for years now. While Im sure their is incentive to release on other platforms I can readily see Sony buying exclusive rights through Konami (if they havent already).
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Its not going to happen, look at the FACTS

1. Kojima has already said MULTIPLE times that its PS3 exclusive.
2. He said that certain effects for the game can ONLY be done with Cell.
3. He has said that 25gb disk space is NOT enough.

If it does get ported its going to be a much shorter, dumbed down version of Kojimas vission of what he wanted MGS4 to be.
Going mp could likely raise its rescources as the extra potential sales could result in considerably more money reserved for development issues.

Can you explain this part? I dont understand it well.

As far as "quality" associated with multiplatform releases this is primarily opinion as many of the major selling and impressive titles have traditionally been available on more than one platform.
This is not an opinion. It has been proven countless of times in the previous gen.

Rarely superb looking games that were originally developed for PCs or XBOX looked good enough when ported to the PS2 to even hold a candle to games such as ZOE2, SH3 and R&C while on the PC and XBOX they were mindblowing.

The same might count for XBOX1. How many PS2 games that were ported to the 360 looked as good as Ninja Gaiden or Rally Sport Challenge2? Has Burnout made use of the XBOX's specific capabilities? Soul Calibur? MGS2? There are ton of effects that could have made it there but didnt.

Despite that multiplatform games sold well they had inconcistent quality. They looked great on one console, and bad on the other, or they werent anything major on either consoles.

Exclusive titles were the best examples of exceptional work. MP games rarely

As for people complaining they sometimes have every right too. For example as a huge fan of a serious franchise I have every right to demand the best from that game and I am justified for not giving a damn for what stockholders want. I am the gamer and they are not.

I dont care if the game sells 1 million on one console instead of 6 million on 2 consoles, if 1 million means a better game. I also dont give a damn if some people want it multiplatform because their console doesnt have it. Message boards are also infested with people who boast "my console is better than yours because your game Y got ported to ours" and unlike dedicated fans they care more about the game going over their platform and less about the game exploiting as far as possible the capabilities of a certain platform.
A fan of GAME X wouldn't care if it got pored to the PC/360/PS3. They'd be a pleased that more people would get the chance to play it, hope that it was a good port so as to do the game justice, and hope people on the other platform gave it a fair chance.

A fan of PLATFORM X that lost the exclusive, however, would either attempt to de-value the game, so as to mitigate the loss, or refuse to accept that the port could be close enought to the original to still carry the same kind of value as a gaming experience.

It's always interesting to see how the currents flow when the rumours, hints or suggestions of lost exclusivity begin to drift around.
Lets make a reasonable assumptions here and suggest that the quality of a exclusive MGS is better than a mp MGS, and that gamer prefer a better quality MGS, now lets consider the situation.

If MGS is going mp, then initially there will be more demand since is going to have a larger market but then since it is a mp then this implied that the quality is not good as an exclusive MGS then when the next mp MGS (lets assume is MGS5) come out the demand for it is going to diminish since we assume that the quality of a mp MGS is not as great as an exclusive MGS and that gamer prefer a quality MGS.

Therefore, if MGS is going to be mulitiplatform then in the long term the franchise popularity and quality as a whole will diminish.
Edit: Demand is not necessarilly going to diminish. MP doesnt mean it will be a bad game. It will most likely continue to be good (just not as good as it could have been)and its hard for a fan not to buy the game (unless it ends up crap). The fan though has expectations and in the case of MGS atleast personally I am eager to see what Hideo Kojima will do with bigger storage and how creatively will use Cell. I am also eager to see if the PSP will have some connetcion with the game. Thinsg I know wont be exploited otherwise

A fan of GAME X wouldn't care if it got pored to the PC/360/PS3. They'd be a pleased that more people would get the chance to play it, hope that it was a good port so as to do the game justice, and hope people on the other platform gave it a fair chance.
The fan of the series cares foremost for the quality of the game. He demands quality. Wether others will play it on other platforms he is indifferent....unless he expects that to affect the end result

If you are an MGS fan, know the series' insights and outs and are familiar with Hideo Kojima you wouldnt "hope". You "know".

In the case of MGS4 and according to what Hideo Kojima stated that he wants to exploit specific opportunities offered by technical and architectural capabilities for his game, forcing him to go MP means he want have the freedom to do it.

Now if you are talking about DMC4 things are much much different due to the game's more "generic" form and thanks to Capcom's Framework which is a multiplatfom engine

Same counts for VF5, Tekken, Soul Calibur etc. These games you know will be identical and unaffected if ported or made MP(atleast expected) and arent demanding genres
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Increasing dev costs and a fairly evenly split marketshare dictates such actions to protect Developer/Publisher ROI.
And at this point in time, it's not even a fairly evenly split market. Ignoring the XB360 is ignoring a potential 3x the sales.

That said, for those that say it's about the money, some independent exclusives show that's not true. eg. ND and Insomniac could make loads more money porting titles to XB360, but choose to stick with one platform. It's not outside the realm of possibility that a developer will turn down the larger market for other reasons. Though it is very unlikely for a 3rd party publisher like Konami with a history of porting titles.
Lets make a reasonable assumptions here and suggest that the quality of a exclusive MGS is better than a mp MGS, and that gamer prefer a better quality MGS, now lets consider the situation.

I'm talking about a port. You're talking about multiplatform development from the outset. You're also defining quality not by gameplay but technical, implementation specific stuff.

If MGS is going mp, then initially there will be more demand since is going to have a larger market but then since it is a mp then this implied that the quality is not good as an exclusive MGS then when the next mp MGS (lets assume is MGS5) come out the demand for it is going to diminish since we assume that the quality of a mp MGS is not as great as an exclusive MGS and that gamer prefer a quality MGS.

Therefore, if MGS is going to be mulitiplatform then in the long term the franchise popularity and quality as a whole will diminish.

Right, because after Resident Evil 4 went to the PS2, and Final Fantasy 7 went to the PC, and Madden went to the SNES, demand for sequels to those games diminished, right?

Such broken logic is actual quite wonderful to see.
That said, for those that say it's about the money, some independent exclusives show that's not true. eg. ND and Insomniac could make loads more money porting titles to XB360, but choose to stick with one platform.
Oh come on. One studio is owned by Sony and the second one has had close relationship with Sony from which it has had a lot of benefits. Why would they stop that? Contract with console manufacturer is usually very good for a developer studio - that's why studios like Insomniac, Bioware, Silicon Knights, Bizarre etc. are very happy to work with Microsoft or Sony.

Nesh - I don't know why you hate the idea of porting the game to 360. It doesn't affect PS3 version at all and may give Konamisome additional revenues from this very expensive project. Whether or not 360 would be gimped downed it remains to be seen (I remember how Assassin's Creed was impossible on 360 and couldn't be done in any way...;) )
Nesh - I don't know why you hate the idea of porting the game to 360. It doesn't affect PS3 version at all and may give Konamisome additional revenues from this very expensive project. Whether or not 360 would be gimped downed it remains to be seen (I remember how Assassin's Creed was impossible on 360 and couldn't be done in any way...;) )

When I ll see a quarantee on that I ll relax :p

Otherwise I feel that both versions will be affected
...the second one has had close relationship with Sony from which it has had a lot of benefits. Why would they stop that?
Like I said, there's more reasons than just money in where you target your software. Another example that isn't closely tied to Sony is Factor 5, who have chosen to be platform exclusive in the past regardless of larger user bases elsewhere.

(And I didn't know ND was actually owned by Sony :oops: )
Like I said, there's more reasons than just money in where you target your software. Another example that isn't closely tied to Sony is Factor 5, who have chosen to be platform exclusive in the past regardless of larger user bases elsewhere.

Thats completely different Shifty. Factor 5 is a small company where the developers own the firm, developers might have personal reasoning as to why they want to be platform exclusive not based on business logic, however they are getting serious subsidies from their publisher to be exclusive, in this case that publisher is Sony.

Konami is a huge billion dollar company, where stockholders are investors, return on investment means everything, not the quality of next-gen MGS.
I'm talking about a port. You're talking about multiplatform development from the outset. You're also defining quality not by gameplay but technical, implementation specific stuff.

Right, because after Resident Evil 4 went to the PS2, and Final Fantasy 7 went to the PC, and Madden went to the SNES, demand for sequels to those games diminished, right?

Such broken logic is actual quite wonderful to see.

do i even care whether you are talking about port or whatnot? well ...errrr....hmmmm to be honest, i dont.

getting back to the topic, as you may know if kojima want to a make a game he will make sure the game is top quality and if the resources are to be share then the quality is gonna to suffer and he know this and that is why he only make MGS4 on one platform. Im not sure about a port to another platform in the future but im sure that MGS wont be a multiplatform game similar to DMC4 if Kojima is at the helm.
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Thats completely different Shifty. Factor 5 is a small company where the developers own the firm, and developers might have their own personal reasons why they want to be exclusive. Konami is a huge billion dollar company, where stockholders are investors.

I swear one day I ll become a multibillionaire, buy huge portions of their stocks and COMMAND them to make only exclusive games for each console!! :devilish:

correction: I ll become a zillionaire and CONQUER THE WORLD