1UP Podcast : Major Xbox 360 exclusives to head over to PS3 ...

I bet it's an exclusive from last generation, like KOTOR or Ninja Gaiden.

If it's Splinter Cell then it's hardly news at all, I think this was expected to be a timed exclusive.
I thought Saint's Row was going to show up on PS3? I remember that being talked about somewhere...awhile ago, but I guess for new stuff.... Capcom of course.

KotOR I seriously doubt unless it were being made by someone other than BioWare or Obsidian. Those two are working on other things right now, so it'd be a long while before we'd see a KotOR sequel anyway i.e. too early to make such an announcement IMO.
As brought up time and time again (and ignored) the cost of a port for 3rd parties is easily worth the expansion of potential customer base across multiple platforms.
First, I guess this is good news. Playstation owners will get to enjoy a larger library of games (just as the DMC/Ace Combat/etc stuff is good). Second, the source this Shane guy is not really reputable so either it is something obvious or he is just speculating.
Of course there is Gears.... In the same pod cast they talk about how EPIC is not happy with MS over some disagreement about DLX content.

They actually claim that Gears 3 could go to PS3.

Apparantly parts 1 and 2 are wholly owned by MS, but starting with 3 who knows.

Of course, it's all just wild speculation.

And you guys talk about third party non-exclusives being a no-brainer, but, you have to admit a game seems somehow better if it's exclusive. It seems like the devs target the hardware better, or something.
And you guys talk about third party non-exclusives being a no-brainer, but, you have to admit a game seems somehow better if it's exclusive. It seems like the devs target the hardware better, or something.

A publisher cares how again? They care about sales, clearly that is the case. If the game is good looking and not completely crap then it'll sell better most likely being across multiple platforms.
Lots of canidates as others mentioned, and none surprising as most should be expected to be multiplatform.

Splinter Cell 5 (currently "exclusive" but surely a timed one ala GTA games on the PS2)
Bioshock (announced exclusive but rumblings before announcement that a PS3 version would come and no reason for 2K not to bring it to all platforms)
KOTOR (Xbox 1 exclusive, new developer)
Lost Planet (Framework is multiplaform)
Dead Rising (Framework is multiplatform)
Ninja Gaiden (already coming)
Dead of Alive (no reason not to cross polinate now that Sega has brought the competition to Tecmo)
Elder Scrolls (already coming)

Something other than the Club from BC or Saint's Row is interesting. Games that seem to be off limits are the 2nd party ones MS publishes--Gears of War, Alan Wake, Crackdown, Mass Effect, Too Human, and so forth.
A publisher cares how again? They care about sales, clearly that is the case. If the game is good looking and not completely crap then it'll sell better most likely being across multiple platforms.

And yet the biggest games are usually exclusive.
First, I guess this is good news. Playstation owners will get to enjoy a larger library of games (just as the DMC/Ace Combat/etc stuff is good). Second, the source this Shane guy is not really reputable so either it is something obvious or he is just speculating.

Shane is beyond not being reputable, he's completely full of shit.

He throws out statements as if he actually knows something, when in reality it's just a guess, or some insider info that is completely wrong.

Last week on their podcast he said KOTOR 3 'will not' be on PS3, as if he knew it as fact. As the dicussion progressed, it was obviously just a wild stab in the dark. Reality is he doesn't know jack.
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And yet the biggest games are usually exclusive.

Last generation was a completely different game. To the fact that there was one utterly dominant console and then the other had one huge series. That won't be the case this time around, not only will no console utterly dominant, but game budgets won't even allow that to happen.