MGS4 possibility on 360 tidbit?

Mgs4 Confirmed For X360!!!!


According to Konami, there is no downgrade.

Official box shot:
The fact that nobody in Konami can make a proper financial argument against porting the title. And in the end, this comes down to finance, stockholders rule over Konami management.
Yea, but isn't it kinda boring to discuss on the issue based mainly on that assumption?
Hell, there could be tens of similar threads on tens of 3rd party "exclusive" games if we go that route, but they'd be as boring as this thread where it just wishful thinking after another and trying to find nuggets of proof in some general PR statements.
I want to believe, indeed.
Yea, but isn't it kinda boring to discuss on the issue based mainly on that assumption?
Hell, there could be tens of similar threads on tens of 3rd party "exclusive" games if we go that route, but they'd be as boring as this thread where it just wishful thinking after another and trying to find nuggets of proof in some general PR statements..

What other exclusives?

If you exclude any titles that launched prior to the PS3 launch, there aren't any 3rd party exclusive except for MGS4 i can think of that isn't getting subsidies from Sony\MS
There have been exclusives announced with no details of subsidies. There's R*'s new PS3, franchise, and we don't know the reasons behind that. There's also NCSoft developing online titles for PS3 and PC, yet not XB360, which is odd the tool sharing between XB360 and PC. Again, no indiciation of money changing hands. SquareEnix are producing platform exclusives too.

As there's never details on these exclusives, we don't know the reasons for them. A lot of people jump to the conclusion that they're payouts, and perhaps they are, but you can't argue that that is the case without some evidence. Especially when known payouts are disclosed. We know MS paid $50 million for GTA4's exclusive content. Why then withhold info on what Sony have paid for the new IP? That's certainly reason to question the reasons for exclusivity, rather than assume money is involved.
:D Is this thread going to be like this forever ?
*Yes I said it's coming
*No it isn't. Where's your proof ?
*Yes I said it's coming
*No it isn't. Where's your proof ?
*Yes I said it's coming

We seem to be stucked. Repeating the same thing does not necessarily make it true. Refuting the same claim does not make it go away too. Why don't we lock the thread, move on and wait for some official release date ? We don't even have a concrete date for the official MGS4 game yet.

Personally, I am all for Kojima moving forward so that his geniuses can be applied on other games, and for Sony to move beyond existing exclusive games to open our eyes (where possible :) ).

If on the other hand, it is "PS3 PS3 exclusive", thrifty people can still wait for PS3 to drop till US$199 - 299 and then pick up the game at $20 ? Either way, you will be able to enjoy the game. Why argue ?
There have been exclusives announced with no details of subsidies. There's R*'s new PS3, franchise, and we don't know the reasons behind that. There's also NCSoft developing online titles for PS3 and PC, yet not XB360, which is odd the tool sharing between XB360 and PC. Again, no indiciation of money changing hands. SquareEnix are producing platform exclusives too.

Subsidies are allmost never public, the only reason why R* payout is public is because nobody was smart enough to hide it in financial reports. The information became public because of an stock analyst who looked at TTWO finances.

NSCoft definately have some kind of exclusivity deal going on with SCE

As far as S-E goes, Sony for a long time owned 10% of that company, nobody knows what S-E pays in game licences or not (which is the most common subsidies).

As there's never details on these exclusives, we don't know the reasons for them. A lot of people jump to the conclusion that they're payouts, and perhaps they are, but you can't argue that that is the case without some evidence. Especially when known payouts are disclosed. We know MS paid $50 million for GTA4's exclusive content. Why then withhold info on what Sony have paid for the new IP? That's certainly reason to question the reasons for exclusivity, rather than assume money is involved.

This logic doesn't play Shifty, first of all, MS never intended to tell the world that they paid $50 mill for GTA4. How many other known payouts do you know of?

Just because one payout got "leaked" it doesn't mean that Sony would like theirs to be common knowledge.

Look at the way the R* exclusive franchise was annouced?
SCEA Director said:
. As part of our long standing relationship with Rockstar, and the incredible success for both companies with the cultural icon that is Grand Theft Auto, we’ve agreed to the PlayStation exclusive rights of the next great franchise from the Rockstar studios.

Its rather obvious that this is paid for.
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