MGS4 possibility on 360 tidbit?

I haven't heard this podcast for myself yet, but I have heard it represented that the discussion started by talking about people on the message boards saying that MSG4 would be ruined if it weren't a PS3 exclusive. Ryan P. couldn't understand why this would be a problem and the response was dilution of resources, compromises made to make a potential port easier, etc. Then Ryan P's response was what has been quoted.

If it had come out unsolicited I might give it more meaning, but put into context I don't really think there's much to read into here.
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I haven't heard this podcast for myself yet, but I have heard it represented that the discussion started by talking about people on the message boards saying that MSG4 would be ruined if it weren't a PS3 exclusive. Ryan P. couldn't understand why this would be a problem and the response was dilution of resources, compromises made to make a potential port easier, etc. Then Ryan P's response was what has been quoted.

If it had come out unsolicited I might give it more meaning, but put into context I don't really think there's much to read into here.

Why would anyone assume that the resources allocated for a PS3 only MGS4 is the equal to a multi-console MGS4? Under the scenario that the 360 port is an 11th hour decision, I would find that few compromises to the PS3 version would be possible. Unless, they went back and stripped out things to keep continuity between the two versions the same.
Yeah, like konami decided to release policenauts outside Japan...oh wait..

I don't know why your getting all defensive, i just pointed out a simple fact that Kojima doesn't really decide if this goes multiplatform or not.

Kojima (unless he owns some serious stock in Konami) has little to say as to it getting ported or not. Konami might respect him as an artist\genious and all that, but Konami executives aren't there to please Kojima.

Konami management, are at the mercy of stockholders, their job is to keep them happy. If Konami executives find it more beneficial economically to port MGS4 (and potentially make Kojima refuse making MGS games for them further), thats whats going to happen.
Does anyone remember what happened to Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube?

I wouldn't rule anything out these days. I mean, Konami could force Kojima or another team to port MGS4 to the 360, or they might not, but just cause Kojima says it's not happening doesn't mean a thing. Didn't Shinji Mikami said he'd chop his head off if RE4 made its way to the PS2?
I don't know why your getting all defensive, i just pointed out a simple fact that Kojima doesn't really decide if this goes multiplatform or not.

Kojima (unless he owns some serious stock in Konami) has little to say as to it getting ported or not. Konami might respect him as an artist\genious and all that, but Konami executives aren't there to please Kojima.

Konami management, are at the mercy of stockholders, their job is to keep them happy. If Konami executives find it more beneficial economically to port MGS4 (and potentially make Kojima refuse making MGS games for them further), thats whats going to happen.

I recall a similar situation with RE4 with the creator(s) emphatically stating it will be targeted for and remain a GC exclusive ... 6 months later ;)

Not to mention, MGS did see release on xbox1 and the xbox360 userbase has shown a willingness to buy (en masse) Japanese developed games (see sales: Lost Planet, Dead Rising).

Not saying it will without a doubt be developed on xb360, but it seems more likely that it will eventually (in one form or another) appear on xb360, than not.

*edit* Deadly ninja strikes again! [Chef dies by quick hands]
i think you are really looking for something that isnt there...

Really? That's a fairly explicit reference to a 360 port as far as PR talk goes, imo.

If it's really coming out in 07, Konami HAS to be thinking hard about a 360 port right now, given the PS3's current 07 sales. On the other hand, many 360 games posted huge numbers with a relatively small install base.
MGS 4 will be anything but linear from what’s known

The levels maybe, but I'm sure it will still be a series of locations in a linear fashion. Unless you think it will be some sort of GTA style sandbox game with one giant location?? Any links/quotes on that?
I never got that impression. Can you enlighting me?

H.Kojima said:
And with the next gen coming up, I think that most of the creators are thinking, oh, why don't we expand the size of the set or make the set prettier or concentrate on the things that the players can see. This direction will probably be the trend even in the next-gen console. And I think that no one can win or no one can make a breakthrough doing this. Therefore I would like to take a different approach, and that's why I said I want to concentrate on the things we cannot see.

So an example is, I do not want to create a set anymore. I want to create the environment from scratch. So if I were to continue the example of a jungle, I don't want to create fake jungles anymore. I would like to plant a tree, put a life-form in there, life program in there, so that in the game, when you water the plant, it will grow. If you don't water the plant, it will die. What I would like to present to the user is now play our hide-and-seek game in this real world, not the set jungle that everyone competes on.

In other interviews he also said that environments will be huge and the player will have the freedom to go about the mission as he pleases, from choosing whatever military side he wants to help which apparently will also have consequences (see below the qoute) to how he'll get from point A to point B and pretty much everything is supposed to be destructible and interactive

H.Kojima said:
Not all characters in MGS4 will be enemies. You may step into a battlefield between two foreign powers-depending on your actions or whom you kill, you can make friends or enemies with one or both countries (and thus their soldiers in the battlefield). What you do in one stage can also affect later stages of the game; if you help one country defeat another in a level, the defeated country may not be around in the next mission. There will also be innocent people not directly involved in the conflict in the war zone

there is more but i ain't going to look for it.
Hideo Kojima: said:
"But like I said, MGS4 is aimed for the movie theatre, it's aimed for the PS3, so the game's scenario and graphics need this theatre-type hardware. It's when a producer has a game that can work on the 'DVD level' that a game will go multiplatform", he says.

Since we've opened up this can of worms, I may as well get his thoughts on it. Why, I ask, do you think this rumour simply refuses to go away? "Because 360 owners want it on 360, obviously", he quips."


Kojima has repeatedly made it clear that he will never gimp MGS down to 360 levels like Rockstar had to for GTA.
I cannot see them forcing Kojima to do something he doesn't want to do. Look what the Pro Evo guy did when they told him they won't be doing a PS3 version of WE10.

Half assed port of the PS2 version, while he continued working on a fully fledged next gen version using the PS3.
I cannot see them forcing Kojima to do something he doesn't want to do. Look what the Pro Evo guy did when they told him they won't be doing a PS3 version of WE10.

Half assed port of the PS2 version, while he continued working on a fully fledged next gen version using the PS3.

Why wouldn't they just have another company port it, like Silicon Knights did with MGS2?
I don't know why your getting all defensive, i just pointed out a simple fact that Kojima doesn't really decide if this goes multiplatform or not.

I'm just pointing out that kojima had his way despite what konami wanted which isn't the first time, but this time though he may not we will see.
Why wouldn't they just have another company port it, like Silicon Knights did with MGS2?
The point was they will "force Kojima" to do it.

I don't think they will, they might farm out a port eventually, but Kojima will have nothing to do with it in my opinion.
Everything is about money, they will do whatever it takes. We should all just assume all 3rd party games will sooner or later be cross platform to recoup cost.
The only "gimp down" would be forcing disc swapping after certain levels.


Care to name who will win the presidantial election , since you can look into the future and all.

Why wouldn't they just have another company port it, like Silicon Knights did with MGS2?

No, they remade mgs and it was a shitty remake at that.