MGS4 possibility on 360 tidbit?

And what drives good (3rd party) exclusive games?
No doubt PS3 sales will pick up eventually, but MGS is a 2007 title, that's why Konami must be nervous about the current state of affairs.

MGS has no chance of coming out in 2007. Kojima himself basically shot that down in a interview a while back when asked. He replied with "well, I didn't promise 2007, Raiden did." I'll take that as spring/summer 08 atleast.

All said and done, I have no doubt that MS is trying hard to get MGS. It'd be quite a psychological win for them in the community.
MGS has no chance of coming out in 2007. Kojima himself basically shot that down in a interview a while back when asked. He replied with "well, I didn't promise 2007, Raiden did." I'll take that as spring/summer 08 atleast.

:LOL: what a joke. Well atleast they have real financial reasons to postpone it, if that's what happens.
Anyway, as things are starting to look, MGS4 will be irrelevant for the 360 to succeed or not. So better a PS3 exclusive to try to level the field.
The trailer looks so good now! A lot better than the one from last year I remember. Even the lighting looks better.

I can't wait for the 2007 e3 trailer
I didn't watch it side-by-side but the difference was notable and its really looking good, not that it looked bad previously.
Wow - after reading this 10 page diatribe, I've come to a couple of conclusions:

1. There aren't many Metal Gear fans here...but there are lots of Sony and Microsoft fans...isn't that wierd

2. Those who argue either side that it either "will be ported" or "won't be ported" are arguing soley speculation - both sides have good arguements (though I tend to stick with the side that argues that "businesses are out to make money...and if it means making money...they'll do anything) - but neither knows anything that the other one doesn't

3. The MG fans who are here, like to argue about the outstanding quality and joygasm over MG as a system seller...blah blah blah...wah wah wah....Look I'm the biggest Metal Gear Fanboy there ever was....but dressing up a dog in a dress doesn't make you a prom date (unless your waaaayy country) - Metal Gear as a series has had it's up's and downs. And the ups are way UP and the downs are pretty dismal - don't believe me...look at MGS2 vs Halo sales numbers....and explain to me how a burgening franchise on a new consoles DESTROYED a "system seller" - let me tell ya....that sure as shit wouldn't happen with Mario!

Metal Gear is a great series, and surely....the latest iteration will be another gem (come on god...daddy wants another MG3 (you know...MG2- sans all contrived, preachy Nuclear proliferation speaches...oh...and leave out all the incest)
- me being the fanboy...I could care less which console it debuts on (I got both...or all 3....whatever), I just want it!


How many "reliable sources" are there gonna be?

1up has one, IGN has one, hell just about every person on the planet has one. All this rumor starting ****** are useless until its officially confirmed by one of the following:

1. Konami
2. Hideo Kojima
3. Microsoft (their spokepersons anyway)

Until then, these so called "sources" are just as reliable as the homeless guy down the street who doesnt even play videogames.

I didnt mean to start a rant. The constant bs rumors just irk me.
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Who cares, let's just buy a PS3 and get it as soon as it comes out. Game looks sick.

Quite a few million people i suspect would care. Especially with the PS3 holding the higher price point and smaller userbase. I think a MGS port would actually sell quite well compared to past offerings where the PS2 was in a much better position.
Its not coming to 360, peter moore confirmed so just let this thread die :rolleyes:

Peter said no such thing. He seemed to find the exclusivity announcement at Sony's press conference amusing because it was in spite of the fact Konami has publicly been keeping their options open. I agree that there is no solid confirmation of MGS coming to the 360, but Konami seems to be flirting with the idea if nothing else.