MGS4 possibility on 360 tidbit?

Peter said no such thing. He seemed to find the exclusivity announcement at Sony's press conference amusing because it was in spite of the fact Konami has publicly been keeping their options open. I agree that there is no solid confirmation of MGS coming to the 360, but Konami seems to be flirting with the idea if nothing else.

J u l y 1 6 , 2 0 0 7 - Microsoft's coporate VP Peter Moore confirmed that Konami's Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will not be coming to Xbox 360, the game remains as a PS3 exclusive title.

Link :

GI: Is Metal Gear Solid 4 still exclusive? Is that solidified and will never appear on the Xbox 360?

Harrison: Yes. We said it was an exclusive title

Link :

Its NOT!! happening :rolleyes:
Who cares ! Kojima once again said @ E3 that mgs4 was exclusive and the team once again confirmed that the game was designed specifically for ps3.
It doesn't mean it can't be ported.;) But you're right, it's not worth discussing whether or not the game will be multiplatform. Future will tell us everything.
It doesn't mean it can't be ported.;) But you're right, it's not worth discussing whether or not the game will be multiplatform. Future will tell us everything.

Yes of course, but this baseless rumours are getting annoying already and yeah who knows what the future will bring i for one certainly didn't expect this week to turn out the way it did.
If it ever gets ported it will be after the PS3 version comes out...
That is pending how the PS3 sales go at Christmas + after the games released...
A lot depends on how Kojima & team decide to take advantage of the SIXAXIS, how a port of MGS4 to other platforms would turn out.
If parts of the gameplay rely heavily on motion sensing, a port for a console with old fashioned controller would possibly need to be changed drastically.
Agreed that this game won't come out earlier than 6 months after the PS3 version? I for one don't want to wait 6 months. 560/6mo = ~93 dollars each month. I think that isn't too much. I drink more than that in coffee a week. That's like what, 4 cups at starbucks? :D
SIXAXIS isnt more than a tiltsensor so it shouldnt affect gameplay all that much if that needed to be mapped to a analoge stick.
Incorrect on two counts. One - the motion control is more than a tilt-sensor. It measures linear acceleration as well as rotational. It sense movement as well as tilt. Two - If movement of the controller is used in cahoots with the two sticks or sticks and buttons, it's providing in essence a 'third thumb'. If you're moving with left thumb, and pressing buttons or controlling camera with right thumb, on a conventional controller you'll not have and spare control capacity to map to motion.

As a two-and-a-half point, if motion is used well, it'll be hard to map to something else convincingly. Like Wiimote, or DS's touch controller. You could map the drawing and input functions to an analogue stick. Both can provide direct positioning info. However the thumbstick won't pull it off at all well, and will just make the control feel awkward. Like MagnaDoodle versus EtchASketch. Both are capable of drawing a circle, but the EtchASketch has counterintuitive input that makes it difficult. Some persevering artists have produced impressive works on EtchASketch, but all most people can manage is a house with irregular windows and lots of squiggles and geometrics. Well implemented motion control can offer something natural in a way that thumbsticks will handle clumsily.
My guess would be that MGS4 is exclusive to the PS3, but MGS4 Substance or whatever won't be. I also doubt the port will be done by Kojima, so it will likely be lower quality.
I also doubt the port will be done by Kojima, so it will likely be lower quality.

What makes you so sure of that? For example, Itagaki wasnt in charge for Sigma, but the "port"(or remake) was certainly not crappy.

I certainly dont see how Kojima's absence would all of a sudden make the game lower standards if its basically the same team thats making the port(just imo)
What makes you so sure of that? For example, Itagaki wasnt in charge for Sigma, but the "port"(or remake) was certainly not crappy.

I certainly dont see how Kojima's absence would all of a sudden make the game lower standards if its basically the same team thats making the port(just imo)

Because of MGS2. From what I understand, Kojima has a team that consists of a lot of the top talent. Same with team Silent Hill and a few others. I doubt any of them would be making a port though, and it would most likely get shoved off onto one of the less talented teams who would also be given less resources and time.

Personally, I would love a great port. I have no intention of buying a PS3 until it is in the sub $300 range. I am just cynical of this.
Because of MGS2. From what I understand, Kojima has a team that consists of a lot of the top talent. Same with team Silent Hill and a few others. I doubt any of them would be making a port though, and it would most likely get shoved off onto one of the less talented teams who would also be given less resources and time.

Ofcourse it would have less resources and less time, all the art assets etc will be reused.

I wouldn't base everything on history thought, the MGS2 is one of the worst ports i have seen to date.