MGS4 possibility on 360 tidbit?

Anyone remember Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty?

Well, same deal here with timed exclusivity and it being built with only the PlayStation platform in mind.

It is almost certain, without a doubt in my mind, that a port for the X360 will pop up about a year down the line. Quality may be compromised in certain areas because PS3 is the lead dev platform and improved in others (additional content/modes?) as there is more dev time until the X360's version releases.

If I was a betting man, I'd be all in on this wager.
Sons of Liberty isn't a sure indication. MGS3 never saw the light of day on the XBOX.

Time will tell
Time will tell

No, sales of PS3 will tell.

Only 2 scenarios are likely here imo:

1. PS3 sales have an incredible surge, through 2007 and 2008, MGS stays exclusive.

2. PS3 sales continue to stagnate and MGS goes to 360.

Considering the amount of time required to do a port, they've probably already made the decision to go with option 2, or will have to make the call quite soon.
No, sales of PS3 will tell.

Only 2 scenarios are likely here imo:

1. PS3 sales have an incredible surge, through 2007 and 2008, MGS stays exclusive.

2. PS3 sales continue to stagnate and MGS goes to 360.

Considering the amount of time required to do a port, they've probably already made the decision to go with option 2, or will have to make the call quite soon.

scooby i like how u think. yeah I agree. Konami isn't stupid, they won't limit their sales to a stagnant platform, no matter how powerful it is. I would wager my $10 on it coming to x360 within a year of PS3's release. Possibly sooner than that.

I'm not sure whether they planned ahead and started development early. It is possible that part of their agreement with Sony is to not disclose anything for a certain period of time. Something similar as to say Assasin's Creed. It would be in Konami's best interest to release the title for x360 within 6 months of the PS3 sku's street date.
No, sales of PS3 will tell.

Only 2 scenarios are likely here imo:

1. PS3 sales have an incredible surge, through 2007 and 2008, MGS stays exclusive.

2. PS3 sales continue to stagnate and MGS goes to 360.

Considering the amount of time required to do a port, they've probably already made the decision to go with option 2, or will have to make the call quite soon.

You forgot option number 3:

Sony pays Konami to keep it exclusive.
You forgot option number 3:

Sony pays Konami to keep it exclusive.

Im still leaning on this to be likely. I cant see Sony coming off of this standard bearer title for their console.

I cant see any reason to doubt the possibility of the port its all a matter of liklihood for me.
Given the less than stellar sales of Rare titles since the acquisition, I'm not sure that's a move the MS shareholders are eager to repeat.
Edit: I find discussions whether MS or anyone else can or will buy Konami a waste of time. Just because one huge company has the power and can buy another do you think its that easy and free to do so? Does anyone think Konami would accept to be acquired just like that?

No, sales of PS3 will tell.

Only 2 scenarios are likely here imo:

1. PS3 sales have an incredible surge, through 2007 and 2008, MGS stays exclusive.

2. PS3 sales continue to stagnate and MGS goes to 360.

Considering the amount of time required to do a port, they've probably already made the decision to go with option 2, or will have to make the call quite soon.

I prefer taking a neutral position before things start to get clearer. Without ruling out that sales may be the final decisive factor of course. There are many examples of big third party games ending up as exclusives on the lower selling consoles as well. So I cant just come up with hasty and final conclusions so soon.
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Given the less than stellar sales of Rare titles since the acquisition, I'm not sure that's a move the MS shareholders are eager to repeat.

I'm sure it comes up at stockholder meetings all the time, right after the coffee and doughnut budget.
You forgot option number 3:

Sony pays Konami to keep it exclusive.

How much? Didn't work for Sony and GTA, why should it work for Konami/Kojima. Point is that whatever Sony is doing, it isn't the money they're paying them that makes the difference at this point. My guess is that they bought rights to the franchise under certain stipulations under a binding contract. Depending on what the terms were, there may not be an opportunity for Microsoft to throw their financial heft at the issue.

However, I'm guessing that Konami wasn't stupid enough to let Sony buy exclusive rights to the largest game they will be releasing in the next 5 years, unless the stipulation was that Sony pay them X amount if sales are under some minimum derived from previous MGS sales averages. That would be a lot of money, and wouldn't make any sense for Sony to spend unless they were really sure that MGS4 was going to push a shiteload of consoles. The MGS series sells a lot, but it doesn't seem to push hardware sales like GTA or Halo do.

It's in Kojima's best interest not to tie the financial livelihood of their business to a a platform whose future is uncertain. I doubt that Sony would be willing to pay the kind of cash that would be needed to make up the difference in lost sales that Konami suffers from sticking with 1 platform. These games cost far too much money to develop to take financial risks.

The landscape is changing, and exclusives are going to be a rarity. My prediction? Look forward to MGS4 on X360 sometime in 2009.
If you read inbetween the producer's words in a recent 1up podcast, it becomes almost certainly clear that the game is being made as a timed exclusive for the PS3 platform. It seems the game with be fully completed, and then he mentions that any future iteration the X360 may see would have completely no effect on the development of the PS3 version. This points to it only being developed on the PS3 at the moment...meaning that simultaneous release is out of the picture. 'Timed exclusive it is' in as many words. And a port will be needed for it to be released on X360.
If you read inbetween the producer's words in a recent 1up podcast, it becomes almost certainly clear that the game is being made as a timed exclusive for the PS3 platform. It seems the game with be fully completed, and then he mentions that any future iteration the X360 may see would have completely no effect on the development of the PS3 version. This points to it only being developed on the PS3 at the moment...meaning that simultaneous release is out of the picture. 'Timed exclusive it is' in as many words. And a port will be needed for it to be released on X360.
You mean this article?
If so that guy is not a producer but a localization guy.

Meanwhile the 20th anniversary box for MGS is released next month.

Anyway no news other than a fake 'confirmation' and a vague podcast?
No, sales of PS3 will tell.

Only 2 scenarios are likely here imo:

1. PS3 sales have an incredible surge, through 2007 and 2008, MGS stays exclusive.

2. PS3 sales continue to stagnate and MGS goes to 360.

Considering the amount of time required to do a port, they've probably already made the decision to go with option 2, or will have to make the call quite soon.

simplistic wishful thinking . . . what drives console sales? Good exclusive games. And PS3 have not lot of these yet. BUT judging only from announced games and features (LBP, Uncharted, Home, fw. 1.8 features, GT5, FF13 + more), I can buy PS3 right now with ease. Sure, lot of PS2 owners don`t have reason to be hasty with buying PS3 and lot of them waiting for prize drop. So that PS3 sales are not so fast right now, but is rather matter of when then if.
simplistic wishful thinking . . . what drives console sales? Good exclusive games. And PS3 have not lot of these yet. BUT judging only from announced games and features (LBP, Uncharted, Home, fw. 1.8 features, GT5, FF13 + more), I can buy PS3 right now with ease. Sure, lot of PS2 owners don`t have reason to be hasty with buying PS3 and lot of them waiting for prize drop. So that PS3 sales are not so fast right now, but is rather matter of when then if.
Well obviously PS3 should get better somewhere this Fall but the real question how much better they will be? Competition will have just as good line-up and lower price points.
If you read inbetween the producer's words in a recent 1up podcast, it becomes almost certainly clear that the game is being made as a timed exclusive for the PS3 platform. It seems the game with be fully completed, and then he mentions that any future iteration the X360 may see would have completely no effect on the development of the PS3 version. This points to it only being developed on the PS3 at the moment...meaning that simultaneous release is out of the picture. 'Timed exclusive it is' in as many words. And a port will be needed for it to be released on X360.

Theres a difference between reading between the lines and imagining you read something that you didn't. This is all supposition on your part. Sure it could be a timed exclusive, but the interviews with Konami/Kojima staff certainly never reflected that.
what drives console sales? Good exclusive games.

And what drives good (3rd party) exclusive games?

Console sales.

It's a sulf sustaining cycle, and if the console sales aren't there the good exclusives will stop being exclusives.

No doubt PS3 sales will pick up eventually, but MGS is a 2007 title, that's why Konami must be nervous about the current state of affairs.