MGS4 possibility on 360 tidbit?

Watch this and between about 1/3 to 1/2 way though the discussion, the original poster of the MGS4 on 360 rumor, Destructoid Co-Founder Ron Workman, seems pretty confident in his source that the game is indeed coming to the 360. Where is the information for Metal Gear Online, or some other spin-off to the 360 coming from?
This rumour is like the bad guy in a JRPG. It keeps getting defeated over and over... and yet just when you think it's gone for good, it pops back up ;)
This rumour is like the bad guy in a JRPG. It keeps getting defeated over and over... and yet just when you think it's gone for good, it pops back up ;)

It never really gets defeated though... It's simply a business decision. If conditions look right, it is almost certain that it will come to the 360.
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That's almost like saying Halo 3 could come to PS3 "if conditions look right".
Yeah, if MS suddenly gave up consoles sompletely and Bungie went independent, Halo 3 could indeed come to PS3.

If conditions look right. At the moment they don't look like that.
Conditions can always change, but yntil there's more than some vague
"As we are aware of the popularity and hardware-driving power of this software franchise, going forwards we are open to taking this franchise across to other platforms."
statement, there's little to discuss.

A game in the MGS franchise might appear (actually it's very likely even) on Wii, DS, xbox360. But MGS4 at the moment is said to be PS3 only. It might be ported to xb360 later, but there's absolutely been no official statements hinting that way. Certainly, it's not "almost certain" at the moment.

So, what's feeding that rumour and keeping it alive?
That's almost like saying Halo 3 could come to PS3 "if conditions look right".
Not really the same though. Halo3 is an MS paid title. MGS is a 3rd party title. The chances of MS publishing a game for PS3 are...shall we say on the less likely side of remote? Whereas a 3rd party title, you have to wonder what the incentive is for Konami to keep MGS exclusive. If they're going to make more money from XB360, why stay on PS3? There are reasons of course, but it's clear HAlo3 on PS3 is a totally different kettle of fish.
Okay, Halo 4 then ;)

This is completely different than Halo though. Bungie is literally owned by Microsoft. I suppose they could sell the IP to a third party (in which case it definately could come to the PS3) but as it is now Bungie, T10, Rare, Lionhead Studios and a few other groups will never make a game for another console.

MGS is made by Konami. They are third party, make games for all platforms and have even ported a MGS game to a microsoft platform (2). They have signed no special deals as far as we know, and any decisions about the game will be based solely around finances.
Okay, Halo 4 then ;)

If you're trying to be funny, its not working. Bungie is owned by Microsoft, Sony does not own Konami. Konami does not have a vested interest in keeping their titles exclusive unless Sony pays them to do so, the comments from Konami seem to indicate that has not happened. If Konami feels it worthwhile to port to another platform they might well do so.
Would'nt it be better to release MGS4 on PS2 instead of 360, if it comes down to making more money on the game? Reuse the MGS3-engine on the PS2 should be fairly cheap and the software still sells strong on the PS2.
Would'nt it be better to release MGS4 on PS2 instead of 360, if it comes down to making more money on the game? Reuse the MGS3-engine on the PS2 should be fairly cheap and the software still sells strong on the PS2.

Depends on how much they would have to butcher it to get it to run on ps2.
Would'nt it be better to release MGS4 on PS2 instead of 360, if it comes down to making more money on the game? Reuse the MGS3-engine on the PS2 should be fairly cheap and the software still sells strong on the PS2.

Why would the porting to 360 be tied to whether or not they ported it to PS2? I dont see why youd assume they would need to be mutually exclusive. If a PS2 version existed, it wouldnt make a 360 version any more or less profitable.

***EDIT:That said, in terms of art assets, there would likely need to be much more work done for the PS2 than the 360. SO overall its probably a bit cheaper to go to the 360 if one had to choose, not to mention the 20% premium price on next-gen consoles.***

It just seems to me that Konami is preparing whoever is listening, for some sort of porting, of some MGS IP. Whichever one to whatever platform, something is brewing.
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i thought as a part of contract between console makers and 1st/2nd party studio(s) was that ownership of material passes from the studio to the console maker? am i missing something here or could this ownership be sold?
i thought as a part of contract between console makers and 1st/2nd party studio(s) was that ownership of material passes from the studio to the console maker? am i missing something here or could this ownership be sold?

1st party studios are owned by the Console manufacturer, so it doesn't matter who owns what. (Unless you start selling dev teams, for instance, Goldeneye 64 is not to be found on the Wii VC because Rare owns it).

You dont necessarily pass ownership of the IP, more often then not, you just have a contract saying you cannot release it on whatever [insert console manufacturer here] finds as competition.
God people lack of evidence to the fact does not mean evidence to the contrary. Hell there is even quiet a bit of evidence to the fact that it is PS3 only. So until somebody can come up with concrete evidence that it is coming to the Xbox 360 and I'm not talking non statements by Konami or some random guy on some forum saying he knows a guy that says it's coming to the Xbox 360. Just let this thread die and rest in peace.
God people lack of evidence to the fact does not mean evidence to the contrary. Hell there is even quiet a bit of evidence to the fact that it is PS3 only. So until somebody can come up with concrete evidence that it is coming to the Xbox 360 and I'm not talking non statements by Konami or some random guy on some forum saying he knows a guy that says it's coming to the Xbox 360. Just let this thread die and rest in peace.

heaven forbid people would discuss things like an interview in a forum
it will eventually come to the 360, no doubt about that but it will be at least after 1 year of the PS3 release and some minor downgrades.
No it's the blind faith and fantasy that it will happen without any real proof being it that annoys me.