MGS4 possibility on 360 tidbit?

Portable Ops was less linear (not completely though) which shows a trend of possibilities that the game might not necessarilly be linear. Some "complains' about MGS was the extreme linear nature. San Andreas has a free roaming enviroment in DVD because the game was developed with DVD in mind (highest storage available ), and all platforms in mind. On the other hand Fable was chosen for XBOX because Molyneux wanted to use the XBOX's HDD for other reasons. One of the things he envisioned was the ability to plant a seed wherever you wanted, or alter an enviroment which will remain altered. That seed would eventually become a tree and you will always be able to find it there and observe it as it grows. You would even curve something on it while its still small and still see the curved words on it when it is a full frown tree. Things didnt make it at the end to Fable but you get the picture.

Hideo Kojima does listen to feedback thats why he added the new camera system, and in some of his interviews he did made a few references to SC. Btw he didnt like the idea of implementingcamera system because he said it caused him motion sickness. :p

But he did implement it due to the fact that more open enviroments made many gamers complain. The old camera system wasnt practical. It has nothing to do with trying "not to stray too far"

Maybe you should refresh your memory.

We had experimented with 3D camera when we were creating MGS3. Of course we heard many voices from fans that they want a 3D camera in there. However if we created a MGS3 with a 3D camera point of view of course the users that were used to MGS1 und 2 would feel a little odd. Also, I have my weakness, I get 3D sickness, so when I was creating MGS3, I wasn't really into the 3D camera experiment. However we kept continuing to experiment with the 3D camera but I decided not to implement this in MGS3 because I thought 1, 2 and 3 are like a trilogy, I wanted to keep the same kind of flow or the game feel that the user had for 1 and 2. But I understand that the trend in the games today is this camera. Therefore at the end of creating MGS3 I really thought that we need to put this trend camera into MGS4.

He is willing to add advancements, enhancements and make changes to the gameplay wherever he finds necessary. There is huge room for such. And he already made changes for MGS4 it seems. Whereas you tried to hide in previous games this time you do not hide behind objects and you cant always hide behind them. You use a camo system which seems to drain off its batteries. He wouldnt leave the opportunities offered by next gen hardware. These advancements can take various forms according to what is available to him. In other words he wouldnt hesitate to make drastic changes if that means making a better MGS4 game

This isn't new, its a refinement of the camo system in MGS3 where you could lay in low level grass and with the right camo could hide even with the guard standing no farther than a few feet from you.

For the last paragraph:
If Kojima is given the freedom to develop the game exclusively for the PS3 he will do his best to use its advandages fully even if it involves more costy development. He wants the extra storage, likes the possibilities Cell and other features (sixaxis for example) offer. He is more concerned with the creative aspect of his games and he prefers to make it exclusive to the PS3 no matter how much more costy it will be. He always favored the PS3.
BUT:Because though there are other interests involved Kojima most likely wont have that freedom to do such a work for the PS3 and he will be forced for an MP released. In such a case MGS4 most likely will end up somewhat different in specific areas to ensure identical versions.
Something that you accidentally ommited in my post about cost is that I wasnt specifically refering to which version is going to be worse. What I was pointing at is tha the game most likely wont take fully advandage of any hardware's capabilities even if one of the two console versions ends up being better or even impressive( for example on the 360 as you said for the possible reasons you mentioned).

The problem with that is the PS3 version has been in development for quite some time without any notion of a 360 port. Meaning that the PS3 version was conceptualized and developed trying to maximize the Cell, RSX and BluRay within the MGS4 experience Kojima is trying to create. However, that doesn't inherently mean that porting to the 360 is impossible or so costly that it isn't worth it.

In the latest EGM LIVE, Shane Bettenhausen one of the EGM editors who last week was on the Kojima podcast talks more in-depth on MGS4. How it will prob be coming in March to the PS3, and more or less confirms there is a deal in place that MGS4 will come to the 360. It will be announced after the PS3 version is out and odds are it may come out 6-months to a year after the PS3 version. So just maybe Xbox 360 owners may get a chance at Snake come next Christmas.

Just more fuel to the fire. I don't have the funds for a PS3 at its current price point so I am hoping.
I ll be cool if you buy me a next gen console:p

I'll trade you. I'll send you a PS3 if you send me the ultimate gyro recipe and the best feta you can find;)

There is always the chance of a 360 port but that won't happen until a .5y 1y post PS3 release. Konami might be wise to learn from Capcom's model.
There is always the chance of a 360 port but that won't happen until a .5y 1y post PS3 release. Konami might be wise to learn from Capcom's model.

Its quite possible that they can't. Sony may have purchased "timed exclusive/exclusive" rights to the title. Which would be likely as the game has been uttered along with the PS3 for over a year now.
Maybe you should refresh your memory.

We had experimented with 3D camera when we were creating MGS3. Of course we heard many voices from fans that they want a 3D camera in there. However if we created a MGS3 with a 3D camera point of view of course the users that were used to MGS1 und 2 would feel a little odd. Also, I have my weakness, I get 3D sickness, so when I was creating MGS3, I wasn't really into the 3D camera experiment. However we kept continuing to experiment with the 3D camera but I decided not to implement this in MGS3 because I thought 1, 2 and 3 are like a trilogy, I wanted to keep the same kind of flow or the game feel that the user had for 1 and 2. But I understand that the trend in the games today is this camera. Therefore at the end of creating MGS3 I really thought that we need to put this trend camera into MGS4.

Heh he still talks about motion sickness I see. Perhaps his personal problem has led hom towards that decision. I remember also in another inteview that he was never into the 3D camera implementation in MGS due to this. He was asked many times about MGS's top down camera in the past.

This isn't new, its a refinement of the camo system in MGS3 where you could lay in low level grass and with the right camo could hide even with the guard standing no farther than a few feet from you.
You are right. Still I doubt he wont be be making as much use as possible of the potential available only because he doesnt want to make too many changes.
The problem with that is the PS3 version has been in development for quite some time without any notion of a 360 port. Meaning that the PS3 version was conceptualized and developed trying to maximize the Cell, RSX and BluRay within the MGS4 experience Kojima is trying to create. However, that doesn't inherently mean that porting to the 360 is impossible or so costly that it isn't worth it.
If indeed (as I think you suggesting) the PS3 development was far in development when such plans took place and does not affect the next development phases of the game (at taking fully advandage of the PS3's features) that should put things at ease. Although not as cost effective from a business point of view. Not sure enough on how the 360 version would end up though. Without ever implying that a port towards 360 is impossible, costly or isnt worth. I am refering in terms of a perfect port. But what I am sure about is that the game wont take as much advandage of the 360's capabilities compared to if the game was specifically developed from scratch with the 360's traits in mind.
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I'll trade you. I'll send you a PS3 if you send me the ultimate gyro recipe and the best feta you can find;)

ooooo you are familiar with Greek cuisine I see...Wait. You dont happen to be Greek, are you? :LOL:

I accept the trade. But if you want to make the best Fetta and Gyro you must have the talent too, not just the recipe. :LOL:
Biggest problem with porting this game to 360 will be Blu_ray imo.

Maybe they could put it on two discs on 360. That would give you 14-18GB and that should be more than enough imo.
Biggest problem with porting this game to 360 will be Blu_ray imo.

Maybe they could put it on two discs on 360. That would give you 14-18GB and that should be more than enough imo.

Well if the size is due to dublicated and uncompressed data it will fit "easilly" in one DVD disk for the 360.

If it's not and depending on the form the game is going to take well, we will see.

If the game is already planned for a 360 they will make sure that the game is portable to the 360 anyways.
How would Konami deal with the backlash though? We all know how loyal the PS3 faithful are... (DMC4 anyone?)

Bah, I take anything from 1up with a grain of salt. That place is practically ran by X360 fanb's and g's :nope:

yeah. riiight. Espacially Bettenhausen... :rolleyes: MGS4 is coming for x360. My spider sense told me so it must be true. Get over it. has nothing to do with fanb's and g's.
Isn't that news based on the same source that has already been proven wrong?

I actually don't know. Just saw the newsitem in a Finnish gaming magazine's home page. They don't publish that many news and I haven't seen them to post "Internet rumours" before so I thought that this is "safe".
New newsitem about the subject.

The DigitalSpy article resembles me the text below (source for the fake confirmation):

"At the end of 2007, one of the biggest titles to be released for any of the current generation consoles is Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. As the follow up to the blockbuster smash hit PS2 title Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, it will problably sell extremely well and be played by many PS3 fans. However, sole owners of Wii and Xbox 360 would have to do without it. Fortunately, Konami isn´t completely blind to the fact that more gamers deserve to play this epic title, and it is now confirmed that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for the Xbox 360 will launch a year later in November 2008. It will come with new content additions including VR missions and other bonus gameplay like Snake Tales, which lets you go on more objective-based missions -- some quite lengthy. So, there's no question that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for the Xbox 360 comes packed with more content than the original PS3-version.

Seemingly, the Xbox 360 Metal Gear would have been the one to wait for, but Konami respond by releasing the slightly beefed up Metal Gear Solid 4 for PS3 as well."

However, this text is an almost word for word rip from an IGN article from 2003:

"At the end of 2001, one of the biggest titles to be released for any of the current generation consoles was Metal Gear Solid 2. As the follow up to the blockbuster smash hit PSX title Metal Gear Solid, it went on to sell extremely well and be played by many PS2 fans. However, sole owners of GameCube and Xbox would have to do without it. Fortunately, Konami wasn't completely blind to the fact that more gamers deserved to play the epic title, and it released Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for the Xbox a year later in November 2002. This came with new content additions including VR missions and other bonus gameplay like Snake Tales, which lets you go on more objective-based missions -- some quite lengthy. So, there's no question that Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance comes packed with more content than the original MGS2 on PS2.

Seemingly, the Xbox Metal Gear would have been the one to buy, but Konami responded quickly by releasing the slightly beefed up Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for PS2 this March."

Coincidence? LOL