xbdestroya said:Well, I'm old enough to have children, and as someone who owned way back to the NES and C64, I can tell you I didn't care diddly-squat about the specs back then, and my only interest now has to do with an interest in business and technology. Hardly because it effects my gaming habits.
You didn't care about the specs when you were a child so now that your grown and a parent that means other parents don't care about specs now?
Do you have a problem with logical thinking? Or is it a touch of fanyoungmanism? Your name doesn't exactly suggest an open mind or rational discussion in regards to consoles you know.
If you live in a world where everyone who goes to the store bases the majority of their decision on which console has which specs, then yes - I'm living ina different world than you.
Clearly. You live in a world where everyone is apparently incredibly stupid and are purely impulse buyers who don't care about their money or what they spend it on. If it looks good at the moment, buy it, and they don't even care what they are buying.
That's not earth. Don't know what planet it is, but it's certainly not this one.
As rarely as I find myself in a games store, I do notice people's behavior - and not once in my life have I ever heard someone inquiring about power or looking at a box for specs.
Try walking into any major retailer and see if you can find someone who is comparitive shipping for any product that doesn't compare what they are shopping for.
People in game stores typically know exactly what they want before they walk in, but the vast majority of game consoles are sold through major retailers like Walmart or Best Buy, not gaming stores.
Let me ask you, if PS3 is more powerful than 360, are you jumping ship?
I plan on buying both, so which ship would I be jumping from/to?
Unlike you, I am not a fanyoungman of a particular system, and I don't feel the need to defend it even against someone who is agreing with me, such as you did by telling me I was wrong when I agreed that it looked like Nvidia and Sony had been working for 2 years on RSX and spent a significant amount of R&D on the project. There I was agreeing with Sony and Nvidia reps, and you were telling me I was wrong, mostly because you are so emotionally attached to your fanyoungmanism that you are incapable of being rational.