Li Mu Bai said:
scificube said:
I agree these rumors don't speak to accuracy as far as I can tell.
I disputed at length the credibility of those system specs a long while ago over on the GCNGB at IGN.
I still dispute them.
Those specs where pure speculation with no point of logical derivation to validate them at their introduction or up to this point.
Gyroscopic controllers will require that each controller actually be two separate objects due to the fact that as humans we cannot rotate our wrists in the same plane along the same plane with respect to the horizontal orientation. We must rely on elbow movement primarily for that. The other issue is really precision itself that will be hard to duplicate.
I don't see that gyros would be good thing for anything requiring quick reflexes and navigation. i.e. FPS ala Half Life3 or Ninja Gaiden: Wrist Breaker!
HD-DVD or Blue Ray is complete up to Nintendo's whim. That's pretty much all anyone could assert unless they had actual specs which no one apparently has.
At this point I would dispute G5s or a Dual core G5 being used.
Dispute them based upon what exactly? Contrary speculation? Why dispute G5s or a dual core G5? I'm curious, as we know who's providing the Revolution's Cpu. So Nintendo invested in Gyration tech. so that their future implementation in a controller interface would be virtually unplayable?

Precision can be duplicated, they've had about
4.5 years to work that out if they were indeed going to include this aspect. I understand that we have little hard information to operate off of, but those that have the dev. kits to both have at least commented on comparative power. Why would logic be necessary to validate a possible early spec. sheet?
I apologize for the slow response. It's funny life seems to grant me some attention nowadays.
I dispute G5s because they are too big, to hot, and feature capabilities that a console needs not.
I would imagine Nintendo would not abandon better specialization and not go the MS route and toss in some off the shelf parts.
I also posted a thread on this board which has my theory as to what I feel the Revs CPU could end up being like. I feel the CPU will use PPE like cores (architecturally not in specific implementation as MS and Nintendo have different needs).
G5s are not especially cheap either and when things aren't cheap Nintendo either doesn't use them or alters them significantly.
I am aware that Nintendo has invested in gryos some time ago. It is not clear whether they've been working on the tech over all this time. That has been a speculation but alls fair I suppose.
Precision will be an issue with gyration controllers due to the structure of our bodies. Our phalanges are much more precise than our wrists. It will be very difficult to calibrate such devices to our limited control and range of motion along the horizontal plane as I already noted. I noted two keen instances where a lack of precision will be detrimental. I am not making a argument against the sensitivity of gryos. I am noting that we will have difficulty regardless.
If you think you could play RE4, Ninja Gaiden, Unreal Tournament2004, etc with a gyroscopic controller then you are entitled to do so. It is my opinion though that playing games such as these would be inhibited by gyroscopic control.
I did not think about force feedback and if they could be put them to task there that would be kewl enough.
As for the comments to comparative power. I did not dispute this. I disputed what form that power would be in. I am also still hesitant to believe such statements are fully true as no one has finalized hardware yet and for all we know the console makers themselves are still making decisions especially in the case of Nintendo.
I'm not just trying to dump on Nintendo if that is what you think. I happen to a fan (!= fanboy) of them. Scifi and Cube happens to comprise my current online identity. It's not all that imaginative but it's easy to guess what tangles up my synapses. I don't pretend to be within light years as intelligent, experienced or talented as some to the people that frequent this forum but I have thought about the next gen a good deal. I'm not just pulling stuff out of the air...or am I?
Did what I say really make your eyes roll? I think that's the first time that's happened...I am now one with the intraweb