Mass Effect 3

I went for a long time last summer with like 3-5 hours of sleep per day. On weekends - when I didn't have to work - I slept in and that helped to keep me from going crazy and such. Or at least I think it did ;)
Currently on the Mars level, I think they improved the lighting, the explosion a little, also the scale is bigger with more stuffs in it though Mars still looked underwhelming to me. Yeah it's time for nexgen I reckon, this is as far as good old twin hd console can be pushed.
On another hand I love the setting and everything else presented here, I like how you can level up so much faster now and more customization than ME2.
Damnit, my 20 gig hard drive is totally full with stuff so I can only install one of the discs.

Gotta look into buying a bigger drive and transfering contents... is that only possible with an original MS cable?
I have a hard drive transfer cable if you want one. It's relatively painless if you're doing it on the same console. Only becomes painful if you're switching consoles too.
Played now for about 20 hours and it feels like this is the true sequal to ME1. Makes ME2 feel like some spinoff side story.
I have a hard drive transfer cable if you want one. It's relatively painless if you're doing it on the same console. Only becomes painful if you're switching consoles too.

Thanks for the offer, but I'm probably on another continent :)
I'll try copying saves with a USB stick instead.
The graphics are a big step up from ME2, film grain or no. The frame rate on the PS3 is pretty lousy, but it's pretty impressive that it's running on the thing at all.
Mmm...I would have said yes without a 360 version a lot more smooth than this galore 'stuttering fest' on the ps3... I just hypotize even a solution like Syndacate of Starbreeze could have been a lot more it so tough use a dynamic resolution in the taxing scene? I think would be barely noticeable...
The squadmates are still bumbling idiots. They are only there for the extra power juice to take down shields or defeat heavy armored mechs and such. Biotics have more use if you are 1 of the 3 classes that use them but overall Ashley and James are still the most effective at doing damage. In other words any squadmate that plays closest to solider and able to lay down effective fire with their ammo types and grenades are going to make the game easier for you.
Yeah... got stuck in the academy battle with the bonus squaddie and the one Joker likes the most, with an infiltrator. I'm surrounded all the time, and they keep dying... no way to snipe anyone, no punching power. Somehow I thought it'll be an easier mission, to test the new recruits' skills, but of course not.
Garraus is pretty effective as a sniper once you get that widow, he also has armor piercing and overload. The combat drones work well enough for about a 5 sec distraction if you can place them right, singularity and pull works well enough at getting people from behind cover (though nades work better) but overall, like every other Mass Effect game overwhelming concentrating assault rifle fire wins the day and that to the fact that ammo types are more effective than ever it's a no brainier.
Yeah, as I said the problem is that I tried both new characters at once, on a mission that I thought would be easy. Instead it has one of the biggest fights yet :)

Not that the new guys are bad, but
is basically an engineer and Javik needs a biotic to warp detonate his Pull fields, plus some ammo power. All in all a Vanguard would suit them the best. Now an Infiltrator, without a Widow, is kinda ineffective, especially when the terrain does not offer any good sniping positions :)
Do you retain any of the extra skills your Shepard has obtained when you export your ME2 save over to ME3? I have a Sentinel based ME2 Shep who has assault rifle and flash bang skills.
You can use every weapon in the game but it will cost you on your power recharging abilities. You aren't limited to weapon loadouts by classes anymore. And I don't recall there being any flash bangs.
Just started NG+. Looks like cash carries over. I believe all the inventory you collected carries over as well because there were a couple items I know I picked up in the Mars level that did not show up this time. Actually... I just picked up a weapon mod and it was not level 1.

And I don't recall there being any flash bangs.

Kasumi added flash bangs IIRC.

Do you retain any of the extra skills your Shepard has obtained when you export your ME2 save over to ME3? I have a Sentinel based ME2 Shep who has assault rifle and flash bang skills.

You start out at the level you had in ME2, then you can assign the skills. You can still change your character class as well.
Been watching a friend play on PC, and from what I've seen the graphics are a bit of a disappointment. Perhaps they look relatively better on the consoles due to expected limitations there. But on PC this looks subjectively worse than say COD: MW2 and both games have a similar linearity and scope within each level.

The no holstering of weapons is ridiculous. You can see your weapons on your back. You swap weapons graphically. I can't believe they actually said the player can't holster weapons because it would be too demanding on the system. And with the gun constantly out in combat view mode, I got claustrophobic just watching my friend play when he was out of combat and looking for stuff.

Also noticed that one of the upgrades for each ammo type is 30% more ammo while activated. Sounds handy, but everytime he entered a new area, went into weapon selection mode (when finding a new weapon), went to the weapon mod table (mid mission), or even after dialog cutscenes...the ammo would turn off. Hence losing that 30% ammo you might have had prior to any of the above happening during the mission. Making it a fairly useless upgrade. WTF were the devs thinking?

Citadel continues to get smaller and smaller with each iteration. Levels for the primary missions appear even smaller and far more linear (they were already quite linear in ME2). Combat is even more simple and Gears of War like it seems.

There's even less non-combat quests than there was in ME2 it seems. Making dialog even less interesting, if that was possible. One of my favorite parts of ME1 was discovering Citadel and doing all the non-combat quests there. /sigh...

The semi-QTE paragon/renegade dialog timed interruptions seem promising as does the War effort resources. But overall, I'm not even sure I'd be interested in this just for the storymode if it drops down to 10 USD.

Bleh...back to yet anther playthrough of ME1 and imagining how good ME 2+3 would have been if they would have kept it an RPG.

I do not like the cover mechanics at all. There are times I walk up to a wall and press A to take cover and end up rolling on the ground and standing back up. It's a real pain in the ass. Somehow the cover system just isn't clicking with me. I can't figure out if I'm standing too far away, or what. It just doesn't snap to cover as well as it does in other games. And sometimes I end up walking out of cover when I'm trying to move in cover. I don't get it.

Yeah, watched a friend of mine play a little bit of Multiplayer and the one button for cover, activating items, sprinting and reviving was annoying the ever living carpe of out him. I swear he was about to break his mouse with how often he was banging his desk with it when his character would hug a wall instead of reviving a teammate.

I don't think I've heard him swear this much in years...

Which is how Gears does it, so it's either the execution, or some people simply have reflex related problems. I haven't had enough playtime to find out where I stand on this issue, but Gears worked fine for me... some ages ago...

Again, watching my friend play it. I couldn't help thinking the whole time that this was Gears of War...only worse.

Basically it's just a really really bad Gears clone at this point.

You start out at the level you had in ME2, then you can assign the skills. You can still change your character class as well.

It's like importing ME1 characters into ME2. Max important level is 30. So if you had a level 60 in ME2, it's only level 30 in ME3.

Citadel continues to get smaller and smaller with each iteration.

Say what? The citadel is pretty large... :s

Combat is even more simple and Gears of War like it seems.
Simpler than ME2? That's a laugh.

It's like importing ME1 characters into ME2. Max important level is 30. So if you had a level 60 in ME2, it's only level 30 in ME3.
No it's not. ME2 had a max level of 30. You can think of ME3 as raising the level cap to 60 and adding two more levels to the skill tree (5 & 6).

Importing a max level character from ME1 to ME2 allowed you to start at level 5.

Yeah, watched a friend of mine play a little bit of Multiplayer and the one button for cover, activating items, sprinting and reviving was annoying the ever living carpe of out him. I swear he was about to break his mouse with how often he was banging his desk with it when his character would hug a wall instead of reviving a teammate.

I don't think I've heard him swear this much in years...
lol... no problems here... Such hyperbole. We get it, you hate the game. You really ought to take some of your complaints to the PC thread though.
Say what? The citadel is pretty large... :s

No it's not. ME2 had a max level of 30. You can think of ME3 as raising the level cap to 60 and adding two more levels to the skill tree (5 & 6)

I found the citadel quit small in both 2 and 3. Hell in ME 1 i got lost the first time totally confused. But that was almost 6 years ago or so :LOL:.

My feeling about the ending just saying read at your own risk. Dont get me wrong love everything in the game till Harbinger fucks you up for a epic final boss fight if you guys have seen the ME 3 art book then you guys know what i mean.
The ending just made me depressive after putting 150+ hours into the franchise and spending 130 euro getting the trilogy(plus dlc) on the pc. Then they pull this kind of ending in the game. /Fuck bioware i hope you guys can redeem the game with dlc i would pay 15 euro for a proper dlc ending where they dont commit ip suicide.
I found the citadel quit small in both 2 and 3. Hell in ME 1 i got lost the first time totally confused. But that was almost 6 years ago or so :LOL:.

I know it's smaller than ME1, but smaller than ME2? That's silly. I actually hated jogging around that much empty space after awhile (fun the first time, not the next 8 play throughs). If I wanted to do sightseeing, I could do that fine from a distance now. Shepard has more important things to do than try to visit the entire damn citadel to solve their menial issues now.

The ending just made me depressive after putting 150+ hours into the franchise and spending 130 euro getting the trilogy(plus dlc) on the pc. Then they pull this kind of ending in the game. /Fuck bioware i hope you guys can redeem the game with dlc i would pay 15 euro for a proper dlc ending where they dont commit ip suicide.

Just out of curiosity, what were you expecting? I was left wanting more to the epilogue (aftermath of the battle) from the POV of the races. That said, the short bit between
Shepard and Anderson having the best seats in the house was nice.
Just out of curiosity, what were you expecting? I was left wanting more to the epilogue (aftermath of the battle) from the POV of the races.

That is what i also wanted a proper closing of the trilogy not how the rest would call it space magic.

Not sure if i should spoiler this but this was the original ending for ME trilogy from some website on teh internets i actually like it..
There is a rumor/Leak(??) that mass effect 3 ending would be about the reapers exterminate all advance organic life so the Galaxy stays stable because the races would destabilize it through tech exploiting Dark matter/energy. In me2 tali recruitment mission focuses on that subject. Star going premature super nova.

You were presented two choices get assimilated into the reaper collective, because human have special DNA that has high capabilities for mutation. The subjects gets thrown around in ME 2 i believe by Mordin. How humans are unpredictable, smart enemy or dumb enemy. The reapers needed that too make a other reaper thus increasing there capabilities for finding a solution for the Dark matter/energy problem.

The other choice was let the species in the galaxy find their own solution too the Dark matter/Energy problem in their own time at their own pace. Should explain why the reapers think their goal is beyond organic life capabilities because they have been doing it for millions of years gathering enough computational power to combat the problem while culling the galaxy from organic life at their apex each cycle.

My own spin would be if the player chooses organic life will find own solution the Illusive man gets transformed into the Reaper Boss defeat him queue in cutscene how every team member goes on in life and how other races rebuild there homes. The other choice would let the reaper win and show the potential races for the next cycle find liara memory box with this cycle additional plans for the crucible. Both scenario's are good for a new Trilogy or a Galaxy of Mass Effect.
Ending discussion :
Why did Bioware let Mac Walters do this? Bad endings are one thing, bad endings which invalidate most everything which went before it in the triology with complete ass pull choices like transhumanism (every biologic/synthetic hybrid before was evil), racial purity (guess the illusive man was right all along?) and No You Are The Reaper are just stupid ... they are bad writing AND they are bad business.

Mac Walters killed the universe as it stands. If they believe they are Star Wars and call pull off a KoToR they have an other thing coming ... KoToR basically could do a full reset, retain all the important aspects of the universe (races, jedi etc) and still allow big changes to the universe without affecting the original time line, a Mass Effect prequel would either be in recent history of the original trilogy and extremely constrained or in a previous extinction cycle which would mean an unrecognisable universe except for the relays.

They screwed up.