Been watching a friend play on PC, and from what I've seen the graphics are a bit of a disappointment. Perhaps they look relatively better on the consoles due to expected limitations there. But on PC this looks subjectively worse than say COD: MW2 and both games have a similar linearity and scope within each level.
The no holstering of weapons is ridiculous. You can see your weapons on your back. You swap weapons graphically. I can't believe they actually said the player can't holster weapons because it would be too demanding on the system. And with the gun constantly out in combat view mode, I got claustrophobic just watching my friend play when he was out of combat and looking for stuff.
Also noticed that one of the upgrades for each ammo type is 30% more ammo while activated. Sounds handy, but everytime he entered a new area, went into weapon selection mode (when finding a new weapon), went to the weapon mod table (mid mission), or even after dialog cutscenes...the ammo would turn off. Hence losing that 30% ammo you might have had prior to any of the above happening during the mission. Making it a fairly useless upgrade. WTF were the devs thinking?
Citadel continues to get smaller and smaller with each iteration. Levels for the primary missions appear even smaller and far more linear (they were already quite linear in ME2). Combat is even more simple and Gears of War like it seems.
There's even less non-combat quests than there was in ME2 it seems. Making dialog even less interesting, if that was possible. One of my favorite parts of ME1 was discovering Citadel and doing all the non-combat quests there. /sigh...
The semi-QTE paragon/renegade dialog timed interruptions seem promising as does the War effort resources. But overall, I'm not even sure I'd be interested in this just for the storymode if it drops down to 10 USD.
Bleh...back to yet anther playthrough of ME1 and imagining how good ME 2+3 would have been if they would have kept it an RPG.
I do not like the cover mechanics at all. There are times I walk up to a wall and press A to take cover and end up rolling on the ground and standing back up. It's a real pain in the ass. Somehow the cover system just isn't clicking with me. I can't figure out if I'm standing too far away, or what. It just doesn't snap to cover as well as it does in other games. And sometimes I end up walking out of cover when I'm trying to move in cover. I don't get it.
Yeah, watched a friend of mine play a little bit of Multiplayer and the one button for cover, activating items, sprinting and reviving was annoying the ever living carpe of out him. I swear he was about to break his mouse with how often he was banging his desk with it when his character would hug a wall instead of reviving a teammate.
I don't think I've heard him swear this much in years...
Which is how Gears does it, so it's either the execution, or some people simply have reflex related problems. I haven't had enough playtime to find out where I stand on this issue, but Gears worked fine for me... some ages ago...
Again, watching my friend play it. I couldn't help thinking the whole time that this was Gears of War...only worse.
Basically it's just a really really bad Gears clone at this point.
You start out at the level you had in ME2, then you can assign the skills. You can still change your character class as well.
It's like importing ME1 characters into ME2. Max important level is 30. So if you had a level 60 in ME2, it's only level 30 in ME3.