This is a good point.I'm only fussed about the performance issues but I gather that reviewers didn't have the day 1 patch. Common criticisms from reviewers include the removal of the paragon/renegade system which I am personally pleased with because these were simplistically binary and it's not the game's place to judge my decisions against an arbitrary moral line. Also the lack of a deep RPG, which on the face of it is bad in an RPG game except I play RPGs because they give gameplay/combat variety not because I want to roleplay as somebody else. And the combat is gooooood.
Finally, the lack of an epic story driving your forward. I don't know how you top the Reaper storyline but I am actually glad they didn't just to try amp up the odds and contrive another galaxy-ending story. This is the mistake much fiction makes by thinking each successive tale has to escalate things which just becomes ridiculous.
Also my inclination in games like Mass Effect was just taking my time exploring the galaxy. I'm still working through Mass Effect 3 but I think it fails in that the urgency of the Reaper invasion could push some people to ignore side missions but where they are actually critical - and fun! So letting me tackle the galaxy at my own pace, which I'm going to do anyway, is preferable to a story pushing to do X, Y and Z in a set order. That was the appeal of Mass Effect 1 and which I think ME2 and ME3 lost through a main story imperative.
ME2 and ME3 were trying to be too much. Saren was perfect as an antagonist. It's as if every RPG must have the scope of LOTR, when they just need to be smaller but still great in terms of being an RPG.