Mass Effect 3

Damnit, my 20 gig hard drive is totally full with stuff so I can only install one of the discs.

Gotta look into buying a bigger drive and transfering contents... is that only possible with an original MS cable?
The film grain was significantly reduced in ME2 already. I'm surprised everyone acts as if it was as strong as in ME1.

They made it optional in 2, but now it's just gone. I liked the film grain look, though, and want to restore it if possible. I thought the FXAA post processing injectors allow arbitrary shader effects to be added, but I don't know enough about it to figure it out myself.
Damnit, my 20 gig hard drive is totally full with stuff so I can only install one of the discs.

Gotta look into buying a bigger drive and transfering contents... is that only possible with an original MS cable?

think you can just copy the stuff over with a usb key.
That's what I was hoping for :) Plenty of used 60 gig drives available here so I'll get one for convenience soon.
The graphics are a big step up from ME2, film grain or no. The frame rate on the PS3 is pretty lousy, but it's pretty impressive that it's running on the thing at all.
I'm torn, torn, torn.

I pre-ordered the standard edition a few weeks back, but then also managed to nab a pre-order of the collectors edition when Game/Gamestation announced they weren't going to stock it and they went back into the chain.

Both copies were shipped yesterday, but only the standard edition arrived today.

So do I break open the standard and reduce the resale value to probably around 1/2 what I paid, just so I can get a little ME3 loving tonight? Or do I hold fire and hope that the Collectors Edition arrives tomorrow and break open that one with the weekend coming up?

Decisions, decisions!
Are you on xbox360? (There is a hack of Gibbed's savegame editor for it.)

Yeah I'm playing the 360 version, I'll have to look into that, thanks. :smile:

Feels so good to be back on the Normandy and visiting the Citadel again. But the war feels very real and depressing, too.

Also, Mars reminded me of the Doom 3 levels for some reason ;) expected a Hell Knight to appear at every corner.

Man I can't wait to start playing!
The game is far more linear than I would like, it's literally going from story point to story point-hub, at least the side quest have context but the core mechanics are still hard to get over. I haven't touched the co-op because of the gameplay and afraid I'll get to the last story mission not prepared, getting the worst ending possible. Surprisingly the story is far better written than I thought it would be.

It doesn't come off as Shepard going on a bunch of fetch quest even though that's what it is but gaining support to defeat the Reapers really have purpose. It's defiantly the strongest suit of the game, the gameplay is just horrid IMO.
So if it's reasonably nonlinear like ME2 than that's a problem, there's no sense of traction and peril etc.

But if it's more linear progression for a lot of urgency, with some sidequests, than that's the problem.

Kinda lost me here...
I would never describe ME2 as nonlinear. Aside from a smattering of sidequests, the entire game was literally > collect new companion > do new companion loyalty quest > repeat > > storyline mission > more companion stuff > final sequence of storyline missions.
I do not like the cover mechanics at all. There are times I walk up to a wall and press A to take cover and end up rolling on the ground and standing back up. It's a real pain in the ass. Somehow the cover system just isn't clicking with me. I can't figure out if I'm standing too far away, or what. It just doesn't snap to cover as well as it does in other games. And sometimes I end up walking out of cover when I'm trying to move in cover. I don't get it.

Overall, I'm having a lot of fun with the game anyway, but there could have been some tweaking in that regard. I'm also continuing to see graphical glitches in the conversation sequences. I've seen people looking in the wrong direction. I've seen people disappear for a split second. I've seen lights appear/disappear causing weird lighting issues. I've seen people reset their body so they instantly move a few inches. Other weird stuff.

The game is great. I'm heavily addicted, but the polish isn't quite there.
There were times in ME2 where you had like a dozen possible main quests to take on, from recruitment through loyalty to story missions, and you could chose any order. I'm not sure what else you could call that other than not nonlinear.

ME1 had one case where you could choose between Therum, Feros and Noveria. You could even be pretty cruel and leave Liara to be the last, in which case she would have acted kinda paranoid after being trapped in stasis for that long ;)

But I think ME3 also has this feature where enemy strength like health, damage etc. are based on your character level so that they present about the same challenge no matter when you get to do the mission. Obviously certain enemy types will still be too hard for low level characters but that's taken care of by the fixed order missions. Like, you don't get to meet the Collectors or the Praetorian in the first mission in ME2.
I would never describe ME2 as nonlinear. Aside from a smattering of sidequests, the entire game was literally > collect new companion > do new companion loyalty quest > repeat > > storyline mission > more companion stuff > final sequence of storyline missions.

... and it's not a bad thing right ? I kinda like clear steps forward.
Which is how Gears does it, so it's either the execution, or some people simply have reflex related problems. I haven't had enough playtime to find out where I stand on this issue, but Gears worked fine for me... some ages ago...
Cover mechanics work way better in gears, for whatever reason. It should essentially be the same thing, but I never struggled with moving in and out of cover in Gears and do at times in Mass Effect 3. Here's hoping for a patch to fix it, otherwise co-op multiplayer will be a short-lived experiment for me.

So far, I'd still highly recommend the single-player portion, especially to people that enjoyed the first two.
I would never describe ME2 as nonlinear. Aside from a smattering of sidequests, the entire game was literally > collect new companion > do new companion loyalty quest > repeat > > storyline mission > more companion stuff > final sequence of storyline missions.

Given that you don't have to do the loyalty missions or side missions, nor do you have to collect the companions in any particular order, nor are you forced to assign particular roles to particular characters during the last mission, how is the game anything but non linear?
I managed to put 9.5 hours into this today and I'm liking it a lot so far. So far it feels like it's doing pretty good job at putting the best things of the previous two games together in a nice package. The story, setting and locations feel grandious and epic, topping the first game and it's nice to have some customisations and slightly deeper RPG elements again. The second game felt a bit like calm before the storm, but had improved gameplay and lot of the streamlining was good. ME 2 also improved with the quality of the side missions and their integration to the main story and ME 3 continues that. Overall ME 3 so far seems like a good marriage of the two.

The importance of multiplayer to the readiness percentage worries me a bit, but I've read that you can still do enough in single player alone to get maximum result. Essentially you can get the fleet strength to be only 50% of the maximum if you don't play multiplayer... So I'm quessing that single player only players will have to do just about everything and scan every system 100% to ensure that the 50% fleet strength will be high enough. I've read that getting a bad ending is much more likely than in ME 2. Thank god the planet scanning is now pretty relaxed even if you can't get a system done with the first try.

Some of the side missions have to be completed before you reach certain points in the main storyline or you lose the missions and thus valuable fleet strength. So far I've been trying to do as many side missions and planet scanning as possible and only progress the main storyline after those are done. I've had some progress in main story also and it feels solid, I also completed the From the Ashes DLC at least the initial part of it, I don't know if the character still has something to offer other than fire support during missions. I'm glad I got play that, it was well done, but it had even more potential imo.

It's been nice to bump into old squad mates and hear references from past events and so forth. Tomorrow I'll have show my face at work, but I'm sure I manage to put good hours into this after I get back home and the whole weekend is free to game!