I agree. The basics for www.techingames.net to support an experiment are in place - you can add reviews, and the review average is shown. Now it's a matter of adding a lot of reviews to a few good test games and then adding some nice filters. The question is of course how to best do that. Perhaps it would be best to start with adding your own reviews / scores for a few typical games, and then start matching those against existing review scores to see who you align with. But as we have game features in there, we could also try to predict what new games you may like that share features. Perhaps by also adding an option to rate features? And that could also help predict if a game becomes more valuable after certain features have been added in a new version, or the impact of certain issues that a game is experiencing to at least temporarily suggesting to steer clear from a game. For instance, if you're all about online, then MCC and DriveClub were pretty much no-go areas for a long while, but if that's a minor thing to you, then they were great titles for you at launch.
Being able to check or rate features is useful to sort the list that the website generated for you based on your reviews and other critics reviews matchs. (Also note that there's no reason you shouldn't match a user with another user...)
Trying to use features seems at least delicate, so I wouldn't try it from the get go. (Depending how you explain it, if it's just rating how much the feature mattered in your game review, it might just work out fine, the automatic matching system would take that into account. People should also be able to use features as search criterium when they are browsing the list, to allow them to only see, say couch coop game.)