If someone already got a game and is from EU, he can go to lan settings and use this proxy [] before game activation Its one time activation and even multiplayer works without it.
I can't help but wonder if they stretched themselves a bit thin with handling multiplatform development in-house...
I'm not too too bothered by it, but I'm curious why people are unable to import the custom sheps from a ME1+ME2 save. I know the stats and choices transfer over, but for some reason the custom face won't.
Why no impressions yet from our NA folk
My custom face went over fine. I just wish the creation screen used better light, because my Shep is way paler than I thought he'd be, and I had trouble distinguishing eye and hair colours. Partly that's my red/green colour dependence, but would it be so hard to actually say somewhere on the screen which colour you are selecting?
Yeah, also want impressions about the ME3 co-op game mode. Was told the co-op format is like UC3 Co-op Adventures (My favorite game mode !).
I may not be able to complete the SP part, but a good co-op game mode will suffice for an immediate purchase.
My custom face went over fine. I just wish the creation screen used better light, because my Shep is way paler than I thought he'd be, and I had trouble distinguishing eye and hair colours. Partly that's my red/green colour dependence, but would it be so hard to actually say somewhere on the screen which colour you are selecting?
Same with mine, though I do recall making some tweaks in ME2 to sort of represent that well... burning up in atmosphere might change someone. >_> *ahem*
If your ME2 save game doesn’t have a face code, you’ll have to recreate your Shepard’s face in ME3. That’s the only thing that will be affected, everything else (plot, background, etc…) will be imported. This has been comfirmed by one of game devs.
Which saved games don’t have a face code?
1. - New Game+ saves aren’t a problem as long as you created/edited your Shep’s face in your first run. Load up your first run for the face code.
- New Game+ saves
- Games which have an imported Shepard’s face from ME1
2. - Some people may have a face code even though they imported thier Shep’s face. It’s sort of a bug: If you import your ME1 save, select the customise face option , then back out and choose to import your ME1 Shepard’s face instead, you will end up with a face code. The face code is for the customised Shep that you started to make, not your imported ME1 Shep.