the gameplay on TLoU is good but the gunshooting gameplay is mediocore...
the gameplay on TLoU is good but the gunshooting gameplay is mediocore...
i saved up the money for only one game . the last of us and gta 5 are what i would like to play this year . i really want to play the last of us but i am afraid of wasting the money like i did on uncharted 3 . my concern is in the gameplay side of TLOU . is it too uncharted because that game doesnt give me any replay value except for trophies . i am not interested in multiplayer so should i wait for the prices to go down and rather buy gta 5 or should i buy it ?
i know its got many 10s but i have suffered once buying uncharted 3 which also got many 10s.
thanx .
That comment doesnt do the game's justice. The game isnt a traditional "shooter" and its not trying to be a shooter. Dont expect fancy moves, barrel roles and such. Joel's abilities are as many as an everyday human's who was caught into a shitty situation by design. And rightfully so. And thats what makes it amazing. What makes the gameplay enjoyable is that you cant rely just on the shooting to beat the enemies. Your character has few shooting skills, few fighting skills, few crafting skills and he is a vulnerable man. So you have to rely on various skills, not just on the shooting aspect. You have to invent ways to avoid and/or take out your enemies without putting yourself in great risk. There is only one other thing he has and thats his mind. This is where the player comes in and feels that gap. Because he is not a super soldier/tough unbeatable macho guy like in most games you have to use your mind to exploit his limited skills creatively. And it gives lots of freedom in that area. You become one with Joel. And this is what makes it feel genuine and unique.
Grounded, the making of The last of us. Not sure how it's staying up on youtube, or how much longer it'll be there. It came with the Season Pass (not to be confused with Online pass), along some dlc stuff.
the gameplay on TLoU is good but the gunshooting gameplay is mediocore...
Also, the stopping power of a sinlge shot from the enemy is very well done ! You stagger backwards and kindof fall down. If you look at it the other way, we can say the shooting is actually better than other games in TLOU.
One of the things I really love is that audio queue you get when you're about to be spotted. It's the videogame equivalent of having the hair on the back or your neck stand up.