Last of Us [PS4]

The lighting in the E3 demo looked amazing. Excellent light mapping with an HDR solution just as good, but the best were the indirect realtime area shadows :oops:
Lighting whatever. Is that really what you picked up from this presentation? ;)

What I really like is how this game feels a lot more serious and intense compared to Uncharted.
One thing sort of wrong about those games was how Drake was this easy going average guy making jokes about everything while he basically slaughtered hundreds of people through the games.

Here, the firefights are more visceral, like in the movie Drive, you really feel the weight of every single gunshot, it manages to sell the concept of fighting for pure survival - including that of the girl - against equally desperate people.

Makes you wonder if both characters will be alive at the end of the game...
Graphics look fantastic, and they do a nice job of playing with the camera in all of the hand to hand encounters to make it look really exciting. I'm a little disappointed that it doesn't deviate from Uncharted too much, in terms of the actual gameplay. It's obviously far more grounded in reality, in the way the weapons handle, and the slowness of movement, so it will have a much different pace and feel to the game. I was hoping it would be less of a 3rd person shooter, and maybe it is, but I don't doubt it will be good either way.
Lighting whatever. Is that really what you picked up from this presentation? ;)
Of course the gameplay was good too but to my knowledge this is the first game to have realtime indirect shadows and they look beautiful, much better than just ambient occlusion / contact shadows.
Wow! This looked great! Only saw it on my small iPhone: where there a lot of jaggies?

Graphic style looked great! Gameplay looked great...although I wonder if I can hold out the zombie sequence with this low ammo gameplay style...don't want to shit my pants while gaming :)

I really loved how the girl commented on his mistakes!! Not sure if zhis is a real gameplay mechanics, or scripted for the demo: but when he did not hit a guy with his gun, he said shit, and the girl commented wgen he only burned up one guy instead of both...very good battle chatter and very intense!!
seems like they might be using the same AA from U3 still, time to adopt FXAA? Which PS3 games have the best implementation of FXAA?
AlStrong said:
They're definitely there if you know where to look. Lots of edge crawling.

Yeah, I guessed so...even had the impression on the iphone!

Hope they pull out a GOW3, which drastically improved AA after E3 demo!!

Light, shadows and all looked great! Animation and transition of animation looked way improved compared to uncharted: no obvious sliding.

Do you guys know 'the road'?? Reminds me a lot! But there, it was father and little son, which resulted in a very tense relationship! Is Ellie his daughter?

Thinking about it: how much scripting was involved? Animations look a tad too good imo.
I was thinking the a lot if tech or thing nd did for this u3 was partially getting the tech ready for this game because they were still short in staffs until after u3 was done where the studio expanded to close to 200 ppl. One of them is the melee + animation system, then theres volumatric light and water, and last one is the unscripted ai. It seems like lou will use all of those.
Seems like Uncharted 3.1. Was looking forward to it, but after the E3 showing it seems more of the same, climb over some platform elements, have a shoot out, hand to hand combat, and hiding.
seems like they might be using the same AA from U3 still, time to adopt FXAA? Which PS3 games have the best implementation of FXAA?

Naughty Dog should. It could give them a little bit more room to push out something extra.

Mass Effect 3
I'm hoping they showed the shootout because they know that's what gamers want to see, but that combat is a small part of the game. I was kind of hoping they'd go the puzzle/platformer route, with combat taking second or third place. The demo made it look like it's going to be Uncharted style, where you have short segments to show off the visuals sandwiched between combat. If there's too much shooting, I feel like it might lose it's intensity, being a slower paced shooter.
I think ND said you can actually stealth through the entire most part of the game and there doesn't seems to be a lot of ammo laying around like Uncharted game.