Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

The fact my character didn't speak felt really odd.

I actually wish games had an option to disable main character spoken dialog. If I'm trying to get into the game and pretend it's me playing, the voice acting of the character I'm playing can totally throw me off and make it hard to get into the game.

Granted, most people probably like spoken dialog by their character, but I really wish there was an option in all games to disable it for people like me. It can't be THAT hard to do something like that.

That's true, but also could it be done? MMOs can suffer terribly from lag, I thought. It also explains why this game has no coop and there's none intended. "Like KoA:Reckoning? Want to play it with your friends? Subscribe to our MMO!"

Not sure lag would be a problem for an action MMORPG. Planetside was an MMOFPS. Lag is the bane of FPS games. Granted, there isn't really any NPC or Mob AI in Planetside to muck things up.

It'll be interesting to see how they handle it with potentially hundreds of people in the location. 4-8 no problem. Even possibly 16. After that things start to get interesting with regards to lag if you have lot of enemy AI on the screen.

As noted by Roderic GW2 will be an interesting look into this as they are going for more of an action RPG hook and this time without the 8 person limit with AI (PvE) or more without AI (PvP). It also should be noted that GW2 has been delayed yet again. Most likely into the 2nd half of this year. Getting a playable action experience with lots of enemy AI and lots of players may or may not be contributing to that.

I don't see anything wrong with local areas for parties + social hubs, but then I don't care for the whole MMO thing. In fact the true MMO I find a complete turn off, with millions of people getting in each others way. My experience of the demo of WOW had me approaching an enemy for a quest only for a high-level character to whizz in, slay the critter, and bug off. Geee, thanks... If other people can butt into my local play experience I won't want to play
I don't see anything wrong with local areas for parties + social hubs, but then I don't care for the whole MMO thing. In fact the true MMO I find a complete turn off, with millions of people getting in each others way. My experience of the demo of WOW had me approaching an enemy for a quest only for a high-level character to whizz in, slay the critter, and bug off. Geee, thanks... If other people can butt into my local play experience I won't want to play

Guild Wars 2 ;p
Otherwise yes I agree, competing for resources (quests, natural resources...) is a big pain in MMORPG.
You hardly play with anyone anyway, except your guild when you don't just solo, which makes those games way less fun than say... BF3 ^^

Going off-topic though.

I'm sorry to hear that the demo people have been playing doesn't work properly for many, because the final product works extremely well. Can you believe that the game still hasn't frozen on me once? That I've never had to restart due to getting stuck in the environment? That minor technical hitches are the worst I've encountered, and that I've seen nothing even remotely game-breaking? The developers should be commended for making a game with such extreme scope that runs so well... at least on PlayStation 3. I haven't spent any time with the Xbox 360 or PC versions of the game yet, so I can't speak to how those titles run.

Gametrailers has made similar comments. Sounds promising.
Well I just tried to play it again. Got ten minutes in and it froze absolutely. Tried again after an hours break with PS3 switched off, got near the end when the same dialogue bug appeared and I couldn't converse, and then the demo froze completely at the tutorial boss. So far the game has been mostly unplayable for me. I don't get to try any builds or experiementing with reagents or exploring. :(
I seem to have solved the crashing issues. First I looked for save data to delete as that's worked on other games, but there is none. Then I considered what I was doing differently to everyone else, which is skipping the cutscenes. Most folk played the demo to completion, and then restarted with the option to skip the tutorial phase. As I quit the game early first time, I was playing the tutorital section through and skipping cutscenes and dialogue. So this time I let everything play through as if for the first time, and it worked. I got the full 45 minutes play time. Didn't realise there weas a day/night cycle. If the full release game was a tight 60 fps, I'd be a little more tempted to get it. I'm pretty sure I won't as I know it'll be too much of a time sink, but you never know...
I seem to have solved the crashing issues. First I looked for save data to delete as that's worked on other games, but there is none. Then I considered what I was doing differently to everyone else, which is skipping the cutscenes. Most folk played the demo to completion, and then restarted with the option to skip the tutorial phase. As I quit the game early first time, I was playing the tutorital section through and skipping cutscenes and dialogue. So this time I let everything play through as if for the first time, and it worked. I got the full 45 minutes play time. Didn't realise there weas a day/night cycle. If the full release game was a tight 60 fps, I'd be a little more tempted to get it. I'm pretty sure I won't as I know it'll be too much of a time sink, but you never know...

What an odd bug. Hopefully it's fixed before release. I have a couple friends that like to skip anything that is skippable. They don't care at all for storyline of anykind. Then, if they run into something that they needed to know from the cutscene to proceed they end up calling me. :rolleyes: :smile:

I hope it's just the demo, but it's kind of easy to break it right now.

I steal from a quest giver, making sure he knows it. I get caught, send to prison, I escape without serving my time, and go back to the same quest giver. Who has forgotten all about me, and I can except his quest just fine.

I try the same thing at the House of Ballads. But instead of being send to prison they all attack me. So I kill them all, with the exception of a quest giver who just watches me murder his friends, and another quest NPC who keeps reviving. When the are all dead, that quest NPC is down for a moment, I go the quest giver and except his quest. I go to the quest dungeon to find the same quest NPC again. He wants to attack me, but first we go through the standard quest dialog. After that he attacks again and I leave since I can't kill him anyway.

Ideally they should no longer offer me quests. But I have a feeling this is another game that won't lock you out of content easily, even when it would have made sense.

I don't plan on playing through the game like that though. But it was kind of funny going through the demo with a mindset of what if.....
I really really enjoyed the combat mechanics. Might be the best in a RPG to date. Everything else is unfortunately quite generic. Esp when coming from Skyrim. Oh Bethesda....why can't you do combat like this? :(
Just finished playing the demo.

First of all camera needs work. Most of the time it follows too close behind the player and too low. This makes it difficult when you're fighting multiple enemies because you dont know where they are. That issue wouldnt be so bad except there is no lock on system. You just point a certain way and the game is supposed to know who you want to fight and then you have to manually adjust the camera. Also as other people have mentioned, the camera has too much inertia and also it doesnt always turn the way you would expect to it when you turn.

Second, the block mechanic feels strange. When you hold your shield up it locks you facing in a certain position... kind of. If you're facing into the horizon and raise your shield, pushing to the sides can make you strafe... or make you turn. Whats up with that??

Third, combat as a whole feels laggy. I can get combos off just fine... but rolling then attacking.. or rolling into a guard... etc... doesnt feel as responsive as other types of games with similar mechanics.

Hopefully these things get worked out because other than these issues the game seems pretty decent from what I've played so far.
First of all camera needs work. Most of the time it follows too close behind the player and too low.
I ran further through and found the House of Ballads and took the quest there, which took me to a dungeon. There I fought some poisonous Boggarts or somesuch, only the camera decide to drop below the ledge so I couldn't see a goddam thing! and at other times it'd hang back and I couldn't see where I was among the spells being cast. It definitely needs work!

Second, the block mechanic feels strange. When you hold your shield up it locks you facing in a certain position... kind of. If you're facing into the horizon and raise your shield, pushing to the sides can make you strafe... or make you turn. Whats up with that??
I think it generally autoaims block at the incoming target, which makes sense.

Third, combat as a whole feels laggy. I can get combos off just fine... but rolling then attacking.. or rolling into a guard... etc... doesnt feel as responsive as other types of games with similar mechanics.
I haven't noticed that. It's very animation heavy, and you have to let a move complete before executing another, meaning you have to learn to fight properly. If you're swinging a hammer and suddenly want to roll, don't expect to be able to. This makes it a bit tricky. I'd find myself mashing away with attack, then wanting to block only to not do so, but I recognise that's my fault for fighting recklessly.

One other obvious improvement that should be made IMO is to automatically harvest reagents instead of requiring the X button to collect. That's a redundant button press that gets in the way of sprinting. Any why ahve a sprint button anyway? Why not just have that speed constantly as there's no limit to its use?
I haven't noticed that. It's very animation heavy, and you have to let a move complete before executing another, meaning you have to learn to fight properly. If you're swinging a hammer and suddenly want to roll, don't expect to be able to. This makes it a bit tricky. I'd find myself mashing away with attack, then wanting to block only to not do so, but I recognise that's my fault for fighting recklessly.

God of War 3 is very animation heavy too, but doesnt suffer this problem and the mechanics of this game are very similar to GOW3. The timing is just off, especially for blocking.

Another thing that bugs me is the button layout. The combat buttons should be on the shoulder instead of the face. Especially since a lot of time you have to manually adjust the camera during combat. Why does the stealth button need to be a shoulder button when its just a toggle? Same for the radial menu button. Dark souls button layout would be perfect for this game.
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I haven't noticed that. It's very animation heavy, and you have to let a move complete before executing another, meaning you have to learn to fight properly. If you're swinging a hammer and suddenly want to roll, don't expect to be able to. This makes it a bit tricky. I'd find myself mashing away with attack, then wanting to block only to not do so, but I recognise that's my fault for fighting recklessly.

Every attack can be cancelled into a roll or a block, except for the last attack in a chain or magic. The controls can be a bit laggy at times in demo. Hopefully that's fixed in the full game. I remember reading something on their forums from a dev saying they did something to further improve the responsiveness of the controls.
Watched some combat videos, this looks really good for an RPG. I was thinking from what I saw it would be a killer MMO... or better yet a coop game. Anyone play it through yet and have impressions to share?
I picked it up. Haven't started it yet. The guy at the store warned me there's 300 hours of content, or maybe he's full of shit. He said the IGN speed run of all the game content, skipping all cutscenes was 200 hours. I will never finish that.
Watched some combat videos, this looks really good for an RPG. I was thinking from what I saw it would be a killer MMO... or better yet a coop game. Anyone play it through yet and have impressions to share?

It's more Action than RPG if you go by combat. But it has far more RPG elements than Action games that incorporate RPG elements. :)

Combat is fairly robust. With some elements of action fighters incorporated. The Attack, pause, attack type mechanics for instance. Or attack, attack, pause, attack. It doesn't get too complex though as there is only 1 attack button. So you don't get complex multi-attack button combat sequences. You do later on get the ability to attack while dodging though which is nice.

Item crafting is fairly robust, but the execution leaves a bit to be desired. Still crafting allows for making some incredibly powerful weapons and armor.

Socketing of gems adds more versatility. All the skills have some uses. Although pick-locks skill is relatively useless (even very hard chests are easy to pick) while dispell magic skill is essential (IMO) as failing to dispell a magic lock can result in getting some VERY nasty curses which in the early game are extraordinarily expensive to cure.

But other than that almost all the skills are equally useful and balanced depending on your playstyle (my favorite is the detect hidden skill, although I tend to emphasis blacksmithing and the one for getting better gems to drop as well as crafting them).

I'm still not sure if I'm going to buy it though (PC version) as there's some bugs I'm waiting to see if they were addressed in the retail release or not.

I want to buy it, but not going to until the bugs that would prevent me from playing are fixed.

One thing that is extremely frustrating though coming from MMORPG playing (on PC). Is that you have to select a skill/spell which maps it to the right mouse button, and then click the right mouse button to activate it. This is nice for spells/skills that are spammable in combat, but extremely annoying for buffs, heals, and pets (pets are limited duration). I have no clue why they couldn't allow you to map a skill to a mouse button while at the same time allowing you to directly activate skills without mapping it to the mouse button. Frustrating as hell. Especially when they have the skill/spell bar down at the bottom...just like an MMORPG. Except that you cannot execute them like an MMORPG.

I picked it up. Haven't started it yet. The guy at the store warned me there's 300 hours of content, or maybe he's full of shit. He said the IGN speed run of all the game content, skipping all cutscenes was 200 hours. I will never finish that.

Skipping bonus content (all sidequests) is about 20-30 hours I believe. And you'll end up around 25-27th level maybe more or less depending on how often and when you use the time slow thing (forgot what it's called). To max EXP, only using it on groups of enemies with high XP rewards and/or boss fights with multiple enemies (it gives the bonus to every single enemy that is "downed" during the time slow when you finally do the execution move).

If you do all sidequests. It should be upwards of 200+ hours. If you do all the sidequests you'll easily max your character about 3/4 of the way through I believe, even if you don't use the time slow skill much.

Glowing 9.0 review from IGN. Already calling it a GotY canidate and it is details that are easily overlooked that hold it back from higher greatness. Sounds like the core gameplay is the new standard for RPGs.

He (Sean ("Day9") Plott) did some interviews with the creators, Curt Schilling, R.A. Salvatore and Todd McFarlane. It seems they are actually committed to or at least working on an MMO based on the world. The Salvatore and McFarlane interviews were quite interesting.

They aren't up in the archives as I post this, but I would hope/think they will make it in there.
<edit>here's some of his gameplay with actress felicia day
I picked it up. Haven't started it yet. The guy at the store warned me there's 300 hours of content, or maybe he's full of shit. He said the IGN speed run of all the game content, skipping all cutscenes was 200 hours. I will never finish that.
Cornsnake's already spent 300 hours on the demo alone. ;)