J. Allard interview by Hiroshige Goto pt.2

Oh and what is that superior format HDV? Yeah right the technology that is nothing like current tech. Prices will through the roof. Some people complain over Blu-ray disc prices, but for some reason HVD doesn't matter. And what support does HVD have?

Actually there is that one company that is claiming 100gig discs in 2007 using exsiting dvd tech .... If its using red lasers and the old dvd plants it could actually end up being cheaper than bluray
Actually there is that one company that is claiming 100gig discs in 2007 using exsiting dvd tech .... If its using red lasers and the old dvd plants it could actually end up being cheaper than bluray

With what support? My god all a company has to do now a days is announce that they can do something new and its already better than Blu-ray. Some of you people are just reaching for dear life.

Blu-ray has over 450 billion dollars of support behind it what does that new 100gig disc have in support.
mckmas8808 said:
See this is your lack of education (and this is not a bad thing thats why your here right) that leads you to believe this. Let me educate you on something. The problem with SACD and DVD Audio is that the consumers still don't know what it is. You have to educate the people before you sell something to them.

LOL. I think it's your lack of reading comprehension skills that leads you to say this.

Read my post again, that's a quote from an article on CNET. I did not write that, so maybe you can educate the CNET editor on SACD vs DVD-Audio.

btw...The public still doesn't know what Blu-Ray is either....hence the comparison! ;)
mckmas8808 said:
HA! MS really has you brainwashed. Yes they have 27% and yes the Xbox outsold the PS2 for one or two months during the holiday season. But have you even looked at the total numbers.

No, you're just ignorant of the current market place.

Hardware sales != your market share.

If you take all software and hardware sales combined, in the US market, MS has 35% of the current-gen market share, while Sony has 39%.

""According to U.S. sales and marketing firm NPD Group Inc., the Xbox controlled 35% of the U.S. market in 2004, second only to SCE's PlayStation 2, with 39%."
http://www.ebusinessforum.com/index.asp?doc_id=7230&layout=rich_story "

So while you keep quoting hardware sales number fom 5-10 years ago, MS keeps gaining market share in the present marketplace. (In 2003 it had only 27%)

Sony wants people to concentrate on overall units sold, because that's where they have the biggfest advantage in raw numbers, but in reality, when you look at the dollars being spent, it's VERY close in the N/A market. And the N/A market drives every other market, and has the most potential for game developers.

If you think Sony isbn't VERY worried by MS you're out of touch with the reality of it.
think it's your lack of reading comprehension skills that leads you to say this.

Read my post again, that's a quote from an article on CNET. I did not write that, so maybe you can educate the CNET editor on SACD vs DVD-Audio.

btw...The public still doesn't know what Blu-Ray is either....hence the comparison!

Its your lack of education that leads you to completly believe that acticle. How many SACD or DVD-A players do you think have been sold? How many please tell me. Blu-ray has something called the 'PS3' that million apon million of people will buy. Open your mind will you. Comparing SACD and DVD-A to Blu-ray is completly bliss and you believing it is worse.
If you think Sony isbn't VERY worried by MS you're out of touch with the reality of it.

I wouldn't say very worried. Maybe more like cautious. And can you give me the total numbers WORLDWIDE that Xbox software has sold. Arrogant people like you only think that only the U.S. is important. Europe and Japan count too. The PS2 sold 34 million units in Europe want has Xbox sold like 5 million. :LOL:

The PS2 sold like 21 million in Japan, what has Xbox done 1 million. :LOL: Other countries actually matter.
Sigh, I didn't fully believe taht article. What i said was

"Here's an intersting commentary on blu-ray"

I said "intersting commentary", not "hard facts about the future of bluray",

See, instead of trying to insult me, and call me dumb on an unreleated topic(ACD) you could've actually tried addressing some of the point of the article, and gave a logical reason why they aren't valid.

The conclusion of the article was that it's way too early in the game to know what will happen, actually it was titled "To Close to Call" So if you have any actual LOGICAL argiuments to make, then make them.

Quit trying to insult my supposed lack of education, you know nothing about me, it just makes you sound arrogant and immature.
mckmas8808 said:
If you think Sony isbn't VERY worried by MS you're out of touch with the reality of it.

I wouldn't say very worried. Maybe more like cautious. And can you give me the total numbers WORLDWIDE that Xbox software has sold. Arrogant people like you only think that only the U.S. is important. Europe and Japan count too. The PS2 sold 34 million units in Europe want has Xbox sold like 5 million. :LOL:

The PS2 sold like 21 million in Japan, what has Xbox done 1 million. :LOL: Other countries actually matter.

The US market is the cash cow in terms of software and hardware sales, it leads the other markets, and Sony can not afford to lose it.

If MS domincates the US market it's only a matter of time until PS loses more and more developer support and eventually it will fall behind all over the world.
mckmas8808 said:
I wouldn't say very worried. Maybe more like cautious.

LMAO. Ok, so in less than 3 1/2 years XBOX has cut sony's market share in half in the worlds larget gaming market, and they're only "cautious"? LMAO, how's the air up there in la-la land??

Before xbox entered the scene sony had 65-75% of the market share in the US, now they're down to 39% vs 35%. Of course they're worried!

I try to get you to agree on the most obvious and undeniable fact and even then you can't bring yourself to admit it.

Ok..you win...they're not "very worried" about losing half their market share in their largest market....they're just "cautious"!
Yes, 360 is shaping up to be a great effort and a real challenge to the PlayStation empire. MS is doing a lot of things right, and the Live features especially are one area that Sony can't touch.

Sony would be fools if they weren't worried. Which I think is why we can expect them to launch PS3 in the U.S. just as soon as they can - great launch games or not - to try and slow MS down.

Anyway, it's nice to see a company come in and do so much right as MS has done with its Xboxes. Time will tell if they can pull off the upset or not, but it looks like it's going to be one hell of a good fight.
scooby_dooby said:
Before xbox entered the scene sony had 65-75% of the market share in the US, now they're down to 39% vs 35%. Of course they're worried!

Where are you getting your figures from?

I make it that as of the end of '04, PS2 was at ~58.5% marketshare, Xbox at 23.5% and GC at 18%.
MS launch plan puts Sony on the defensive because for the entire lifespan of these systems, MS' software generations will be one generation ahead of Sony's...

So gen 1 of X360 is competing against itself,
X360 gen2 is compteing against PS3 gen 1
x360 gen 3 is competing against PS gen 2 etc

Because the hardware are within at least 30% of each other power wise, PS3 developers will have to stretch and work alot harder on already difficult hardware to make PS3 visibly better... This isnt DC vs PS2 folks...

we'll know in 2008/9 whether their plan worked... If MS doesnt increase marketshare... or marketshare begins to decline as PS3 development matures... I think MS will abandon the console market...
Titanio said:
scooby_dooby said:
Before xbox entered the scene sony had 65-75% of the market share in the US, now they're down to 39% vs 35%. Of course they're worried!

Where are you getting your figures from?

I make it that as of the end of '04, PS2 was at ~58.5% marketshare, Xbox at 23.5% and GC at 18%.
sony is closer to 70% i believe .
jvd said:
Titanio said:
scooby_dooby said:
Before xbox entered the scene sony had 65-75% of the market share in the US, now they're down to 39% vs 35%. Of course they're worried!

Where are you getting your figures from?

I make it that as of the end of '04, PS2 was at ~58.5% marketshare, Xbox at 23.5% and GC at 18%.
sony is closer to 70% i believe .

Globally perhaps, but I think the figures for the US are in and around the above as of Dec 04. Does anyone have more up-to-date figures? I guess a trawl through NPD would bring them up to the present..
I don't know but nintendo's systems sales are stalling ( i think u will see a big jump for zelda ) and ms has no systems to sell , we haven't had a new xbox in the store for over 4 months . So sony may easily pull ahead this year
Kolgar said:
Anyway, it's nice to see a company come in and do so much right as MS has done with its Xboxes. Time will tell if they can pull off the upset or not, but it looks like it's going to be one hell of a good fight.

Hahahaha! You know someone is going to come in and give you a 20 point list of things MS did wrong with the Xbox ;)

And they would be right to a degree. In one of the HDD threads a balance Sony fan gave some disgruntled words toward some of Sony's moves.

I think the industry can be summed up as: Who minimizes their mistakes + who maximizes their successes and has the biggest successes = winner.

Sony, hands down, has done the best job at that from a market size analysis. MS will compete in the US this gen, and I think that is their #1 goal. Be competitive on their home turf, and then EU.

But as much as Sony is a newcomer (this is only their 3rd console) MS is even newer. And they still make rookie mistake. We need look no further than E3. E3 is not the end of the world, but obviously if they hit a homerun there the hype machine would be off the hook.

In that regards Sony is MS's daddy. MS needs to take more careful notes on how Sony and Nintendo have handled their AAA+ E3 bombshells.

But I agree, this generation is looking to be a good fight. Better than the lopsided 90M-20M-20M this gen. And Nintendo can be scary... I do not see the 3rd party support, but you can never count out an industry veteran with $7B and a "vision of innovation".

I still think Sony wins overall. And the 55%-35%-10% numbers from some anaylust do seem like they could be ballpark.
Titanio said:
scooby_dooby said:
Before xbox entered the scene sony had 65-75% of the market share in the US, now they're down to 39% vs 35%. Of course they're worried!

Where are you getting your figures from?

I make it that as of the end of '04, PS2 was at ~58.5% marketshare, Xbox at 23.5% and GC at 18%.

Marketshare is not the same as total consoles sold, it is supposed to show what is selling right now or for example last year, although I'm not sure this is fair comparison, since those units sold earlier still produce cash flow, unlike for example mobile phones sold in 2003.
Good post Acert and I think you were talking about me when you said a balance Sony guy got on Sony about the HDD issue. I'm damn near desperate to see Sony include at least a 10gig HDD. To me if they don't it could make it that more easier for MS to acheive their goal.

Their are way too many reasons to include a HDD. And if Sony doesn't it might not be as bad as Nintendo staying with cartiages in the N64 but to me its somewhat close.

And blakjedi I wouldn't say X360's 2nd gen will be competing against PS3's 1st gen. They won't be releasing that far apart.
mckmas8808 said:
And blakjedi I wouldn't say X360's 2nd gen will be competing against PS3's 1st gen. They won't be releasing that far apart.

How far apart would you say game generations are normally?
I seriously doubt Sony can launch before March in Japan and probably not until May-June in the US. It really won't be until the US launch that PS3 titles will be as mature as the Nov 2005 X360 titles. MS has about 8-9 months lead on software right now. Is that a full generation? Not quite, but it's still pretty good because X360 2nd gen games will make the 2006 holiday season and PS3 2nd gen games won't.