J. Allard interview by Hiroshige Goto pt.2

PC-Engine you see this as of novelty. Explain why the other big boys are putting movies on UMDs so much. The first DVD hit 100,000 copies in 9 months. Two UMDs did it in 1 month. How can you possibly still have a negative appoach to this. Just face it UMDs are the future.

Let me guess you plan on building a UMD movie library that costs the same as DVD even though you can't watch them on a tv? :LOL:

If I had a PSP, I'd buy one or two UMD movies just for sh*ts and giggles because I wouldn't want to buy an expensive MS DUO that only works on a PSP to rip my DVDs. :LOL:

BTW I have both of those movies on DVD and have used it with my awesome portrable DVD player that can also hook up to my tv and surround sound system. :LOL:
Yeah I also see this as quite desperate quote to make. What are you talking about Sony and Disney. 5 out of the 6 top movie studios are pushing movies onto the PSP. What are you talking about? How about reading some actually news about the huge numbers that the UMDs are selling at.

sure list them and the titles that are currently out by the 5 companys .

Oh thats right because they only announced that they will support it . It took disney over a year to ship a dvd movie after they said they'd support it . Two diffren't things . I work at game stop , I see whats released .

As more people discover psp 9 they will just convert the dvds they want to memory stick for the viewing .

PC-Engine you see this as of novelty. Explain why the other big boys are putting movies on UMDs so much. The first DVD hit 100,000 copies in 9 months. Two UMDs did it in 1 month. How can you possibly still have a negative appoach to this. Just face it UMDs are the future.

Wait i thought bluray was ?

Anyway if you look at hte psp game sales they are lacking in numbers because there are no games. So what to do with your 250$ item ? but whatever you can find to justify the cost . The question is if it grows or drops off

Imagine 12 million PSPs by the end of this year. JVD and PC-Engine I think its more on you to explain how UMDs and Blu-ray movies aren't going to be successful than me and others explaining to you why they are.

why are we imagining numbers you picked at random ? If you really believe there will be 12 million psps then you belive there will be even more ds's out there .

As for umds . Its a niche and sales will never grow beyond a limited market and as you said people will buy them for road trips and will not add them to the regular weekly shoping trip. The reason why is because they only work in one media player and that is the psp . As time goes on mpeg 4 playback will replace umds and the sales of umd movies will be for the younger kids .

As for blueray there are two competing standards .

Many people will go into a store and see this and leave with neither and choose to wait it out with dvd . Not only that but while the bluray has a trojan horse in the ps3 the ps3 will also be under attack by the x360 and ns5 . Depending on how the costs fall a tri layer hd-dvd disc may end up costing the same or even slightly less than a dual layer bluray disc thus evening things up even more .

Personaly i think bluray and hd-dvd are going to be the laser disc of this decade . Your going to have at the end of this century when 1080p is really gaining ground and has completely replaced 720p where htey don't even make them anymore , a new optical disc format . Perhaps something that offers 100 gigs per layer or more and that will come in and sweep out the war torn bluray and hd-dvd camps .

Thats personaly what I believe
Let me guess you plan on building a UMD movie library that costs the same as DVD even though you can't watch them on a tv?

No not really. I have probably over 50 DVDs right now. I can easily see myself getting about 5 to 10 UMDs this year depending on what the movie studios put out. I really want more TV show stuff like The Simpsons, The Chappell Show, Martin, In Living Color, and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Give me more short, quick, and funny stuff to watch as I wait 30 minutes in the Doctor's office.

If I'm riding with my boys for 45 minutes to go to a football game watching a two 23 minute shows of The Chappell Show will be nice. If and when movie studios figure this out UMD sales will go through the roof. PC-Engine why should I carry a bulkier portable DVD player along with a DS, along with a MP3 player when I can play and use all on one unit.

It will cost more in the long run, but to me the convince is worth it. Today I was watchin "Are We There Yet" in Red Lobster and at least 10 people stopped and said something to me about what I was looking at. When I explained to them that it was a PSP about 3 out of the 10 said "I have to get one of those". And just what most of them were woman who you wouldn't expect to buy a handheld system.

So I say to you keep doubting the power of the PSP you will only be disappointed in the end. ;)
If I'm riding with my boys for 45 minutes to go to a football game watching a two 23 minute shows of The Chappell Show will be nice. If and when movie studios figure this out UMD sales will go through the roof. PC-Engine why should I carry a bulkier portable DVD player along with a DS, along with a MP3 player when I can play and use all on one unit.

Eh , if your only going 45 mins away i don't see why u would need 3 things .

However if you did bring all 3 things you can do all 3 thigns at once ;) the psp can't do that !!!!!!

Anyway I would tell you that you can bring a dvd player with a 5 inch screne that you got for 100$ and watch your dvds that after spending 20$ on them you can go and play them in your home system and watch them on a 50 inch screen and then you can play your mp3s off your ds or play a ds game and get much better battery life :devilish:

btw total cost of that would be 100$ + 150$ + 50$ + 50$ = 350$ with how ever many dvds you own or plan to own vs 250$ + 100$ = 350$ + cost of umds

also in some situations the psp is not ideal . you can get a 1 gig flash mp3 player for 100ish and its the size of your thumb which means you can take it biking or running. The psp wouldn't really work in those situations .
The ds wouldn't either btw . Sometimes a dedicated device is a better option
jvd said:
If I'm riding with my boys for 45 minutes to go to a football game watching a two 23 minute shows of The Chappell Show will be nice. If and when movie studios figure this out UMD sales will go through the roof. PC-Engine why should I carry a bulkier portable DVD player along with a DS, along with a MP3 player when I can play and use all on one unit.

Eh , if your only going 45 mins away i don't see why u would need 3 things .

However if you did bring all 3 things you can do all 3 thigns at once ;) the psp can't do that !!!!!!

Anyway I would tell you that you can bring a dvd player with a 5 inch screne that you got for 100$ and watch your dvds that after spending 20$ on them you can go and play them in your home system and watch them on a 50 inch screen and then you can play your mp3s off your ds or play a ds game and get much better battery life :devilish:

Look mom!!! It's a 1GB MP3 player...just add a $130+ 1GB MS DUO!!! :LOL:
sure list them and the titles that are currently out by the 5 companys .

Oh thats right because they only announced that they will support it . It took disney over a year to ship a dvd movie after they said they'd support it . Two diffren't things . I work at game stop , I see whats released

Ummm... Ok

Team America: World Police (August 9)
Coach Carter (August 9)
Without a Paddle (August 9)
Sahara (August 30: DVD day-and-date)
MTV's Viva La Bam: Vol. 1 (August 30)
SpongeBob SquarePants The Movie (TBA 2005)
Ren and Stimpy Volume 1 1/2 ish (TBA 2005)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Volume 1 (TBA 2005)
Chappelle's Show: Volume 1 Uncensored (TBA 2005)
South Park: Volume 1 (TBA 2005)
The Italian Job (TBA 2005)

Disney / BVHE
Coyote Ugly: Unrated Extended Cut (August 16 - Not officially listed yet)
Sin City (August 16 - Not officially listed yet)
Shaolin Soccer (August 16 - Not officially listed yet)
The Rock (August 16 - Not officially listed yet)

Universal Studios
Dawn of the Dead: Unrated Director's Cut (July 26)
The Chronicles of Riddick: Unrated Director's Cut (July 26)
The Rundown (July 26)
Van Helsing (July 26)
The Fast and the Furious(July 26)
Assault on Precinct 13 (July - Not officially listed yet)

20th Century Fox
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (July 05)
I Robot (July 05)
Napoleon Dynamite (July 05)
Predator (July 05)
SuperTroopers (July 05)

And of course all Sony/Columbia/Tri-Star/Revolution movies too. :D

*wipes off forehead and breathes heavy* Is that enough movie studio support for you. And this is not the whole list!!
Ummm yeah thats why I used a future tense word (i.e. pushing)

What are you talking about Sony and Disney. 5 out of the 6 top movie studios are pushing movies onto the PSP. What are you talking about? How about reading some actually news about the huge numbers that the UMDs are selling at.
jvd said:
The 3 lan inputs is going to be used by few people . I wouldn't use my ps3 as a router unless sony wants to give me very good fire walls for free . But that means one more thing running on the ps3 while playing games .

You think it needs to be used as a router to work in a home network? Now you are just making up the goal posts. If the person doesn't have a router/switch/access point already for their PC, what makes you think they will care if the PS3 functions as a central hub, anyway? :LOL: Either way, they'll be covered, and that is only a good thing.

For i would say 99% of those using a ps3 they will already have a router or will be a router to hook up the ps3 too .

So, more power to them! No one is going to go door to door and order people to use their PS3 as a friggen router. Geezus, what a ridiculous point to make! Ironically, by citing this nebulous 99% figure, you pretty much concede that 99% of all PS3 users will automatically have harddrive resources on-hand, if Sony actually leverages PC connectivity...

The only time i can really see it being a perk is if you want to get a lan game with friends and not disturb the home network .

Ooooh, what utter catastrophe we will be in should the "home network" be disturbed! Got to keep dem channels clear, or God forbid a packet gets missed! Ahhhhhhh!!! It's a network. It's got bandwidth. It's there to be used. If you really are doing something on your PC or PS3 that is actually flogging your 100 Mb home network, quit being such a cheapskate, and go fetch yourself some Gbit gear, already. :rolleyes:

As for the hardrive that is a set back for online gaming . Yes thigns can be saved to memory sticks but as iv'e explained those cost money and the consumer has to foot the bill and for every memory card he has to buy that is x amount of micro transactions he has to pass up on .

Ooooooh! Doomed are we, if money isn't saved to the last penny on this bare essential known as online gaming! This is all frivolous expenditure crap. If somebody feels the entertainment value is worthwhile, they will spend the friggen money. If they are down to counting pennies to budget between memory cards vs. micro-transactions, there was no real money to be made there in the first place. Hence, we have exposed yet another bogus point.

Not only that but with out the hardrive even if you want to stream from a hardrive on your pc you will have to acess your network . So not only are you sending data from the ps3 to the internet for gaming but u will be sending maps and perhaps new textures for the maps over the same connection . None of these are ideal nor are they as fast as a local hardrive .

You make it sound like we are still on 10 Mb ethernet. :rolleyes: Between 100 Mb/s and 1000 Mb/s interfaces, you will have the bandwidth to do the operations you describe. If you really think doing anything over a 1.5 Mb DSL connection is going to have an impact on traffic on a 100 Mb home LAN, maybe you should go back and check your cabling (could be rats back there chewing on the plastic, for all we know, right?) or stop streaming your porn 24/7 across your LAN. :rolleyes:

Not only this but if someone else was to use the pc that will slow things down even more for transfering data from the pc over the the ps3 . Not a good idea

Yeah, cuz your PC happens to also be the central hub for CentCom... :rolleyes: If you get your file in .2567 sec instead of .2488 sec, soldiers will die!!! OMG!

As for your idea about setting up code for the game to check if a hardrive is there , well the default set up will be much slower than a x360 is at loading games right off the bat .

Yeah, I'll really miss that .0079 secs... :rolleyes: For all you know, the X360 HD may be just as slow in access and throughput, when all is said and done. This ain't some 10k rpm SCSI drive they are throwing in the shebang. :rolleyes:
You think it needs to be used as a router to work in a home network? Now you are just making up the goal posts. If the person doesn't have a router/switch/access point already for their PC, what makes you think they will care if the PS3 functions as a central hub, anyway? Either way, they'll be covered, and that is only a good thing.

IF a person has one pc and now wants to use the ps3 so he can use the pc and the ps3 at once they will care. Unless you think they are going to disconnect the wire from the back of the pc and run to the back of the ps3 each time they want to use the other device.

With a real router you get hardware firewalls . Is sony going to provide a software firewall good enough to make up for that ? Will they provide other security mesures ?

Also how many people have thier internet acess point near atv ?

So, more power to them! No one is going to go door to door and order people to use their PS3 as a friggen router. Geezus, what a ridiculous point to make! Ironically, by citing this nebulous 99% figure, you pretty much concede that 99% of all PS3 users will automatically have harddrive resources on-hand, if Sony actually leverages PC connectivity...

No more ridiculous than any of your points . Being able to access a pc hardrive does not make up for a lack of a local drive . There are people who still connect to the internet with small hardrives that are filled up with crap . Not to mention all the speed issues you will have acessing tthat data . I've already listed them .

Ooooh, what utter catastrophe we will be in should the "home network" be disturbed! Got to keep dem channels clear, or God forbid a packet gets missed! Ahhhhhhh!!! It's a network. It's got bandwidth. It's there to be used. If you really are doing something on your PC or PS3 that is actually flogging your 100 Mb home network, quit being such a cheapskate, and go fetch yourself some Gbit gear, already.

Right good job , That should be sonys marketing campain , STop being cheap go buy gbit gear !!!! .

You know what i'm going to stop right here . With certian people on the forums its only thier views that are allowed to be posted and your quickly becoming one of them . You have yet to say anything that makes you anymore right than what i've said . All your basicly saying is that "Oh its sony no matter what they do they are the best , but i'm going to knock ms in the same sentence and that is okay cause i'm a sony fan , but if you knock sony i'm going to come troll your posts "

Its getting tiring when you have a group of a few people who don't let others voice thier opinions . If i believe something is useless and I list why they are , then that is why , i don't care if you disagree because the next person will disagree with you and me . Its a discussion board and since this conversation is about what we think , I can't be wrong no matter how much you need to put sony in a good light it wont allways work because as i've allways said each choice has both good and bad that comes along with it .
it's obvious these guys just thikn Sony is invincible.

They don't even consider blu-Ray possibly failing, they don't even consider these min-disc movies as becoming a fad. "face it, it's the future" is like they're favourite line.

I mean if Sony was such an unstopable force as you guys seem to think than the XBOX1 with no games, no exlusives, and no market share would've been killed off in it's first year. Was it?

MS battled and now have 27% of the market for that gen, and surpassed PS2 in hardware sales for the first time last year.

You guys keep talking about PS1 sales figures...do you just ignore the fact XBOX took away 27% next-gen of the market from Sony? Does that just sail through your ears?? Who cares about PS1 it's completely and 100% irrelevant.

This time MS has none of the disadvantages they had before, it only stands to reason they will do better. They have support form nearly every developer in the book, a VERY nice exclusive stable of developers, they are launching earlier, AND they have an already established live network.

I mean what the hell would it take for you guys to admit there's a chance that Sony might lose?

It's like, I can picture 360 at 49% and PS3 at 51% market share, and you 2 guys would still claim Sony can't possibly lose that last 2 percent.
So, more power to them! No one is going to go door to door and order people to use their PS3 as a friggen router. Geezus, what a ridiculous point to make! Ironically, by citing this nebulous 99% figure, you pretty much concede that 99% of all PS3 users will automatically have harddrive resources on-hand, if Sony actually leverages PC connectivity...

No more ridiculous than any of your points . Being able to access a pc hardrive does not make up for a lack of a local drive . There are people who still connect to the internet with small hardrives that are filled up with crap . Not to mention all the speed issues you will have acessing tthat data . I've already listed them .

I want to add that I can stream hd-dvd / bluray or even other hd-dvd content from my pc to my xbox 360. So its a good thing using your logic that ms didn't include a bluray or hd-dvd drive with the unit because i can jsut stream it from the pc .
scooby_dooby said:
It's like, I can picture 360 at 49% and PS3 at 51% market share, and you 2 guys would still claim Sony can't possibly lose that last 2 percent.

Well, as jvd as stated in the other post, it's more like 70% vs 17%, so yeah, I think they have a reason to think Sony can't lose.

Remember with PS2's complex hardware, Sony won _despite_ of it. Same goes for minidisc over mp3 technology, mp3 was obviously the best way to go but Sony just got minidisc players in the hands of people somehow.

It's sad, it's not right, but that's how it works.
Chandler said:
scooby_dooby said:
It's like, I can picture 360 at 49% and PS3 at 51% market share, and you 2 guys would still claim Sony can't possibly lose that last 2 percent.

Well, as jvd as stated in the other post, it's more like 70% vs 17%, so yeah, I think they have a reason to think Sony can't lose.

Remember with PS2's complex hardware, Sony won _despite_ of it. Same goes for minidisc over mp3 technology, mp3 was obviously the best way to go but Sony just got minidisc players in the hands of people somehow.

It's sad, it's not right, but that's how it works.

Huh? MP3 is doing orders of magnitude better than MD. People also like to gloss over the fact MS stole a 27% marketshare even after coming to the party late as hell, 18 months to be exact. :LOL:

Next generation looks like SONY's gonna lose even more marketshare, unless they price PS3 at $200 and go BK. ;)
Chandler said:
Well, as jvd as stated in the other post, it's more like 70% vs 17%,

I was referring to the american market. As far as I'm concerned that's what will decide the winner, most games sel the most copies in the US, even japanese title like FF sell the most games in the NA market.

"According to U.S. sales and marketing firm NPD Group Inc., the Xbox controlled 35% of the U.S. market in 2004, second only to SCE's PlayStation 2, with 39%."

That's 35% of the us market, compared to SCE's 39%. That's up from 27% one year earlier.

It's also a fact that XBOX owners have double the ratio of games sold to systems bought. So dev's are lookin at a system with 35% of th US market, who's owners seem to buy twice as many games as the PS2 owners. It is too good to pass up for any developer.

Also, PS2 success was based mainly on it's few good exclusives, GTA, GT3 and FF. Now that's it's possibly lost rights to rockstar, and definately lost rights to square, and with MS having Bungie, Epic, Bioware, Mistwalker and Rare all in their game studios.....well it's a different story now.
They don't even consider blu-Ray possibly failing, they don't even consider these min-disc movies as becoming a fad. "face it, it's the future" is like they're favourite line.

First you have to explain to us how Blu-ray can fail. Its more likely that it won't. I know Blu-ray failing is possible, but do you honestly think that HD-DVD can beat Blu-ray? :? Oh and just like the I-pod at one time was a fad, they said gaming in arcades was, and they said hip-hop was a fad and look how those things turned out.

I mean Scooby at least wait for UMDs to fail before you call it a fad my goodness. There are more signs supporting Blu-ray and UMDs future then not supporting it.

MS battled and now have 27% of the market for that gen, and surpassed PS2 in hardware sales for the first time last year.

HA! MS really has you brainwashed. Yes they have 27% and yes the Xbox outsold the PS2 for one or two months during the holiday season. But have you even looked at the total numbers. Sony has shipped 16.1 slim-line PS2s.

You guys keep talking about PS1 sales figures...do you just ignore the fact XBOX took away 27% next-gen of the market from Sony? Does that just sail through your ears?? Who cares about PS1 it's completely and 100% irrelevant.

PS1 sales figures are relevant. Don't you think that the execs of all console makers take the PS1 into consideration. Darn near 39% of PSone sales came after 1999. If you didn't know that does mean something. If and when the same thing happens on the PS2 it would be MS's loss because they can't do the samething because after this year they can't sell anymore Xboxs.

This time MS has none of the disadvantages they had before, it only stands to reason they will do better. They have support form nearly every developer in the book, a VERY nice exclusive stable of developers, they are launching earlier, AND they have an already established live network.

Of course they will do better. But if it turns out that the PS3 sales 100 million and the X360 sales 50 million, it would still be obvious that Sony won that console race.

It's like, I can picture 360 at 49% and PS3 at 51% market share, and you 2 guys would still claim Sony can't possibly lose that last 2 percent.

WHY? WHY? WHY? No console has come within 65 million units of a Sony console ever in history. The PSone sold 102 million to N64 32 million. The PS2 shipped 90 million to Xbox's 20 million.

Explain to me why all of a sudden MS can close that 65 to 70 million gap of the past consoles to 5 million with X360. Can you explain this to me.
Sure you want a scenario?

360 comes out first with amazing games and one hell of a marketing campaign. 360's fly off the shelves and MS starts taking market share.
(Anyone who thinks MS is no good at marketing must've been living in a cave when the XBOX was originally launched)

many people forget about PS3 and buy a 360.

When PS3 does launch it's games don't live up to it's E3 hype and people are dissapointed. They launch early with a line-up of games that is inferior to the 360, and a price that is higher.

The 360 will have had a price drop alread, and will be hyping the hell out of EXCLUSIVE games like Gears of War, Lost Odyssey, Kameo, Blu Dragon, Halo 3, Forza 2, Unnamed Bioware Games 1 & 2. The 360 will have a stable of 50-100games against the PS3's 20-40 launch titles.

2nd gen 360 games will be competin against 1st gen PS3 games.

If the exclusive games are better on the 360, then they are on the PS3, the PS3 never catches up and becomes close 2nd place. The Sony loyalists still buy PS3, but the casual gamer buys the cheaper system with better games.

that's a possible scenario.

As far as Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD, how bout this? They both fail when a far superior format comes around in 12 months? There's no rush to choose a format and the industry as a whole is waiting...technology doesn't wait.
Here's a good commentary on Blu-Ray:

"Blu-ray had the early lead, but HD-DVD has been making inroads, garnering support from major studios Warner, Paramount, Universal, and New Line Cinema, who've decided to play it safe and back both formats. From a marketing standpoint, HD-DVD appears to be positioning itself as the more practical high-def DVD solution, an extension of the format rather than a leap beyond it. The Blu-ray group, for better or worse, is taking the bait and campaigning on technological superiority. Unfortunately, as a result, the press has jumped on the whole VHS vs. Betamax analogy--you know, the old "the best technology doesn't always win" story, which doesn't help Sony.

Personally, I think a better analogy is the whole SACD vs. DVD-Audio fiasco--you know, the war that no one seems to care about and no one's winning. In other words, Vince, hold onto your DVD collection; you have time. There are all kinds of copy-protection details to iron out, lots of politics, and some prices that need to drop a zero (people are just starting to buy DVD recorders, for crying out loud). Me, I'm ballparking the end of 2006 before anything interesting really starts to happen in the high-def disc arena. Until then, put in a well-transferred DVD and sit a little farther back from your TV. It all looks like HD from the other side of the room."
jvd said:
IF a person has one pc and now wants to use the ps3 so he can use the pc and the ps3 at once they will care. Unless you think they are going to disconnect the wire from the back of the pc and run to the back of the ps3 each time they want to use the other device.

...or they can connect the other device to the PS3. :rolleyes: ...or they can just go out and buy a damn switch now that they got 3 devices to create a network. I can't believe you honestly think these are life-stopping obstacles. :rolleyes:

With a real router you get hardware firewalls . Is sony going to provide a software firewall good enough to make up for that ? Will they provide other security mesures ?

If they didn't have a switch/router/access point in the first place, they will not have had DSL in the first place. So why would they need a firewall? They evidently didn't have a broadband connection to the internet, in the first place. They would just be connecting between their PC and PS3, period. If they happen to add another PC, they already got an extra port on the PS3 to add them to the network. It's all been thought out... I'm guessing you think these are all very, very bad things to have on-hand. :rolleyes: The day they DO get connected to DSL, they will get their hardware router, as well! Everything will be connected and secure! Happy?! Geezus, this is a ridiculous point!

Also how many people have thier internet acess point near atv ?

If they want it bad enough, it can be done. You'd think if the technology of mankind can bring 1.5 Mb internet access 20 mi from a substation to a socket in your wall, someone will be able to figure out how to bring it another 10-15 ft inside your house where you need it. Geezus! :LOL: Ever heard of wireless? How about signalling through your AC system? Run a cable? ...dozens of solutions to run through, and you have to wonder if this is in anyway a dealbreaker? You think any of these logistics magically disappear if it is XB2 you are connecting up??? Uh-oh, I guess these online micro-transactions will be in severe jeopardy of never happening for XB2 for the very same reasons you would knock PS3... XB Live is tehDOOM3D!!!

No more ridiculous than any of your points .

You accuse me of not "allowing for" other people's points, and then you turn around with a comment like this??? Classy!

Being able to access a pc hardrive does not make up for a lack of a local drive .

Sure it does. You are just hellbent on believing otherwise because it threatens you that PS3 could actually be that much more workable than you would like to believe. Is it going to work 100% alike? Of course, not. Will the differences fall to the point of triviality? Maybe, maybe not, but most likely, yes.

There are people who still connect to the internet with small hardrives that are filled up with crap .

Then they'll need a new HD, won't they? If they have run out of space, then they didn't have a workable computer, anyway. It's no different than any other computer situation. You run out of capacity, you upgrade or augment. Oh-no, they shouldn't add a HD, or that will make the old one feel neglected... :LOL: Meanwhile, it's reasonable to believe everybody else running around with gargantuan 80/160/200/300+ GB HD's should be doing just fine for space...

Not to mention all the speed issues you will have acessing tthat data . I've already listed them .

Yes, your concerns have been exposed as negligible and insignificant, imo. Typically, the things that would be stored on a HD are not so speed-critical to begin with, in the larger picture of things that need to be stored in the computer realm. Otherwise, they would be kept in RAM, in the first place, ya think?

Right good job , That should be sonys marketing campain , STop being cheap go buy gbit gear !!!! .

No, if you can really use that extra performance, you will buy it...just like anything else in the computer world. Sony doesn't have to market it to you. They did think ahead to put it in their equipment for your benefit should you decide to upgrade the stuff on your end in like, however. Lemme guess, this is another "bad" thing for the consumer?

You know what i'm going to stop right here .

Good choice, as your line of reasoning as proven largely fruitless- just a long chain of FUD and damage control, apparently.

With certian people on the forums its only thier views that are allowed to be posted and your quickly becoming one of them .

Uhh, you're the mod at these forums...who ultimately decides what posts get through or not. So who here can really be guilty of posting their view, and then covering the mouth of any opposition??? I am just a poster here like anyone else. They post their viewpoints, I post mine. It's a simple dynamic. ...now maybe what it is you desire is to post whatever twisted views you please and remain uncontested as a matter of policy? ...or maybe it is an environment where only pro-XB and negative PS comments occur, is what you are preferring? (Seriously? Have you taken a look at your routine pattern of comments in any given topic here?) What jvd says, goes as law, goes as fact, no ands ifs or buts? Is that really your idea of a harmonious, productive forum?

Please- don't preach to me about how someone's viewpoint should be. Take a look at yourself, for once. Make due note of your involvement in doing the very things you accuse me of. You gotta a whole lotta nerve, indeed. My comments here were purely to defend. Yours have been to cast doubt and introduce FUD (don't believe me- go back and read...it's all in the record for all to see). Who's really the attacker here?

You have yet to say anything that makes you anymore right than what i've said .

Indeed, I have. Of course, this simply cannot occur in jvd world, right? In that sense, I certainly can understand how you come to a conclusion like that.

All your basicly saying is that "Oh its sony no matter what they do they are the best , but i'm going to knock ms in the same sentence and that is okay cause i'm a sony fan , but if you knock sony i'm going to come troll your posts "

Making any defense is a troll, now, eh? I said Sony is the best somewhere in preceding pages? Clearly, you are ridiculously sensitive to anything said of MS that isn't glowingly positive. Clearly, you put in all kinds of additional meanings on top of the simple comment a person gives, to suit your interpretations. You are out of control, and unfortunately, there seems to be no one to rein you in.

Its getting tiring when you have a group of a few people who don't let others voice thier opinions .

I don't recall editing any of your posts or locking any topics. That would be an amazing feat given the access I share with other common posters here. Your opinions have been voiced (scroll up...see? all your posts are still there and intact). Perhaps what you are desiring is that no one is allowed to contest you? Just a one way discussion perhaps? Where you teach and inform us and we are only to listen and discuss amongst ourselves?

If i believe something is useless and I list why they are , then that is why , i don't care if you disagree because the next person will disagree with you and me .

Clearly, you do care. You wish to remain uncontested. Otherwise, you wouldn't have to characterize anyone who disagrees with you as "trolling". Yet, you seem to reserve the right for yourself to counterpoint on remarks made by others? Wow, that sounds pretty equitable. What a fool I have been for asking for more... :rolleyes:

Its a discussion board and since this conversation is about what we think , I can't be wrong no matter how much you need to put sony in a good light it wont allways work because as i've allways said each choice has both good and bad that comes along with it .

Yes, we are well aware of your notion of "how you can't be wrong". It is most unfortunate that you do not extend that understanding to others here who would hold differing opinions to your own. They "must be wrong", if you are so willing to jump in with counterpoint to them, right?
As far as Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD, how bout this? They both fail when a far superior format comes around in 12 months? There's no rush to choose a format and the industry as a whole is waiting...technology doesn't wait.

Oh and what is that superior format HDV? Yeah right the technology that is nothing like current tech. Prices will through the roof. Some people complain over Blu-ray disc prices, but for some reason HVD doesn't matter. :? And what support does HVD have?

Blu-ray had the early lead, but HD-DVD has been making inroads, garnering support from major studios Warner, Paramount, Universal, and New Line Cinema, who've decided to play it safe and back both formats

Did you read whats in bold. BOTH FORMATS. Yet Sony Pictures, Revolution, MGM, Columbia, and Tri-Star will only support one format for sure.

Personally, I think a better analogy is the whole SACD vs. DVD-Audio fiasco--you know, the war that no one seems to care about and no one's winning.

See this is your lack of education (and this is not a bad thing thats why your here right) that leads you to believe this. Let me educate you on something. The problem with SACD and DVD Audio is that the consumers still don't know what it is. You have to educate the people before you sell something to them.

Blu-ray has already been talked about more openly than SACD or DVD-A. Also did SACD or DVD-A have a trojan horse that could almost promise 100 million units sold. NO!!

Me, I'm ballparking the end of 2006 before anything interesting really starts to happen in the high-def disc arena.

Huh? Duh of course High Def media won't be the norm when its first released. I thinking that its going to be 2007 imho. These things take time and don't happen over night. What we do know is the death of the DVD is coming. Its inevitable there is nothing you or I can do about that.

High Def is the future so stop with this non-sense.