jvd said:
Knoel said:
mckmas8808 said:
And blakjedi I wouldn't say X360's 2nd gen will be competing against PS3's 1st gen. They won't be releasing that far apart.
How far apart would you say game generations are normally?
well I've allways favored launch titles as just that . Calling them launch . I then call the games that come 6 months later the first generation of games . Those are the ones that are finaly being developed on the actual hardware and not alpha or beta kits
Then i go by years . So the first generation games for ms would start to me at least in april 06' second gen april 0'7 . But thats just me , I don't really know how the industry does it
That's a strange way to look at it...
I think everyone else considers Launch games and all games released "for a while", first generation.
Then one developer steps up saying they have a "second generation" game for the platform. Doesn't matter when it happens, it's usually one year or less after launch, but after that, all games become "second generation".
Then after a little while, usually another year, another developer steps up with a new game based on a new engine and call their new game "Third generation"... And so on and so forth...
There is no one with a huge pendulum clock telling us when the generations end, but i've always seen one generation being a year long... PS2 would now have 5 generations or less, by your 6-months idea, PS2 would have 10 generations of software already...
Another way to look at it is for one single developer to consider their games according to generations. Their launch game on the platform would be their first gen game, the sequel would be the second gen title, the sequel (or a game developed after the last one) a third gen title...
There are many ways to look at this.