The problem happens even when I don't choose to load optimized defaults, even if I touch nothing at all. The BIOS values should all be the same as when they were when it booted shouldn't they, i.e. the defaults, so why won't it boot when I save but make no changes???hm, this problem sounds to me as if the machine is detecting memory timings or clocks incorrectly with optimized defaults.
Anyway, I'm checking just in case and here's what I've got:
CPU Name: Athlon XP
CPU Internal Frequency: 1150MHz (100x11.5)
CPU Operating Speed: 2600+
External Clock: 166MHz
Multiplier Factor: x11.5
AGP Frequency: 66MHz
CPU FSB/DRAM ratio: Auto
CPU Core Voltage: 1.65v
DDR SDRAM Voltage: 2.6v
Chipset Voltage: 1.6v
AGP Voltage: 1.5v
Memory Timings: Optimal ( 7, 3, 3, 2.5 )
System BIOS Cacheable: Enabled
Video RAM Cacheable: Enabled
Ok, I think that's the most important stuff. The RAM is TwinMos DDR333 512Mb. The CPU is a Barton 2600+, seems to be detected ok. Could it be that the problem is that it initialy sets the FSB to 100 and then sets it to 166 if I save settings (because it says 100x11.5 as the CPU internal freq. but later on says external clock is 166MHz)??
Anyway, I'll run it on defaults through a memtest and see what I get. If anyone notices anything bad in those settings let me know!