Windows 10 boot problems, pls help

I thought the spare had an am3+ mobo with an even older bulldozer and I was gonna swap 'em and use the stable mobo but since it's an Intel I don't thjik that will work.

Gonna check my basement, should be a couple of 3-4 am3+ mobos down there. Hopefully one is good. Else I talk the wife into an upgrade, we'll see.
I thought the spare had an am3+ mobo with an even older bulldozer and I was gonna swap 'em and use the stable mobo but since it's an Intel I don't thjik that will work.

Gonna check my basement, should be a couple of 3-4 am3+ mobos down there. Hopefully one is good. Else I talk the wife into an upgrade, we'll see.
TBH the Intel one would probably work. It's already in legacy mode. I'm not making any recommendations here and it's not ideal, but you'd be surprised how adaptable modern Windows installs are to being moved into completely different computers.

But if you're trying to pull a really old mobo into service, you do have to make sure the SATA ports are in AHCI mode before you try anything. Do not connect the drive to a port that's in IDE mode.
I was thinking about the amount of work involved to get back to where it was. It'd be easier/better to try and find a cheap AM4 mobo that supports 1600 since I have an extry one and some cheap memory and I could take it from a repair into full upgrade mode. Oddly enough I gotta go to Chicago Thurs about 20 miles from their MicroCenter so I took a quick looksee:


That and a fresh windows install will pull her up into last decade! :D
how about installing a new windows on a new SSD... make sure it boots fine... and then copy the content of the windows partition (not clone) to the new SSD?
Have you checked the mboard qvl list for that memory ?
Not yet but the comments under the memory said it seemed to like AMD mobos. I'll check once I get approval.
how about installing a new windows on a new SSD... make sure it boots fine... and then copy the content of the windows partition (not clone) to the new SSD?
Because the not clone is almost 2 years old and if I'm gonna do it I'll do it with the fresh one.

HAPPY HONEYMOON! I got this, go enjoy yourself! :love:
Have you checked the mboard qvl list for that memory ?
Damn it Dav and thanks! Checked the mobo qvl and it had it divided into core family names to download the support lists. It only went down to Pinnacle, not Summit Ridge like the 1600 non-AF I have on my desk so it would either mean me giving up my 2600x or swapping mobos.

I'd give her the 2600x, it's hard to tell any difference against my OCed 1600. I was hoping a cheap am4 bundle came up but the cheapest they got is $350. Granted a 5800x3d with a decent mobo and 2x8gb sticks ain't a bad deal for that price but I don't think I can talk her in to that one. (And yeah that would involve me swapping out my cpu/mobo/memory but I'm ok with that for the boost!)

Just kicking ideas around waiting to find out what's going to happen in the next couple of days. If we're just stuck here I'll start hunting and testing AM3+ mobos from my basement.
To avoid this happening when cloning boot drives, after starting a clone I always go into disk management and see how the target was initialized. This is the first thing that happens during a clone, so you can pretty much instantly see if the target is MBR or GPT and cancel the clone if it doesn't get it right. Unfortunately in the cloning software I've used (even Macrium) it isn't always obvious what partition table will be used on the target. Some software straight up doesn't tell you at all.

Doing a sector clone will also avoid this problem but that is very limited (can't adjust sizes, target must be at least as big as source etc.) and can take a very long time.
Would a P67 3570k or a Z77 4770 mboard/cpu/ram combo be of any use here as replacement?
Good gods yes! I've been trying to get any am3+ mobo even to boot without any luck. Either or would be an improvement over bulldozer tech too if I'm not mistaken. (I still got a lot to learn about Intel's post pentium iv stuff)

Sorry for the late reply, life's been going too fast the past few days.
Good gods yes! I've been trying to get any am3+ mobo even to boot without any luck. Either or would be an improvement over bulldozer tech too if I'm not mistaken. (I still got a lot to learn about Intel's post pentium iv stuff)

Sorry for the late reply, life's been going too fast the past few days.
Throw me a DM, I'll hook you up with some hardware.
Have to say this is a fantastic show of generosity by Malo he's not only giving
Digi a new cpu but also a motherboard and ram to go with it even though Digi is so rich he has his own private swimming pool I've never even met someone who has their own private swimming pool So he must be awarded the (Drumroll)

"The Shrubbery of Outstandingness"
(everyone say "NI")

And now as per tradition a few words from that fine english gentleman
Mr Terry Thomas
"Jolly good show old chap? simply spiffing"

May the Gaming Gods scan your games and remove all the quicktime events for they are indeed the spawn of satan...

Now the pedantic among you might be thinking "thats a shrub not a full shrubbery"
Well answer this then clever clogs. If I was to award a full shrubbery how would people get it home.....
Have to say this is a fantastic show of generosity by Malo he's not only giving
Digi a new cpu but also a motherboard and ram to go with it even though Digi is so rich he has his own private swimming pool I've never even met someone who has their own private swimming pool So he must be awarded the (Drumroll)

"The Shrubbery of Outstandingness"
(everyone say "NI")
View attachment 11791

And now as per tradition a few words from that fine english gentleman
Mr Terry Thomas
View attachment 11792
"Jolly good show old chap? simply spiffing"

May the Gaming Gods scan your games and remove all the quicktime events for they are indeed the spawn of satan...

Now the pedantic among you might be thinking "thats a shrub not a full shrubbery"
Well answer this then clever clogs. If I was to award a full shrubbery how would people get it home.....
"Digi is so rich he has his own private swimming pool"


We've been living here over 14 years and the pool came with the house. I'd say about 70% of the homes on my street have one and the neighbor one house over is digging a big pool shaped hole in their backyard over the last few days, it's not that abnormal. We're currently over $80k under water with debts mainly from medical and student loans for the kids and I ain't feeling rich at all. When i got a zero budget for this project my wife wasn't being stingy she was just being honest about our financial state. If it wasn't for <$50 ounces in Michigan now I would have had to give up pot a year ago.

We're getting by but we is struggling. A huge house with a pool and yard I would love to sell and move in to something smaller/cheaper/more land but our house is currently in no state to sell and we can't afford to fix it all at once so I am just banging away at it slowly. The town we're living in is currently booming with developments everywhere so hopefully we can get a decent price when we sell and move somewhere out in the sticks where land is cheap because the schools suck. (The town I live in has a serious kick-ass public education system, it's why we moved.)

Sorry for the rant but I'm having trouble making sure I have enough gas in my car to get where I need to go and back, I ain't feeling rich so much as feeling like my broke ass mid-20s self trying to figure out how to afford food. We're eating just fine and the lights are on and it's not like they're cutting us off or taking the house but we are not as stable/solvent as I'd like and my wife's upcoming back to back surgeries will be a bit of a bear with my falling apart body. Still haven't figured out the whole neuropathy/falling over thing but it ain't for a lack of testing or physical therapy. I'm trying but my body just ain't obliging. I've learned how to fall less and better but it's still something I gotta deal with.

I'm doing and intend to keep on keeping on until things get better or I can't anymore, but things have been better.

judging by this Disk Management screenshot, you do have a 100 MByte EFI system partition on your GPT disk, but it looks like it's not properly configured; there are also two recovery partitions, but no MSR partition.
At a bare minimum, you need to use DiskPart to format the EFI system partition with FAT32 file system, assign drive letters to your EFI system and Windows partitions, then use BCDBoot to copy boot manager system files and rebuild the BCD (boot configuration data) on the EFI system partition.
You then need to enter your UEFI BIOS setup and select the Windows Boot Manager entry for the new SSD in the boot options.

I once made a short overview and a detailed step-by-step guide on how to properly copy your existing Windows partition to a brand new GPT disk - or non-destructively repartition your existing GPT/MBR disk in a Microsoft-recommended fashion; you can follow the latter guidance to make Windows boot from your new SSD, this will take far less time than cloning your hard disk all over again.
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Here's what you need to do Digi :
Install Team Viewer remote desktop, let OrangeLupa fix your problem,
buy a new P.C with the insurance money after your house has burned down.

judging by this Disk Management screenshot, you do have a 100 MByte EFI system partition on your GPT disk, but it looks like it's not properly configured; there are also two recovery partitions, but no MSR partition.
At a bare minimum, you need to use DiskPart to format the EFI system partition with FAT32 file system, assign drive letters to your EFI system and Windows partitions, then use BCDBoot to copy boot manager system files and rebuild the BCD (boot configuration data) on the EFI system partition.
You then need to enter your UEFI BIOS setup and select the Windows Boot Manager entry for the new SSD in the boot options.

I once made a short overview and a detailed step-by-step guide on how to properly copy your existing Windows partition to a brand new GPT disk - or non-destructively repartition your existing GPT/MBR disk in a Microsoft-recommended fashion; you can follow the latter guidance to make Windows boot from your new SSD, this will take far less time than cloning your hard disk all over again.
THANK YOU! I'll dive in to it the next free chance I get, truly grateful! ❤️

EDITED BITS: Her laptop is working insanely well as a desktop stand in, sort of shocking me.