zurich said:
I find it amusing how some straight men get so absolutely freaked out by being "on the other side of the table." Congratulations - it's not just women, you too can be considered a piece of meat!
LOL It's really not that, it's the fact that it possibly seeds a little fear or doubt that you might look or act gay. When I was in my 20s I couldn't move on some days without getting hit on by other guys. I remember one week in particular: got hit on at the gym, the university library, a bar, and at a gas station. Exasperated, I asked a gay friend WTF, if I looked, acted, or dressed in some way that was giving off the wrong vibes. I'll never forget his reply: "You're cute! You've got that young, innocent, take me behind the barn and corrupt me look!" Ack, not what I wanted or needed to hear back then.