I'm now scared of gays

rabidrabbit said:
:? what are retrosexuals :? ? :? ?
I hope they have nothing to do with necrophilia

Think more Wayne Rooney than David Beckham. They're those who have very classic views of men and women, very unkempt appearances and shave with soap.
sytaylor said:
rabidrabbit said:
:? what are retrosexuals :? ? :? ?
I hope they have nothing to do with necrophilia

Think more Wayne Rooney than David Beckham. They're those who have very classic views of men and women, very unkempt appearances and shave with soap.

:oops: OUCH!!!
So it really is an actual, used term for those "doing it in missionary position". I thought it was a typo :)
In good old days it was so easy, there was only "Straights" and "Queers".
Now there doesn't seem to even be straights any more, they all want to be some "metrosexuals", "retrosexuals", "bisexuals", "intro-, exo-, laxosexuals".

I'm so confused.

I wasn't there, so I guess I don't know the situation (was him asking you out for drinks implying more than just going out for drinks?) If it was, did he know you are happily married and straight? Even if he did, just because he might be er... slimey? doesn't mean all gay guys are. Think about how many creepy guys hit on women all the time, and they arn't (well, not all of them anyway) scared of straight guys! :D

Reverend said:
Damn, this is the first time this has happened to me and I am now going to be extremely wary when meeting gays.

...right, because as a homosexual, he was gunning to drug you up, take you home, and fuck you till you bleed.

I find it amusing how some straight men get so absolutely freaked out by being "on the other side of the table." Congratulations - it's not just women, you too can be considered a piece of meat!
zurich said:
Reverend said:
Damn, this is the first time this has happened to me and I am now going to be extremely wary when meeting gays.

...right, because as a homosexual, he was gunning to drug you up, take you home, and fuck you till you bleed.

I find it amusing how some straight men get so absolutely freaked out by being "on the other side of the table." Congratulations - it's not just women, you too can be considered a piece of meat!

Next thing you know, men will rally on the streets for sexual discrimination. "WE'RE NOT MEAT!! WE HAVE A HEART!!"
zurich said:
I find it amusing how some straight men get so absolutely freaked out by being "on the other side of the table." Congratulations - it's not just women, you too can be considered a piece of meat!

LOL It's really not that, it's the fact that it possibly seeds a little fear or doubt that you might look or act gay. When I was in my 20s I couldn't move on some days without getting hit on by other guys. I remember one week in particular: got hit on at the gym, the university library, a bar, and at a gas station. Exasperated, I asked a gay friend WTF, if I looked, acted, or dressed in some way that was giving off the wrong vibes. I'll never forget his reply: "You're cute! You've got that young, innocent, take me behind the barn and corrupt me look!" Ack, not what I wanted or needed to hear back then.
John Reynolds said:
zurich said:
I find it amusing how some straight men get so absolutely freaked out by being "on the other side of the table." Congratulations - it's not just women, you too can be considered a piece of meat!

LOL It's really not that, it's the fact that it possibly seeds a little fear or doubt that you might look or act gay. When I was in my 20s I couldn't move on some days without getting hit on by other guys. I remember one week in particular: got hit on at the gym, the university library, a bar, and at a gas station. Exasperated, I asked a gay friend WTF, if I looked, acted, or dressed in some way that was giving off the wrong vibes. I'll never forget his reply: "You're cute! You've got that young, innocent, take me behind the barn and corrupt me look!" Ack, not what I wanted or needed to hear back then.

Oh PUH-LEASE!!! YOU LOVE IT REALLY!!!! All the attention, how can u turn around and go "OH MY GOD!!! DISGUSTING!!! PEOPLE ACTUALLY THINK I'M CUTE!!!" :devilish:
I just get asked if I'm gay.. not sure which way to take that. Women have no gaydar in the north of england I'm certain of it.
sytaylor said:
I just get asked if I'm gay.. not sure which way to take that. Women have no gaydar in the north of england I'm certain of it.

They do, it just needs some calibration... A month in London usually does the trick.
Yeah, to be fair leeds isn't bad at all, but then leeds is a proper city, halifax is a mill town with nightlife, strange combination.
Not afraid of gay men. And I don't have anything against having gay friends. But it was a bit frustrating that there seemed to be more gays than girls interested in me when I was in uni. And then there was that rather awkward tension when a friend "came out" by hitting on me. :?
I actually think I may have had a problem like that at sometime, but it was an awfully long time ago and a year or two of hanging around gay bars cured me of it right quick. :)

(I worked as a waiter for a while and a number of the guys I worked with, (well, all of them except for me actually :oops: ), were gay and liked to go there after work and I went with more than a few times....FUN places! :D )