I'm kinda mad at Microsoft right now

AlphaWolf said:
What would they cut out? the BR? Or do you mean make a higher end sku?

I said perceive.

If the public thinks "hey, the PS3 is 'the same thing' as the 360 core version", then Sony is in trouble. I don't see any way that Sony is going to sell a PS3 at the same price as the 360 core version, (unless Sony comes out with a lower end SKU). I predict the 360 core will be $250 at most by the time PS3 launches in the U.S. I say "effectively", because if MS doesn't lower the price, they will at least include a 1 game bundle with it...or perhaps include a memory unit, etc., that will be "worth" $50.
Joe DeFuria said:
I said perceive.

If the public thinks "hey, the PS3 is 'the same thing' as the 360 core version", then Sony is in trouble. I don't see any way that Sony is going to sell a PS3 at the same price as the 360 core version, (unless Sony comes out with a lower end SKU). I predict the 360 core will be $250 at most by the time PS3 launches in the U.S. I say "effectively", because if MS doesn't lower the price, they will at least include a 1 game bundle with it...or perhaps include a memory unit, etc., that will be "worth" $50.

That would only happen if the PS3 launch line-up was lackluster or the BR launch selection consisted of... uh... Stealth.
Well forget worry about the BlueRay lineup consisting of just Steath, a they have already made coppies of Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle. :D
Joe DeFuria said:
I said perceive.

If the public thinks "hey, the PS3 is 'the same thing' as the 360 core version", then Sony is in trouble. I don't see any way that Sony is going to sell a PS3 at the same price as the 360 core version, (unless Sony comes out with a lower end SKU). I predict the 360 core will be $250 at most by the time PS3 launches in the U.S. I say "effectively", because if MS doesn't lower the price, they will at least include a 1 game bundle with it...or perhaps include a memory unit, etc., that will be "worth" $50.

I'll agree that microsoft will most likely have a bundle for next year, I don't expect them to have actual price drops, I think they'd like to compete based on a strong title lineup rather than being cheaper.
Joe DeFuria said:
I said perceive.

If the public thinks "hey, the PS3 is 'the same thing' as the 360 core version", then Sony is in trouble. .

people wont, people will say, wow the ps3 has bleuray and whatnot..
I fail to see where people will mix up with a core xbox360
BR as a selling feature is totally exagerated IMO. I think the 360's interaction with WindowsXP machines, it's abilities to seamlessly connect to the PC is a much greater selling point for the majority of people than a BR player.
scooby_dooby said:
BR as a selling feature is totally exagerated IMO. I think the 360's interaction with WindowsXP machines, it's abilities to seamlessly connect to the PC is a much greater selling point for the majority of people than a BR player.

not with the casual customer.. casual customers don't have a knowledge in networking needed for that.
I wouldn't undervalue blu-ray...

You can get cable (sports and the like, movies are still in 480p pretty much) in HD... you can get your games in HD... but you can't get movies in true HD really as of yet.

The people with them are going to want them, and B-R is definitely going to be a BIG motivating factor for that sector of the market (those people that MS and Sony are targetting).

PS3 will be cheaper than B-R or HD-DVD players when it comes out, and even if the price is a draw, you're getting a lot more than /just/ a player with PS3.
valioso said:
not with the casual customer.. casual customers don't have a knowledge in networking needed for that.

but they have an interest in spending $1000's on a HDTV and re-purchasing their DVD collections for a slightly crisper image? Right...

The idea of sharing your music collection to the TV, allowing a very simple and easy to use interface, without having to sit down at the PC or anything, is something that will appeal to pretty much everyone on some level, BR only appeals to a small minority.

My 360 came with a little card, it shows a modem plugged into a router, then 2 cables one going to your pc, one to the x360. Now that's pretty damn simple. It has one URL on the card www.xbox.xom/pcsetup, you run a single program it sets up your firewall, and enables Media Connect.

The rest is simply following the on-screen directions on the X360, it basically walks you through the whole process. Sharing music is as simple as browsing the HDD from the 360 and selecting a folder.

Vista will be coming out next year, this will have MediaConnect out of the box, so that should eliminate the download completely making it even easier.
hey69 said:
people wont, people will say, wow the ps3 has bleuray and whatnot..
I fail to see where people will mix up with a core xbox360

I tend to agree...that is, (assuming Sony only has one SKU), the market perception will be that PS3 offers more than XBox 360 core.

I said if the perception is that the Ps3 is comparable to the 360 core in terms of "the product", then Sony is in real trouble. My point was, someone was saying Sony won't release a PS3 that is possibly $150-$200 more than the Xbox 360 core. I don't see why Sony wouldn't do that assuming there is the market perception that you get more from the PS3 than the XBox 360 core.

I assume that the PS3 will be targeted to compete (price wise) with the 360 Premium version.