I'm kinda mad at Microsoft right now

I went to Sams Club at 5am expecting to get a leg up because of my business membership which allows you to enter the store at 7am instead of 10am. They let everyone in though. (So much for paying extra for the business membership). I was 16th in line and they had 14 consoles. I waited around anyway in case someone couldn't cover the cost.

I went home empty handed. Oh well saves me a bit of money because I was planning on buying an hdtv just for playing 360 and watching dvd's.

I can't believe how few units this launch had. I think MS really botched this launch. They could have sold 3x as many as they will end up selling on launch day and get a huge lead in NA.

Now that I know I wont be able to get near one till Jan-Feb I'm an open target for Sony to show me something in that time that will entice me to wait for a ps3. Like crazy in-game movies. Decent launch price. Better availabilty. AND most importantly early summer launch.

I understand the concept of creating demand by limiting supply for free press and pschylogical marketing purposes but I think they are making a bigger mistake by not grabbing NA when they have the chance.
Master-Mold said:

Funny blaming MS' for something you're willingly putting yourself through. Personally I've never understood people that are that desperate for a gaming console. Just have patience and wait.

Some people really need to find alternative hobbies, not directing this at you, thinking more of the people that camp outside stores days on end when a console launches. Those people need to get a job and a life.
LOL I don't think so. I think they are just turning more of the planet into slobbering Xbox 360 wanters. It doesn't matter in the end if you have to wait, you will still want it. MS wins.
jonnyp said:
Master-Mold said:

Funny blaming MS' for something you're willingly putting yourself through. Personally I've never understood people that are that desperate for a gaming console. Just have patience and wait.

Some people really need to find alternative hobbies, not directing this at you, thinking more of the people that camp outside stores days on end when a console launches. Those people need to get a job and a life.

The problem is not these people's willingness to wait for a console, but that MS intentionally chose to spread its resources thin by orchastrating a doomed worldwide launch. It's basically lost business (if it comes to it). From the looks of it MS's supply will be strained in NA and probably Europe when it doesn't have to be that way. MS could have saturated the NA market, and when supply is good enough, move onto Europe followed by Japan.

If MS can't keep up with demand then eventually their potential buyers will lose interest. That's what's wrong here IMO.
Shifty Geezer said:
How come you've only got one post to your name when you've already posted this? The reason this junk gets removed is because you've obviously registered just to attract people to that site. Try posting a bit of relevant stuff in threads for a few weeks before trying to get everyone to see your free magazine and you might have some more success.

Hey Shifty,
It only says I have one post because they keep getting deleted. Plus i just got back on Beyond 3D forums, and I don't remember what my old name was. What makes you think I am just trying to get everyone to go to that site?

#1Gamer, without a 360 :cry: :cry:
drpepper said:
jonnyp said:
The problem is not these people's willingness to wait for a console, but that MS intentionally chose to spread its resources thin by orchastrating a doomed worldwide launch. It's basically lost business (if it comes to it). From the looks of it MS's supply will be strained in NA and probably Europe when it doesn't have to be that way. MS could have saturated the NA market, and when supply is good enough, move onto Europe followed by Japan.

If MS can't keep up with demand then eventually their potential buyers will lose interest. That's what's wrong here IMO.

I wont lose interest, but you should have heard the stories and the anger from people through out the night. Everyone had their own little conspiracy story or silly reasoning for the shortage and most was negative towards MS.

MS is already viewed by many as an evil company and this didnt help much to the common customer. Of course the whole thing was made worse by so many awful retail employees who were giving out poor/false information or just being rude.

No one really knows what effect this could have, but it could actually be bad if demand isnt met by X-mas. Who knows how many parents may buy an alternate present instead for their loved ones.
Master-Mold said:
No one really knows what effect this could have, but it could actually be bad if demand isnt met by X-mas. Who knows how many parents may buy an alternate present instead for their loved ones.

I think iPods are in as big demand if not bigger than 360s.
Pozer said:
I can't believe how few units this launch had. I think MS really botched this launch. They could have sold 3x as many as they will end up selling on launch day and get a huge lead in NA.

Now that I know I wont be able to get near one till Jan-Feb I'm an open target for Sony to show me something in that time that will entice me to wait for a ps3. Like crazy in-game movies. Decent launch price. Better availabilty. AND most importantly early summer launch.

I understand the concept of creating demand by limiting supply for free press and pschylogical marketing purposes but I think they are making a bigger mistake by not grabbing NA when they have the chance.

I think they made a mistake by doing that free 360 every 10 minutes thing. Those could hae been boxes we would have been willing to pay for. Than again, everytime I went on there, there were thousands of people signed up ofr a 10 minute block, so maybe they still made money???

The thing is, Microsoft knows that everyone wants one, knows they can charge $400 bucks for them, and knows they are going to sell out. I wonder how many units they actually sold this morning?

#1Gamer. Anyone want to give me a 360 for an early christmas present?
Sorry MasterMold... I think in the console games section last night I suggested that you guys try Sams clubs and BJ's...[post=631659]Click Me![/post] if you have em out west... i told my other buddy about that this morning... he walked in this morning and got 2...
Master-Mold said:
drpepper said:
No one really knows what effect this could have, but it could actually be bad if demand isnt met by X-mas. Who knows how many parents may buy an alternate present instead for their loved ones.

I think MS knows what there doing. Even if parenst buy alternate presents, their kids are still going to bug them for a 360, and they will still buy one. Remember when the original Xbox came out? Everytime stores got shpments in, the would sell out fast. It was that way for a long time after launch.

#1Gamer. Now just waiting to place a preorder on a PS3.
people in NA bitch because too few units, people in europe are happier because they are not having to wait 1 yr for it... can't please everyone
valioso said:
people in NA bitch because too few units, people in europe are happier because they are not having to wait 1 yr for it... can't please everyone

They should have pleased Japan less, by about 150,000 consoles. Its not like they care anyway. 50,000 would be more than enough for them considering this launch pretty much doesnt cater to them at all.

150,000 more consoles in NA wouldnt have completely solved the issue, but it would have helped some and every single one would have been scooped up by now Im sure. I have been searching online for hours and cant find a single system. And no Im not paying $1000 on ebay.

Microsoft keeps trying to win over the Japanese, but what about your already loyal customers? They already get a cheaper Premium Package than the rest of us.
Sorry to hear your woes. I'll be in the same position Friday week, when it launches in Europe (I'm minus a preorder), but I don't think I'll be camping out for one. I'll just do an early morning trip around the various stores locally, and if I get one, I get one, if not, oh well.
Sorry to hear these sad stories, that really hurts. This reminds me of Cricket crazyness here in India, once for a cricket match in Delhi, people stood in the line for more than 24 hours outside the bank (where the tickets were being sold). Thousands had to return empty handed. I wouldn't do something like that for anything, but I respect your sense of commitment and passion.
Sorry guys,

You have to understand that for the first time we are quite happy in Europe to be in the first wave. Which is nice from Microsoft.

However, this time has gone too far. I understand MS' strategy, but it is unfair. Here we are not having any problems with reservations, it looks like there are as many as wanted. Probably it is because this is a very pro-Sony territory, and Microsoft is prioritizing. Which makes a lot of sense for them, but is is unfair from a custotmer's point of view.

Good luck!!! I expect that after December 2nd, you will receive as many as they were able to produce.
Japan should not have a strong demand. Shitty line-up for japanese taste.
IMO MS is going to prioritize Europe and Japan. it makes sense for them. However it can really burn people there.

Reserved 2 weeks ago, number #21 for premium system in a small store, no availability problems. Much stronger demand than xbox1 launch (we were 4 idiots) but still, unfair compared to you!!!.
It's not good to abandon your strongest market just to prioritise a more lucrative one.MS needs to learn Aesop's Fables The Dog and The Bone.
demoniq said:
You're gonna hate me for saying this but up here in Canada there are at least 7 stores
all within 30 min drive from my house that havent's sold out.

They all sold out within ~10 minutes around me. The Futureshop only had 18 systems to sell aside from preorders (~60). I picked up #17 sadly only a core, I showed up about 30 minutes before they opened the doors. Walmart only had 42 (18 core/24premium) they sold out before I got out of future shop (5-10minutes). (The walmart is only 100yards from FS so I wandered over). Superstore had a better price than FS on accessories and opened an hour later, so I stopped there also, there were more people in line there than at FS and it looked like they had less systems.
valioso said:
people in NA bitch because too few units, people in europe are happier because they are not having to wait 1 yr for it... can't please everyone
Yeah, to all the whiny babies in the US whining because they didn't reserve their own system in time, cry me a river, alright! :D When did you become such bellyaching bitches anyway, would John Wayne have broken down and wept like a girl because Best Buy ran out of stock 2 guys before your position in line? :LOL:

There's other countries in the world you know. We also want to play on the x360 within a reasonable amount of time. Don't be so fecking self-centered all the time...
1) MS does not have any competition this Xmas. The previous gen is just that - the previous gen. 360 is the only game in town for people to really boast about, so it will be the one people want.
2) People can bitch all they want, they will still want it and will buy it when it becomes available. Because of #1.
3) The userbase will be more widespread and in-sync, which must have some advantage. More people will be fully aware of the thing and want it.

MS isn't aiming to please, they are aiming to build a userbase as wide as possible as quickly as possible. They are in the strongest position I think I've ever seen. They have about a year to be build before PS3 shows up, and whenever Nintendo does. Worldwide launches are the future with the globalization of business. MS may be the first, but don't expect them to be the last.

Anyway, you will buy a 360 if you want one. Regardless of how long you have to wait. What's the rush anyway lol? WTF. Go play your friend's and then get one that's not a first rev bugged mess (from what I'm hearing).
MS is making a strong statement with the world wide launch to the publishers too by the way.

Did you ever wonder why there are more than 200 titles in the works already?