Can you explain to me how a persons conception of themselves based on a cultural standard is some how outside the bounds of enviroment?
The enviroment(in a cultural sense) influences people, that is true. But even it(cultural influence) is only allowed to do so after the brain has developed quite a bit.
Where can i find references to th information you have cited here?
Well, they've been on the discover channel network, msnbc, etc... In my free time I've watched countless programs dealing with this, and I'm sure there are many sources on the net.
WOuld the same be true for Pedophiles, those sexually excited by animals, and necrophiliacs fit into the same category?
Well, there is a significant difference, two large segments of the populations, that is the sexes, are attracted to those members of the other group. I believe this is not so for animals or the like.
The fact that the male/female silhouette, and shapes or hints resembling bodily portions of a member of the sex to which the person is attracted, tend to arouse should give you a hint. This arousal response arises naturally out of most members of this species, this is not so for other objects silhouettes, etc.
This says little if anything concerning the object that is fueling the drive or for that matter the reasons behind it.
The child does not tend to develop an attraction for some random object, it is for the female/male figure. This is so in other sexual species, the sexes tend to attract each other.
I disagree with this societal stereotype. I have seen quite often girls and boys playing with each other. Its generally when an outsider informs them of some soceital norm that "girls/boys are yucky" or "you shouldn't play with girls/boys" that children begin to behave differently.
I know, that was just an example.
What does this say about the about of the drive? Surely you admitt cultures accross the world value different features as to be attractive. Are all these features some how preprogrammed in the psyche?
True, as is in many other species, still it tends to be between members of the opposite genders.
I doubt this is so. Infact i am willing to wager children can recognize what htey have been taught to find attractive at early ages.
We could design, unethical, experiments to see if we teach children to be attracted to non-human things and see if they remain so, or if they return to their nature... I'm sure you'd agree with my hypotheses that the males will tend to be attracted to the females, etc.
There are many children who tend to ignore their parents and even societal rules, and even present a facade in front of them, even amongst them I'm sure a poll will show you their sexual preferences are similar to the rest of the species.
The conception of "male" and "female" are obviously enviromental (unless of course you'd care to explain to me how a child is conceived with this knowledge). How then could they possibly know what is attractive or what is the "right" gender to pursue sexually?
The brain has areas to recognize facial features, and it also has several reflexes built in. The survival of the species depends on the reproduction of its members, this is something of the utmost importance, surely you don't think that it is left up to chance or the enviroment. Attraction also occurs in all other species, and surely you've seen the DNA % comparisons. Unless you argue this pre-built stuff that highly influences many organisms, has for some unknown and illogical reason being taken out of our species through NS... it or part of it should be there, humans evolved, and I see no logical reason for these things to be removed.
Heck, SS could probably have influenced quite some the dev. of many human characteristics...
Do you think, even if we stop teaching children about "sex", as has been in many areas where it is taboo, and attempt a ban on it for the next gen., that it will go well with them? I'd say NO, as I'm sure you'd agree.
It is clear, IMHO, that people aren't taught to seek those members of the opposite sex, their desire to do so is built-in to a certain degree. Still, there are probably ways to change this, just as people can starve themselves to death, or go without sleep to their tomb, etc.