Natoma said:Hmm. And here I thought your first reply to me would be to apologize in that other thread for flat out lying about the things I was saying,
Oh my, are you still going on about that rant of yours? You attempt at drawing me into an argument with you failed so you must try again? I did as i said i would, i spared myself the agony of meaningless conversation with you by ignoring what you had to say later in the thread. You had nothing to add to the topic and were deliberately vague in order to attempt at making a rather irrelevant point. I do not owe you any apologizes for misunderstanding your position (if i infact did) as your were intentionally vague.
and not even caring that you were doing it Hell, even admitting it through your sarcasm. Guess I was wrong there.
Oh my, you admit it was sarcasm and take it to be an admission of something. Clearly and Fraudian esque slip, Natoma.
p.s.: i was responding to london-boy making a joke about me not attending yale, obviously. your misrepresentations continue even here...
Lol hardly. I feel you are trying to divert the topic away from what was intended for you to answer. You proported to know more than Vince about this topic and yet you have done nothing to prove this but provide some anonymous authority who was infact your teacher. There are more clear implication from what Silent One was asking you then you choose to admitt. His was a challenge of your arrogance.