Howard Dean and the Gay Gene


[url= said:
Dean Still Believes in Gay Gene[/url]]The Boston Globe ran a large front-page story this morning that Howard Dean's Christian faith made him sign the civil union bill in Vermont in 2000.

But it indicated that Dean's thinking is colored because of his belief in a gay gene, which was totally discredited by 1999. It caused some observers to wonder if Howard still believes in the tooth fairy.

The Globe reported: "'The overwhelming evidence is that there is [sic] very significant, substantial genetic component" to homosexuality, Dean said in an interview yesterday. 'From a religious point of view, if God had thought homosexuality is a sin, he would not have created gay people.'"

The only problem is there's no evidence of a gay gene. The Globe itself repudiated the gay gene theory back on February 7, 1999, when it said, "The gene still has not been found, and interest in, and enthusiasm for, the 'gay gene' research has waned among activists and scientists alike. And there is a growing consensus that sexual orientation is much more complicated than a matter of genes."

...The man who "discovered" the gene in 1973 was a homosexual activist, Dean Hamer. It's frightening that this "misinformation" or "propaganda" is reported as truth during a Presidential campaign. But it is not surprising because Pinch Sulzberger, Chairman of the New York Times and Boston Globe has shown many times that he will lie about anything to achieve his goals, which is currently gay marriage.

...It also makes one wonder why the huge caches of money which have put Dean ahead from the first day have not been examined by the press. There was a report by one television network that the money has come from homosexual activists, but we have found nothing in print about the source of that mysterious money.

This guy's a walking intellectual disaster area. I'm tempted to help this guy out in his pseudo-religious cum anti-pharmaceutical crusade by sending him this highly competent trial which demonstrates "Using Prayer To Microevolve Latent Antibiotic Resistance In Bacteria" :LOL:

Not to mention his commanding religious knowledge. As if his Book of Job blunder was as bad as it gets. I personally don't care, but if you're going to play the part atleast put in some time and do some research. Perhaps he should take a look at Leviticus 18:22 lol.
Uhm, he said that there is a significant genetic component to homosexuality, which there is. Sexuality is strongly controlled by a mixture of our genes and hormonal womb environment which in turn also affect the expression of said genes to various forms including homosexuality and heterosexuality. But they are the same, expressions of different facets of an innate human sexuality. Much the same way eye color changes, but it's just a gene for eye color. There isn't a gene for blue or green or red. Just differences in how it gets expressed.

He never said that there is a "Gay Gene" that some have and others don't. Whoever wrote the article doesn't understand biology it seems since they extrapolated that meaning.

p.s.: The book of leviticus also forbids eating fish on days other than Friday and forbids women who are menstruating from leaving their homes until the bleeding stops. It also says if your kids disobey, you should stone them to death. Don't see any of those rules, or many of the other archaic rules in leviticus, being adhered to either. ;)
Natoma said:
Here's a good article on Howard Dean.

p.s.: Be careful when treading on others religiousity Vince. You don't know his religious committments and beliefs.
I do know he wasn't committed enough to sit through the whole service when he visited the black baptist church in North Carolina (I think) where the pictures in Newsweek (I think) were taken.

Apparently once the pictures were taken, he "had to rush off". Just like Leiberman and a few others.

As unelectable as a black woman is, I think I respect Braun the most of all the democrat hopefuls.
Natoma said:
Uhm, he said that there is a significant genetic component to homosexuality, which there is. Sexuality is strongly controlled by a mixture of our genes and hormonal womb environment which in turn also affect the expression of said genes to various forms including homosexuality and heterosexuality. But they are the same, expressions of different facets of an innate human sexuality. Much the same way eye color changes, but it's just a gene for eye color. There isn't a gene for blue or green or red. Just differences in how it gets expressed.

He never said that there is a "Gay Gene" that some have and others don't. Whoever wrote the article doesn't understand biology it seems since they extrapolated that meaning.

Oh, right, criticize others for their understanding of Biology when yours is on par with a freshmen in High school. :rolleyes:

On each Chromosome, which can be considered a form of 3 dimensional compression for linear DNA, there is encoded information which is defined as a Gene that will ultimatly produce a protein or functional RNA molecule. We can further refine this to a non-tangible 'Genetic Map' that is an information carrier that is locality dependent (at a spot called a Loci), yet variant to specific changes in the information held at said location. This is what brings about the term Allele which is a particular variation of a Gene.

What you said is utter horseshit that's on a grade 8 level my friend. There are several 'genes' known at this point (two on C15, one on C19) that code for a specific eye color (eg. Blue, Brown...) vis-a-vis regulating melanin production. While not all the genes involved have been located, the mechanics behind it are well understood and it's strictly controlled by classic transmission genetics.

So, first off you're blatantly wrong with there not being a gene for specific eye color (as there are at least 3; and how would you explain Waardenburg Syndrome?!?) and the problem with the Homosexual <-> Genetic link is that, as the author stated, it just doesn't feasibly work.

Howard Dean is wrong (as are you) because by invoking genetics it means that there is a "Gay Gene(s)" where on your linear DNA there are loci which hold information that will ultimately produce a homosexual if in one configuration, and a heterosexual if in another. Now, you can add Complexity/Chaos Theory to this and talk about how these genetic links (which by definition are encoded in a gene) have a nonlinear effect on your sexuality, but fundamentally you're left with the same argument. So, where's the Gay Gene? Where are the bp's that control sexuality?

Then it opens the door for the inevitable, Where's the Beastiality Genetic link? Do Pedophiles have a genetic basis too? And the answers for these are shit no, Life is a selfish bastard - having sex with a donkey doesn't help. Beastiality & Homosexuality are clearly inferior strategies, this is beyond debate.

[url= said:
Full Spirit: Holistic Gay Christian Wellness & Undestanding[/url]] It is a choice[?]

Although there is little evidents that prove the genetic cause of homosexuality, but social evident has show that almost all homosexual did not choose to be gays and lesbians.

I'll save you some time, you won't find them. There is no "genetic link" and you won't find one. The research done which have found "connections" are all fallacious when examined (and unable to be reproduced by among the most eminent facilities) and nothing more than media hype and homosexual "propaganda" for lack of better words. Rather, you'll find your causes in the "hormonal womb environment" which you identified and in other "environmental" influences that, perhaps, at a young age cause imbalances from the natural progression of an individuals biochemistry and leads them down a path wrt sexuality that becomes self-reinforcing and psychological with time. Right in line with psychology and behavioral neuroscience has been saying.

FYI: The Author is ultimately correct, perhaps you should have read up first.

The book of leviticus also forbids eating fish on days other than Friday and forbids women who are menstruating from leaving their homes until the bleeding stops. It also says if your kids disobey, you should stone them to death. Don't see any of those rules, or many of the other archaic rules in leviticus, being adhered to either. ;)

Shit dude, I don't care what that book says myself. Yet, as I said, if you're a believer and you publically position yourself as one - perhaps you should: (a) Know what is says (eg. What you claim to believe) and (b) Adhear to it.

As far as Leviticus, it's some crazy stuff. Yet, if you're inclined to believe some of it and consider yourself a follower I'd hope you wouldn't be a hypocrite and support just the things you like. But, thats HMO.
Hey Natoma, as an aside, I love this website. Does this look familiar?

[url= said:
Full Spirit: Holistic Gay Christian Wellness & Undestanding[/url]] If we follow their logic, we would have to accept other sexual deviances, like pedephiles and incest too.

The gay issue does resemble other sexual deviance logically. But other sexual problems deal with issues like maturity, age, obsession, abuse of power, and disruption of established families. The gay issue is unique. Gays are building a new, independent kind of love between free adults. Although our logical path does seem to point to the possibility of justifying other sexual problems, arriving to the conclusion of acceptance is another matter. We will draw a line somewhere by our common sense. Just like allowing swimming suit in public does not imply accepting nudity in public, gay acceptance does not imply accepting sexual perversions.

I respect them, atleast they've thought it though - admit analogues - and propose some limitations. Which I'd agree with in praxis and when not arguing you.
Vince said:
Oh, right, criticize others for their understanding of Biology when yours is on par with a freshmen in High school.

Hmmm. I spent my first year at Yale as a pre-med student and Howard Dean has been practicing medicine for decades now? Yeah, I think I'll trust our interpretations much more than yours Vince, and leave it at that.

p.s.: I notice no commentary in the "Powell says no Al-Qaeda links with Iraq" thread I started yesterday. You were so sure about that one in the "it's getting drafty thread" as well vince. ;)

0-3 now? :p
Hmmm. I spent my first year at Yale as a pre-med student and Howard Dean has been practicing medicine for decades now? Yeah, I think I'll trust our interpretations much more than yours Vince, and leave it at that.
I was a biology student at the University of New Haven. The first year of General Biology 1 & 2, Chemistry 1 & 2, ect... the next year had Zoology, Organic 1 & 2, Micro biology, ect. Third year had Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (loved the Cats!), Biochemistry, Genetics, ect...Pre-Med students did not differ too much in course selection, at least in the first two years. So, since you seem to believe your more qualfied than Vince tell us what courses did you take as a first year bio student???[/quote]
The normal first year courses. Biology, Chemistry, Lab for both, and Genetics. Thing that sucked about it is that all of the science labs were up on this huge hill just outside of new haven that we had to trek to. I think it was about a mile from my dorms.

That is not fun in the new haven winter. :)

p.s.: I also stated Dr. Howard Dean. Now it's been several years since I've done any kind of science. I am 26 going on 27 after all. But Dr. Dean has been actively practicing for decades. So as I said, I'll trust his interpretation and mine just a tad more than Vince's in this regard.
The normal first year courses. Biology, Chemistry, Lab for both, and Genetics.
Sorry. Don't believe you. :cry:
Genetic is a complex course that would have require biology and chemistry as a prerequisite.

A 4 in AP Biology is all that is required. Pretty sad. I'm the former Yale student and someone is questioning me on what is offered at Yale. :LOL:
A 4 in AP Biology is all that is required. Pretty sad. I'm the former Yale student and someone is questioning me on what is offered at Yale.
Sorry to question you but it seems a 5 in the AP biology test is whats needed:
Prerequisites. The basic science courses required of all Biology majors are MCDB 120a, E&EB 122b, and either MCDB 121La or E&EB 123Lb; CHEM 113, 114, or 118a taken with their appropriate laboratories as well as two terms of organic chemistry with laboratories (CHEM 125, 126L satisfies both chemistry requirements); two terms of PHYS 150a, 151b or higher; and one term of MATH 115a or b or above, but not MATH 190a or b. Note that the prerequisites fulfill most of the usual premedical science requirements. Students in Area I may, with permission of the director of undergraduate studies, substitute three course credits in geology, engineering, or quantitative sciences for organic chemistry.

Placement. Students who have scored 710 or higher on the SAT II subject test or 5 on the Advanced Placement test in biology may be exempt from taking MCDB 120a and E&EB 122b and their associated laboratories. Students with equivalent scores on one of the corresponding chemistry tests may also be exempt from taking MCDB 120a but should first discuss their preparation in biology with one of the directors of undergraduate studies.
And that only exempts you from basic biology and chem courses which you indicate you took.
Hmm. Let's see. I was a freshman when? Oh that's right, 1995-1996. Prerequisites and Curriculums do change, sometimes often.

I accelerated to junior status after I took my sophomore year off. Apparently before I got there, you couldn't use AP scores to do so. They had to be hard credits taken for instance during summer school. But yep, you sure know more about the prerequisites for Yale than I do. :rolleyes:

p.s.: I don't have a 1995-1996 Blue Book (shorthand for the curriculum handed to all incoming freshmen) offhand so I can't put your questioning heart at rest. Lord.....
Natoma said:
Hmm. Let's see. I was a freshman when? Oh that's right, 1996. Prerequisites and Curriculums do change, sometimes often.

I accelerated to junior status after I took my sophomore year off. Apparently before I got there, you couldn't use AP scores to do so. They had to be hard credits taken for instance during summer school. But yep, you sure know more about the prerequisites for Yale than I do. :rolleyes:

p.s.: I don't have a 1996 Blue Book (shorthand for the curriculum handed to all incoming freshmen) offhand so I can't put your questioning heart at rest. Lord.....

Well, Natoma, i'm going to need your registration number, a copy of your Degree certificate and an ID or i won't believe you, you liar!!! :LOL: Just kidding...
Sorry no degree certificate to offer. I dropped out at the end of my 1st semester, Junior Year, i.e. December 1998. :)

I don't remember my registration number, but I do have my acceptance letter and some pictures of me in the Yale Alley Cats singing group. I can scan those in to show at least I went to yale! :)

Holy shit I just found my Yale ID! It was sitting at the back of my wallet. :LOL:
Natoma said:
Sorry no degree certificate to offer. I dropped out at the end of my 1st semester, Junior Year, i.e. December 1998. :)

I don't remember my registration number, but I do have my acceptance letter and some pictures of me in the Yale Alley Cats singing group. I can scan those in to show at least I went to yale! :)

Holy shit I just found my Yale ID! It was sitting at the back of my wallet. :LOL:

No certificate!? Well, i'm sorry to say Natoma, i don't believe you... :LOL: U're a failure, a drop out, how can i trust you :LOL: :LOL: just kidding!
Blast! My attempted deceptions have been uncovered!

Sigh I admit it all. I actually never made it out of the kindergarden sandbox. :(
Natoma said:
Sorry no degree certificate to offer. I dropped out at the end of my 1st semester, Junior Year, i.e. December 1998. :)

I don't remember my registration number, but I do have my acceptance letter and some pictures of me in the Yale Alley Cats singing group. I can scan those in to show at least I went to yale! :)

Holy shit I just found my Yale ID! It was sitting at the back of my wallet. :LOL:

I don't think whether or not you went to yale and graduated is in concention. I specifically remember Silent One requesting to know your background in biology when your proport to have a more exstensive background in biology then Vince without knowing his background.
Hmm. And here I thought your first reply to me would be to apologize in that other thread for flat out lying about the things I was saying, and not even caring that you were doing it. Hell, even admitting it through your sarcasm. Guess I was wrong there.


p.s.: i was responding to london-boy making a joke about me not attending yale, obviously. your misrepresentations continue even here...