Heavenly Sword update (E3 cometh..)

More impressions from IGN - their favourite game there :D


The most impressive thing about the build, though, is that it looks exactly like the target-render trailer that Sony ran at its press conference last year. Nariko looked fantastic here, with attention paid to every little detail. The clothing on her body flapped realistically in the wind, the flare on her belt moved as she did, the fluidity of her animations were very high-end. Enemies didn't have quite as much detail paid to them as Nariko did, of course, but even so, they weren't exactly visual pushovers. The whole graphical package was really quite enjoyable.

Speaking of counters and kill moves, there were several to choose from even in our limited time with the build. Tapping triangle as soon as an enemy attacks (indicated with a quick flash) allows for a bevy of reversals depending on the situation. Nariko has several very cool offensive moves as well, and can evade stalkers with a quick tap of the right analog stick. Ranged and Power stances vary the kinds of attacks she can perform (be it with chained blades or a conventional sword), and pressing the action button (X) will allow her to pick up objects and throw them at enemies.

IGN also has a new trailer asides from gameplay footage, but it seems mostly composed of gameplay stuff anyway..looks so beautiful :)
Damn. One hell of a job nAo and DeanoC are doing over there. How exactly do you guys make the animation so damn good? I mean you are always talking a AA and HDR effects but I thinking the animation is just as good if not better.

I mean there is absoutely nothing else on any console (seen thus far) that compares in the animation department. Seems like IGN loved your game. Keep up the good work.
This game has some BIG production values.


Emotionally charged, stunningly beautiful and delivering unprecedented dramatic character performance, Heavenly Sword showcases the power of PLAYSTATION 3. A dramatic tale of revenge sees Nariko, a fiery red-haired heroine embark on a quest for vengeance against an invading King and his army. The story builds around the ancient Heavenly Sword which once belonged to a powerful deity. It can never be wielded by a mortal without it draining their life-force, killing them within hours.

When the invading King (played by Andy Serkis) destroys the warrior clan that guards the Heavenly Sword, the clan leader’s daughter, Nariko, takes up the sword in a desperate fight for survival. Nariko must now pay the ultimate price as she embarks on one last mission of vengeance against the King and his army before her life is finally drawn to a close…

Andy Serkis, the world’s leading CG actor, famous for his roles as Gollum in “The Lord of the Rings†and Kong in “King Kongâ€, was heavily involved in the creative process. As well as starring in Heavenly Sword as the villain, King Botan, Andy was a major contributor to the character development, writing, casting, directing and performance capture for the PLAYSTATION 3 game.

Heavenly Sword features a deep, diverse combat experience made possible by PLAYSTATION 3.

The Heavenly Sword itself can Transform into Three Distinct Stances – Players can switch between on the fly allowing players to create their own fighting styles.
The Combat Engine can Scale Up – From sophisticated one-on-one encounters to one-on-many, where enemies employ intelligent squad-based dynamics, right up to combat against battalions pushing real-time gameplay and AI to unprecedented new levels.
Physics-based Combat – Players can sweep debris against opponents, kick tables to halt an oncoming surge of fighters, smash the enemy into the scenery or throw bodies into other enemies using aftertouch controls.
Wide Range of Objects and Weaponry – Including multi-skewering spears and devastatingly explosive bazookas.
Creative in-game Cinematography – Coupled with real-time story evolvement and amazing set-pieces makes the action feel like a blockbuster action movie and takes combat gameplay to new heights.

I've heard that the sound effects team that did Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is also working on it.
The game looks faithful to the video that was released last year :)

gratz on NT for all the hardwork and endless suffering you guys had to endure to make this product very close to it's target spec :)

can't wait for it :) !!!!!!
1up's initial impressions:


The animations that accompany her spinning yo-yo-like buzzsaws are devastating to both her enemies and any nearby objects, like tables, barrels and chairs. Nariko can also pick up and throw items, although this is far less satisfying than filleting your enemies. The Circle button also activates special moves when Nariko's meter is either partially or completely filled.

The graphics are the obvious highlight, with nice bump-mapping accompanying her fluidly animated red tresses. Bloom lighting was in full effect, which made Heavenly Sword look like some parts were pulled straight out of the arena scenes in Gladiator the movie.
Dam good job. I'll be watching G4 today, hopefully they will talk about the game in detail, give it more buzz.

The NT guys have to get in here and talk about the demo, what build is it? Ask me and I'd say the graphics are pretty much as impressive as I've seen from anyone so far. But are they working to get them better even? what about res? 720p or is the game running 1080p(not like it matters though)?:)
Heavenly Sword pierces the mainstream!

In MSNBC's front page article on the PS3 price being announced, in the article they excplicitely mention HS along with GT. As no other games were mentioned, it must have made a VERY good impression with the mainstream media to garner recognition above other well known titles demoed.

They also showed off new PS3 games, including a demonstration high-definition version of the racing game “Grand Turismoâ€￾ and the sword fighting action game “Heavenly Sword," and a new motion-sensitive wireless controller.

Good job guys!
Yeah, I saw a Washington Post article I think earlier, highlighting it as their pick of the conference. It's great stuff, must be very rewarding for NT :)

edit - here we go:

How good were they? Overall, what I expected. EA Sports was around to show off some cool facial animations and "player awareness" with demos of NBA Live 07 and Tiger Woods. Sony showed off some pretty wicked fist party offerings (including a demo of Heavenly Sword -- which was by far the best demo of the presentation).

Yes, this game sold PS3 to me.

Any chance of a tech interview at launch ? People on this forum will be curious how the Cell and RSX helped (or don't help).
Too bad MS let the NT team go and then NT chose Sony over MS... It would have been great to see what they could have done with the hardware. HS is THE first great next gen title and game to beat this gen moreso than Gears...
HS has the potential to be a God of War like hit, a premier first-party franchise.

GOW appealed widely on beautiful backdrops, story and production values. But they had like 3 years didn't they?

The graphics and animation seem to be there. Game doesn't have to be long (GOW was short) but it needs varied backgrounds (not saying that isn't the case).

This is also the type of game which could benefit from the new controller features.
wco81 said:
Game doesn't have to be long (GOW was short) but it needs varied backgrounds (not saying that isn't the case).
I dunno about that, I may speak on my own when I say one of the negative points to GOW was that it was so short, just because the game was so good. I'd say if your going to make a game short, atleast add some replay value into it.

Some ideas...
-mini games (gow's challenege of the gods kind of things)
-hidden characters
-unlockable weapons
-some unlockable cheats (unlocked after you beat the game of course)
-new costumes
-side stories/missions
-unlockable game art
-additional levels/maps, i suppose off sony's network
-alternate endings

oh, and with blu-ray I hope to see a 1hr long "the making of" film of HS including full details on NT/Heavenly Sword team ;) :D
I hate the whole unlockable stuff scheme. It's an artificial way to increase longetivity of a game. Give me more levels.

Oh and I hope the whole buying extra characters and levels idea bombs. Or let someone else buy that junk if it subsidizes free online play for me.:devilish: