Heavenly Sword update (E3 cometh..)

Titanio said:
I found these in a folder linked from GAF:

Stunning stuff! Congrats to Deano, nAo and the rest of the NT gang..it's truly beautiful! :D

Hmmm, I don't know if I'd use "stunning" to describe this...

Will wait for videos though... I need my next-gen action-adventure fix..
well, like I said at GAF - it's still slightly rough around the edges, but nothing dramatic that can't be sorted out til launch. It looks very nice, I don't know if it's on par with last year - but still very nice.
I think the bloomy highlights on the clothes (mainly) and some enemies skin in certain body areas could be more soft, a more "diffused" look, they "glow" the same or more than metal!...

And the waterfall capture 2 me is just a in-game concept art render, the textures quality level is to high compared to most of the other recent screens. It might be in the final product but wont be exactly like what its shown on that image.

Personnaly i dont care about the AA i'd rather see better textures with high AF with a good atractive design immersed in a great soundtrack with a good story plot.
Still the game looks promising.
OMG...HOLY !!!!

Heaven Sword Looks great. I want this game NOW.

I wasn't as excited till now. E3 conference video and action is amazing..the Air battle OMG...GREAT JOB so far guys.

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WoW, Heavenly Sword looks really good in the video! The world looks active and alive, and the animation is really good. The Gamplay looks like a mix of GoW and N3. VERY VERY nice! The animation is great! Nice camera work as well. Did I compliment the animation enough?!

DeanoC and nAo and NT nice job guys!

Right now the card game and this are at the top of my list.