but N5 and PS3 will be fine for HL2 since they will both have at least 256 MB of high-bandwidth main memory. N5 and PS3 will have the computing resources, the graphics processing resources, the memory resources and the bandwidth resources to do games based on HL2 and DOOM3 engines incredibly well. unlike PS2 and GC, or even XBox.
It makes perfect sense to put HL2 and HL2 engine-based games on N5 and PS3. it does not make sense to put them on GC or PS2.
Ughh, is that what some of you're expecting out of next-gen consoles? Personally I expect next-gen consoles to at the very least, deliver games that would be as far from HL2/DoomIII(gphx/physics/etc), as HL2/DoomIII are from launch DC games...
I'd also expect the NGConsoles to be a bit above the PC progression.
Both will look much better than the best xbox and ps2 has to offer.
Well, HL2's cutscene char.s ain't that far actually...(In other forums, they've compared them to console titles... and let's just say... the casual gmr had quite a different opinion...)
DoomIII/HL2, look extremely good indeed, but they've not delivered what I'd expected... they appear to be beefed-up versions of what we currently have, not mind-blowing IMHO.