Depends on what irritates you. The violence doesn't distrb me but characters hurtling abuses at me irritates me. The violence is just a cartoony version of the real world, its fake in every way,. you never feel like you are murdering someone when u shoot in a game(except in a very few select games). neither do you feel that u r being murdered when you die. but the swearing is exaclt the way it is in real,sounds and feels real to me. I isn't some fake cartoony version of it

! It sounds just as bad as it sounds in real life. Nino kuni has some fake swearing, by Drippy, and its funny and entertaining ! But in GTA, and in many more games these days, it feels unnecessary and overdone. GTA's satire is understandable, but in other games its totally unnecessary.
Brutal legend and Prey relaised there are people who prefer to turn them off , they provided the option, most games don't. This si th eonly thing that turns me off from a game, unnecessary swearing.
I would enjoy GTA much more if people there would talk like people, not like a heap of garbage ! But then its GTA, it exactly makes fun of that and so has it in heaps. Every character is dysfunctional and weird.
Don't wish to derail the thread,I just said I wished there was an option like in BL and Prey, to add beeps. I, personally, would enjoy it more and concentrate on the fun gameplay.