Yea, as Bill says, I too often put the controller on the table
in the middle of intense gameplay. It really will be annoying when the controller registers it as a movement, when I just
want to put the controller away while I play.
He really has no glue what he's talking about, he just tries to find negatives to downplay the competition, but his arguments fall a bit short
He might as well have said the analog sticks are useless, because when he puts the controller down he's thumbs no longer are on the sticks.
The PS3 controller does not need to be held high in the air in front of you, it works perfectly well with the gyro if you rest your hands in your lap as you've probably done by now.
It doesn't need those excessive amounts of movement like in the Warhawk E3 conference demonstration. That was just for the show, so that people in the back row can see it too.
True, some people move a lot while they play, but I think most are pretty still.
Actually, those involuntary movements might just aid the gamer, for example in a flying game, if the enemy shoots at you and you try to evade at the last moment tilting the controller automatically left or right and the game registers it as a movement.. that's just good!
Besides, more interesting than just basic left, right, up, dow, tilt etc... movement are the special control functions that the developers will find for the gyro, like in Tekken where by shaking the controller you you can break free from a grapple. These kind of functions where the movement registering is not active all the time, but in special occasions.
MS must be a bit worried now because they are the only one with a basic controller.
Motion sensor
could be the new analog sticks, no matter how some want to downplay it (because they don't have it).
Wanna bet MS will have it too (with rumble) in a year or so.