Gamepro: System Sellers "The Showdown" (5 pages)
Sure, successful third-party games like Madden are an important aspect of a console's success, but a system's exclusives are its real bread and butter. We match up the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii's exclusive games that are most likely to move consoles from the store right into your happy home. Which console wins? The results might surprise you.
1st place: PS3
With all the negative press lately, it's hard to imagine Sony as the winner here. But when you actually look at how many probable stellar exclusive games it has lined up for the year to come, we have to put the PS3 in the number one slot. So many of these games are surefire blockbusters such as MGS4, Killzone 2, SOCOM 4, Gran Turisimo 5, Final Fantasy XIII, Ratchet & Clank...and the list goes on.
Sure, the recent negative press on the PS3's high price is definitely a factor for consumers, but the probable 10-year life cycle of the system could mean not having to shell out for another console 5 years from now. And it's all about the games, really. Even after losing the GTA exclusive, Sony's list of PS3-only games is a great reason to own a PS3, even if it's not for another 9 months.
The other driving factor about Sony is that its developers are taking chances with new games on the PS3. Look at the amount of new franchises coming to the PS3, and that's a boon for the consumer.
2nd place: Wii
There's no doubting that the Wii has a number of blockbuster exclusive titles, but the PS3's sheer number of exclusive games beats it out...but barely. The biggest hindrance for Nintendo and the Wii is the lack of new franchises. It's all sequels for now, and while the short term success of Nintendo's established products may have the staying power to thrive for a while, everything goes stale at some point.
Look at Gears of War, and the upcoming Heavenly Sword and MotorStorm. These are new IPs that probably will lead to huge success. Nintendo needs some freshness, and it must take chances if it wants to be back on top.
3rd place: Xbox 360
Yes, the Xbox 360 has the biggest first-party game out there, and there's no denying that Halo 3 will be a huge-scale success. It even has Gears of War, one of the most creative and critically-acclaimed new products on the gaming market. But from here, the list gets very slim. Microsoft needs a few more great reasons to own an Xbox 360 because when the PS3 picks up some steam a year (or less) down the road, it's going to be a tough battle.