Frame Rate Analysis Thread (Simple Rules Post #2)

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..i only encountered 3 cutscenes that have small periods of above 30 fps in the PS3 version, all of them in Mission 2. We are talking at a total of maybe 10 seconds of above 30 fps (it doesn't really look like 60, more like 40 - 45)

If it uses vsync then that would imply it has triple buffering.
Ok but is it true on ps3 lost planet hit to 60fps sometime? Because if is it, the framerate drop on ps3 will be revaluate ...and Dmc 4 you have test personally or you have a source of some test?

I've never seen Lost Planet hit 60fps, where is it supposed to happen? DMC4 is pretty much a constant 60fps in-game, not in cut-scenes.

I own both games on both systems.
I've never seen Lost Planet hit 60fps, where is it supposed to happen? DMC4 is pretty much a constant 60fps in-game, not in cut-scenes.

I own both games on both systems.

My apologies but about lost planet I have read only a post probably it can be false, but about dmc 4 I really see a video posted in slowmotion where shows clearly the difference between 360 and ps3 cutscenes and in some parte the more frame were really evident. I doubt it was a fake, however nothing it is impossible. The forum is neogaf.
The cutscenes in DMC4 for the 360 were capped at 30fps, whereas on PS3 it was not - It was between 30 and 60. IIRC, it stayed at 60fps for a lot of the time but there were many dips down to 30fps.
No real time demo = tech demo shown long before the game was finished.
It really does seem as though real-time demo = event movie = event scene here.

After seeing the progress of this work, director Hideaki Itsuno took the bold decision that if they could not create the event movie with satisfactory quality at 60 FPS, then they should use 30 FPS.​

When SOFTIMAGE|XSI software was used to create such an event scene, they created it with a single scene for each cut. They asked Yuji Shimomura to continue his work from DMC3 and direct each cut. By creating pre-visualization with live-action video, it was easy for the team to understand the required images, which led to a smooth production process. The result is video scenes with a good tempo that links together with the gameplay in an enjoyable way.​
Thanks. About lost planet?

Grandmaster responded to your asks…
Sorry the PS3 version is largely inferior than the 360, it's a old debat check the old resolution thread and also the thread on the Framework engine.
Lost planet got a specific use of the edram of the 360 for explosions, and port this to PS3 impose downgrade on the explosions, and also on the framerate.
May be Lost Planet PS3 don't have Vsinc on and when you have nothing on screen hit the 60fps, but who care if you have only one caracter on screen? ;)
Grandmaster responded to your asks?
Sorry the PS3 version is largely inferior than the 360, it's a old debat check the old resolution thread and also the thread on the Framework engine.
Lost planet got a specific use of the edram of the 360 for explosions, and port this to PS3 impose downgrade on the explosions, and also on the framerate.
May be Lost Planet PS3 don't have Vsinc on and when you have nothing on screen hit the 60fps, but who care if you have only one caracter on screen? ;)

Forgive me but in a technical forum I think every graphic feature is interesting...or not? Supposing the frame rate dips to 60 on 30 fps on ps3: it isn't the case to revaluate the consideration of terrible framerate? This is the reason why I want know that. About downgrade of explosion honestly I know are the same, this analysis was refer to older version if I remember correctly. The only gap compared to 360 was some texture and frame rate.
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Far Cry 2 is in the next Eurogamer face-off, so I'll have an opportunity to measure that one. Gears 2 I'm not so sure.

I'm working 14 hour days at the moment updating my blog and doing Eurogamer work so apologies if I can't meet all the demands here.

Not really because it dips lower than 30fps... Lost Planet is a famously sub-optimal conversion from the 360 original.

Of course, If you have verify that there is no question; I suspected because I know anyone has really verify that but if you said who tested personally ok.
What about Gears of War 2 and FarCry 2 framerates?

I've been playing through Gears 2 split screen co-op and there is a bit of tearing and slowdown here and there in extremely demanding moments (one moment in particular bogged down the system quiet a lot momentarily). It's sporadic and nothing to really hurt the game imo, but it is more prevalent than it was in split-screen co-op in the first game, probably because it has some more demanding scenes of course.

However that is split screen which is even more demanding on the hardware. Cant say too much about full screen.

As with the first I'm sure it's generally at 30 FPS..
Gears 2 definitely dips under 30fps on several occasions.

It always goes below 30 when you fight around 4 or more enemies in close proximity. There are instances of single digits framerate in several ocasions. The few realtime cutscenes that involve some action have serious framerate problems as well.
It always goes below 30 when you fight around 4 or more enemies in close proximity. There are instances of single digits framerate in several ocasions. The few realtime cutscenes that involve some action have serious framerate problems as well.

I arrive to 2k forum. Patch of bioshock is out on ps3. It seems blur effect is fixed and frame rate improves too. Anyone can confirm (or deny) ?
It always goes below 30 when you fight around 4 or more enemies in close proximity. There are instances of single digits framerate in several ocasions. The few realtime cutscenes that involve some action have serious framerate problems as well.

I noticed the cutscenes dipping here and there, but the only other time I registered framerate issues (drops,tearing) was during the encounter with the water beast. I certainly dont recall the framerate ever dipping into the single digits.
I think el rika is vastly exaggerating. I noticed more frame dips than part 1 surely, but it seems 30 most of the time. Certainly not vast tearing either.

And again I mostly have played split screen which is more demanding.

Perhaps grandmasters tests could tell us more about the objective framerate of Gears 2.
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