Frame Rate Analysis Thread (Simple Rules Post #2)

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Remember that Oblivion was out for 360 only months after the system launched.

That's true for the PS3 version too. Both were out March 20th, the year after the launch of the systems, which was in November. Actually, wasn't there a problem with getting PS3 dev kits to developers as well?

If the 360 version saw improvement because of familiarity with the system, it's not unreasonable to expect improvement from the PS3 version as well, unless you're guessing that they pushed the PS3 to its limits, only months after launch.
That's true for the PS3 version too. Both were out March 20th, the year after the launch of the systems, which was in November. Actually, wasn't there a problem with getting PS3 dev kits to developers as well?

If the 360 version saw improvement because of familiarity with the system, it's not unreasonable to expect improvement from the PS3 version as well, unless you're guessing that they pushed the PS3 to its limits, only months after launch.

360 version was in joint development with pc. 360 dev kits prior to launch where considerably farther away from spec than PS3 dev kits from launch. Porting to PS3 was done after the game was finished rather than in initial development phase.

What does this mean?? Absolutely nothing.

Suffice to say that yes the PS3 Oblivion performed better than the 360 version, yes it released months after the 360 version. Fallout 3 on the PS3 doesnt run as well as the 360 version and both released simultaneously.

Any other supposed reasoning is simply constructed primarily of ifs and buts.
About far cry 2, why 360 version in some videos appear the same tearing of ps3 and less in others? Depend of video cable's or what? Anyone knows?
T.B. said:
Timing issues make you sometimes miss the vsync-interval, hence the tearing.
This is the kind of shit that is ruining the consoles as we know them, this generation(well, some of it at least) just introduced too much uncertainty crap :???: If I wanted to be unable to do things like accurate timing, I'll work on a PC.

Ok so I work on PC now regardless, but that's besides the point...
I don't understood about Mirror's Edge frame rate: where it is better? I have read in some post ps3 thanks to v-sync disable, in other 360 30 fps vs 26 fps on ps3 :cry: anyone can explain to me? Forgive me...:cry:
Why are people accusing Bethesda of slacking off for the PS3 this time when their track record shows otherwise?

The more reasonable explanation is that they had an extra year for the PS3 version of Oblivion and at least partly figured out why their game was so demanding for rather average graphics (even on the PC). Things like AF were probably considered for the first time, because PC gamers always had the control panel.

There is nothing lacking in Fallout 3 PS3 compared to Oblivion PS3. We just have improvements on the 360 due to the enabling of AF and and incorporation of tiling and 4xAA. These can be achieved with minimal effort and performance impact in the grand scheme of what it takes to make a game. Remember that Oblivion was out for 360 only months after the system launched.

In the end, the reason Fallout 3 looks better on 360 is that the devs didn't ignore the big features of Xenos, like so many devs do. It's not because they slacked off on PS3.
Forgive me, but really Fallout 3 on ps3 it's a result of a bad optimization not because on 360 has considered the big features of xenon...if so, why texture bumping and reflection on the ps3 is clearly better on the characters (and sometimes on the ground) and on the 360 are missing? Vsync is always activated on ps3 (not on 360) why? The frame rate will gain more smooth without this, a QA more space, and it isn't so hard to add. And the polygons pop up on the characters only present on the ps3? If it isn't a bad optimization I don't know what is it...
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In short, tuned to each machines capabilities for current game and its scope.

Sure does seem that way. Nice job to those who worked on all the Fallout3's ... based on what I've read here. I still haven't opened my copy as I just picked up Fable2 and Fallout3 together today, and assumed Fable would be shorter.
Is there any info on GeOW2 frame rate and R2?
Nothing measured, but it is capped at 30fps. In the single player campaign it largely holds to that, but there are some sections with slowdown and you can see vsync being lost as well as the engine tries to keep up the frame rate.

Multiplayer - hard to tell completely as I've been basically playing horde 90% of the time, which as you go up the levels and more and more enemies are flooding the screen it's expected the frame rate will take a hit, and it does. I think when I last played at level 20 on the river map the frame rate must have been 10fps at times, again though depends on the map and horde is a worst-case scenario. If they could make horde mode run at 30fps constant then the campaign would have likely been 60fps.
I know it's an 'old' game but about Devil may cry 4 I suspect that the frame rate on 360 is 30 fps and not 60. Anyone can verify that? The doubt is born when I have read Lost planet play sometimes 60 fps on ps3 vs 30 fps of 360...or is it false? I have notice too on 360 the v-sync sometimes is disabled and some texture are worse (the part on the snow mountains, the reflex is missed and the bump it seems worsen to my eyes).
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Both versions are 60fps but the cinematics are capped 30fps on 360.

The cinematics are 30 on PS3 as well, as stated by the developers in a recent article and it is clearly visible with the naked eye as well. There's virtually no difference between cutscenes in both versions, except for a minor stuttering in the PS3 version, probably due to the fact that it is V-synced while on Xbox it is not (there's some tearing here and there) .
There are i think 2 or 3 cutscenes that [strangely] are not frame locked on PS3 and have a few seconds of 60 fps. All in Act 2 if i'm not mistaken. Strange and usseless if you ask me.
Lost Planet PS3 has far more frame drops than the 360 version - it's a very poor conversion. Devil May Cry is also definitely 60fps on both platforms.

Ok but is it true on ps3 lost planet hit to 60fps sometime? Because if is it, the framerate drop on ps3 will be revaluate ...and Dmc 4 you have test personally or you have a source of some test?
...and Dmc 4 you have test personally or you have a source of some test?

DMC on PS3 as well as Xbox360 is 60 FPS in gameplay and 30 in cutscenes (with the earlier mention). The game is a bit smoother on Xbox360, meaning that there are more noticeable framerate drops on PS3, mainly because on Xbox360 the game has V-Sync disabled.
DMC on PS3 as well as Xbox360 is 60 FPS in gameplay and 30 in cutscenes (with the earlier mention). The game is a bit smoother on Xbox360, meaning that there are more noticeable framerate drops on PS3, mainly because on Xbox360 the game has V-Sync disabled.

Sorry but about cutscenes on ps3 you are wrong... is 60/30 fps alternate...
Sorry but of cutscenes on ps3 you are wrong... is 60/30 fps alternate...

..i only encountered 3 cutscenes that have small periods of above 30 fps in the PS3 version, all of them in Mission 2. We are talking at a total of maybe 10 seconds of above 30 fps (it doesn't really look like 60, more like 40 - 45).

I found the article i was talking about (not sure but i think it was on this very site that i got the link from originally):

Takayasu Yanagihara was in charge of the production process for the real-time demo and progress control for subcontractors. He said, "Actually, although the game itself is 60 FPS, the real-time demo was 30 FPS. In the real-time demo, we gave priority to the images."
..i only encountered 3 cutscenes that have small periods of above 30 fps in the PS3 version, all of them in Mission 2. We are talking at a total of maybe 10 seconds of above 30 fps (it doesn't really look like 60, more like 40 - 45).

I found the article i was talking about (not sure but i think it was on this very site that i got the link from originally):

Takayasu Yanagihara was in charge of the production process for the real-time demo and progress control for subcontractors. He said, "Actually, although the game itself is 60 FPS, the real-time demo was 30 FPS. In the real-time demo, we gave priority to the images."
Well I have seen a video comparation posted in a forum, unfortunately I haven' t a link but some cutscenes on ps3 hit to 60fps ...
Takayasu Yanagihara was in charge of the production process for the real-time demo and progress control for subcontractors. He said, "Actually, although the game itself is 60 FPS, the real-time demo was 30 FPS. In the real-time demo, we gave priority to the images."
They are talking about a real time demo they made not the cutscenes in the game as it states in the rest of the article.
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