shud be picking up the PS3 copy within 2-3 days (My most awaited 2010 release)
Is it just me or does everything but the voice work sound muted? On my setup sound effects and music sound really low/flat and the voice acting is about average. If I put up the volume so the sound effects and music is at a decent level then the voice overs are really loud...... anyone else experience this?
Anybody? This is really driving me crazy. I tested out other games like Uncharted 2 and Devil May Cry 4 a DTS and Dolby game respectively to see if it was my system and they sound fine. Granted I'm only about 30 minutes into the game (FF13) but the imbalance of the audio is really turning me off.....It's very unnerving watching a cinematic of what's supposed to be a war and the characters voices totally drowns out the gunfire and explosions around them.
Played it for 6 hours and while visuals are top notch,i dont really have a feeling that I am playing RPG.For now its all fight---->run---->custscene
Yea,sound also wont disappoint,beautiful sound and music in general
Went by Best Buy today to finally pick up a PS3 since FF13 is out and God of War 3 is coming out next week and they were out of stock. I was amazed. The dude told me that none of the best buy's in the dallas area have been able to keep PS3s in stock since November.
Sounds great to me. I also really like it so far (just got the first summon). Feels very FFX-ish to me (and I think IGN's 10/10 for graphics is perfectly understandable too. That is one drop dead gorgeous game indeed. The crystalized lake was absolutely jaw-dropping)
Thats why I think any FF after part 6 is horrible and not an RPG.
I can't stan FMV fests
Went by Best Buy today to finally pick up a PS3 since FF13 is out and God of War 3 is coming out next week and they were out of stock. I was amazed. The dude told me that none of the best buy's in the dallas area have been able to keep PS3s in stock since November. I ended up picking up the 360 version of the game instead and now I see all this stuff about how the 360 port isn't so hot.
Has anyone heard anything about the audio quality on the 360 vs the PS3? I watched the EuroGamer comparison and the video I can deal with, but if the audio quality is below average I am just going to take the 360 version back and wait until I can find a PS3.
The audio IS imbalanced. This on a 5.1 system. Dialogue is often lost in the mix when a character is behind you. It's rather criminal that there are no audio settings to change.